A place for you to talk about movies / Blu Rays and anything related.

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By ScoJo

Exercise your right to VOTE!

The power of Statham compells you...
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By static14
I just voted yes. Three different times in three different states, just like I did during the presidential election.
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By Mateo Sanboval
jgibbs4053 wrote:ive never seen this movie and how does everyone plan on watching?
We set up a planned viewing time that accommodates most, if not all, of us and then you can watch it via stream, download, vhs, beta, laserdisc, dinner theater. Whatever format your heart desires really. I'll be streaming this time.
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By Dollarhyde
@monster same here!

I remember catching a bit of this movie before and thinking omg this is really not good! :D.
But it's STBC movie club! I'll be going in with an open mind.
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By monsterworship
monsterworship wrote:wait what movie did I agree to? i thought we were gonna vote on that.
Ghost of Mars - "The role of female lead Lieutenant Melanie Ballard was originally going to Courtney Love, but she had to pull out at the last minute when her then-boyfriend’s ex-wife ran over her foot." bd factoid
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By chiefbrody
@monster, @dollar

Used to be, we'd take nominations and vote, but we've not done it in ages. @mateo (maybe half-seriously) suggested it when we were discussing the score to Ghosts of Mars on another thread. This is more testing to waters to see if there's enough interest.

For what it's worth, I think the Club benefits from the film being more of a fun watch, than it does from it being a AAA film!

I'll get a vote going on a time and date. At last count we had ten interested.
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By jgibbs4053
Mateo Sanboval wrote:
jgibbs4053 wrote:ive never seen this movie and how does everyone plan on watching?
We set up a planned viewing time that accommodates most, if not all, of us and then you can watch it via stream, download, vhs, beta, laserdisc, dinner theater. Whatever format your heart desires really. I'll be streaming this time.
i watched Zombie on the first go around with this, but i know there were issues w people watching diff cuts so everyone was synced together. that is why i was curious with how everyone was going to watch
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By chiefbrody
jgibbs4053 wrote:
i watched Zombie on the first go around with this, but i know there were issues w people watching diff cuts so everyone was synced together. that is why i was curious with how everyone was going to watch
Indeed. That was the first attempt at a sync, but still one of the most successful. We agree on a 'cut' now, to mitigate timing differences. It's all good though. As far as I'm aware, there's only one cut of 'Ghosts', so no such problems this time.
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By Mateo Sanboval
chiefbrody wrote:@monster, @dollar

Used to be, we'd take nominations and vote, but we've not done it in ages. @mateo (maybe half-seriously) suggested it when we were discussing the score to Ghosts of Mars on another thread. This is more testing to waters to see if there's enough interest.

For what it's worth, I think the Club benefits from the film being more of a fun watch, than it does from it being a AAA film!

I'll get a vote going on a time and date. At last count we had ten interested.
I'm always half joking even when I'm deadly serious. Which I was. Like Chief, I think the thread is more fun when we are watching a film that, beloved or reviled, leaves a little room for idle chatter. Great movies pull our entire attention and that doesn't make for much of a shared viewing experience.
jgibbs4053 wrote:
Mateo Sanboval wrote:
jgibbs4053 wrote:ive never seen this movie and how does everyone plan on watching?
We set up a planned viewing time that accommodates most, if not all, of us and then you can watch it via stream, download, vhs, beta, laserdisc, dinner theater. Whatever format your heart desires really. I'll be streaming this time.
i watched Zombie on the first go around with this, but i know there were issues w people watching diff cuts so everyone was synced together. that is why i was curious with how everyone was going to watch
That's true, Jgibbs, there were. Are there different cuts of GoM? That never occurred to me.
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By monsterworship
i'm cool with Ghosts of Mars. i don't own it, but i'm sure i can scrounge up a copy from any dollar bin this weekend :)
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By Dollarhyde
chiefbrody wrote:
For what it's worth, I think the Club benefits from the film being more of a fun watch, than it does from it being a AAA film!
Absolutely agree many bad films are far less boring than good ones :D

Kickboxer 5 the redemption for example incredibly Shit but brilliantly so! And then there is 'the room'
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By Mateo Sanboval
I just voted the heck out of that poll. Up for the nearest three dates and out on the farthest one. Thanks, Chief!
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By chiefbrody
Cheers for the responses. 14th May is looking good, but I'll wait til more votes are cast.

Apologies for the typo in the question - for anyone concerned that we're watching a prequel you didn't even know existed, we will be watching 'Ghosts of Mars'! I couldn't fix it once a vote had been cast.
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By chiefbrody
It's been a few days and we've had 5 voters (vs 10 who voted to sync). Get your votes in! Remember your can vote for multiple dates too.

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By ScoJo
GoM kicks ass.

It's also pretty damn silly.

But guys.....Foxy Brown's head on a stick, Statham as 'Universe's Least Feminist Man', Natasha Henstridge on E (or sumthin), Zora in a home made hot air balloon, Ice Cube breakin' the fourth wall (and being A Bad Ass), sooooo 90s Mutant Maniacs (circa Berryman in Weird Science) and a truly awesome kick ass thrash score by JC feat. Anthrax and Buckethead shredding your face off.....

Grab your stimulant of choice, gang - this is going to be a wild ride!!
weird-science-michael-berryman.jpg (18.04 KiB) Viewed 5627 times
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By deafmetal
I believe I could make any of the dates, so just count me in for whatever date is the top pick.

@chief - Thank you for putting this together!
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By Hatter313
I've been lurking on this thread since I've only ever made the first one for Zombi (what a fun night that was)

I've been easing into my annual Carpenterthon lately (this year i;m jumping around instead of going in order) so I'm going to try and make this....even though GoM has been omitted thus far in my viewing.
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By monsterworship
Went to four different stores yesterday with used movie and not one GoM to be found.

Opted for a new $5.99 DVD version shipped from Amazon prime.
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By SpaceCadet
Didn't know this was happening, I'll gladly join! What a great idea... And one of the few Carpenter's I had not seen.

I'm good for whatever date works for most people, I just need to Netflix disc it three days in advance.
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