Feel free to rant and rave in here, but please no slander or offensive remarks !

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By ScoJo
Sherioushly though.....

I must admit I don't understand the urge to knock something on the basis that it's 'too niche'.

We live in a world (real and virtual) of a thousand niches, room for everything. If STBC is too specifically
about soundtracks and vinyl (which it has always openly been) then it's all cool - so many other places
to discuss/share/promote non-OST music.

I don't frequent many other places myself, btw - because places where people gather online to discuss music
are often plagued by self-righteous, egotistical douche hats. Something I've never felt here on this forum, and
I believe that is what's known in the bizniz as a Rare Thing.

And personally - I'm here because of film music, I have almost zero interest in discussing other types of music
(for whatever reason) so that's the specific draw for me. I say again - lots of other places out there for that though!

Noticing (and encouraging participation) of newer members sounds like a good thing. Not an issue I've ever
picked up on, but I take your word for it Michael.
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By texasvinyl
Wait... What's lawn bowling? Is there booze
What about a barbecue that also has lawn bowling? And booze, by the gallon. Perhaps monacled lawn bowling, while wearing stovepipe hats and sporting raging, Viagra induced boners. Wait, what were we talking about again? Speaking of weird, where the hell did VZ go? He was always spinning glorious off kilter stuff.

Also, here's a picture of a wearable church
IMG_20160717_164033.jpg (1.94 MiB) Viewed 5646 times
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By ScoJo
^ Texas -

I tried to find a pic of a church wearing a person. But things got reaaaally weird, realllly fast.

I like lamp.
By vi_resmusic
I will ad that most people wouldn't know that this website exists. I found it by chance when I googled a score that I wanted on vinyl,found death waltz site I think...that had this.
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By Spun out of control
Yeah, came across STBC myself a couple of years back via an Internet search when looking to track down a DeathWaltz pressing of Escape from New York, funnily enough...

It was one of those 'why has nobody told me about this site??' moments.

It has both fed into & enabled my subsequent addiction to re-discovering the pleasures of vinyl. As a long time fan of both music and movies (usually as separate entities) it was also a bit of a eureka moment finding STBC... i.e that there were plenty more scores out there (apart from EFNY) that worked as standalone satisfying listens.

STBC is all about discovery for me - lots I would never have found out about or bought if not for logging in here. It's also fun to share cool finds or rave about something we're passionate about. There are like-minded individuals out there.

On that note, I must add that 99.9% of folks I've met through this board are thoroughly good eggs, not at all elite and the kind you'd happily go for a pint with. It's a case of the more you engage, the more you get out, I reckon.
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By Mateo Sanboval
Remember the kid that used to hang out here back in the day and yell a lot? ALL CAPS GUY that collected every version of each release? Real out there dude. Argued with everyone. All over the place. Freaked out before every drop begging for folks to either buy up some old stuff so he could afford the new stuff or to spot him until pay day. Posted pictures of multiple variants all the time. What the heck was that kid's name?
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By Spun out of control

Ah yeah, super intense young guy who was always offering deals then never getting back to people/following through... and often chasing down the label heads at MondoCon for selfies?

Seemed on the verge of nervous breakdown/bankruptcy all the time.

Luckily I cannot recall the STBC handle but sure others on here will. Set detective @Bez on the case!

There were a few firebrands a couple of years back that seem to have run out of steam. Often amusing, but at times there were 'woah' moments (usually spitting feathers at a label or other) that you wanted to keep well out of.
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By texasvinyl
vi_resmusic wrote:Texas there is booze. Men drink horrible Australian beer,woman will drink house wine. Some drink this horrible drink called a Shandy. A Shandy is 1 part beer and 3 parts lemonade...vomit.
Oh my god shandy sounds so bad

We do have somewhat neglected non-OST threads, jazz music, "nu-jazz", non-OST new release, and a ghost of a hip hop thread lurking somewhere in the depths!
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By Bezulsqy
Mateo Sanboval wrote:Remember the kid that used to hang out here back in the day and yell a lot? ALL CAPS GUY that collected every version of each release? Real out there dude. Argued with everyone. All over the place. Freaked out before every drop begging for folks to either buy up some old stuff so he could afford the new stuff or to spot him until pay day. Posted pictures of multiple variants all the time. What the heck was that kid's name?
Was it VinyLOST?

Reading those old threads is very amusing:

http://www.spintheblackestcircles.com/b ... 28&t=48652
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By jgibbs4053
Occasionally I try to get some members in Facebook groups to join STBC. I've talked to some old members of STBC in these groups too. I guess it's just easier to log into Facebook and post pics
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By Mateo Sanboval
Spun out of control wrote:@Mateo

Ah yeah, super intense young guy who was always offering deals then never getting back to people/following through... and often chasing down the label heads at MondoCon for selfies?

Seemed on the verge of nervous breakdown/bankruptcy all the time.

Luckily I cannot recall the STBC handle but sure others on here will. Set detective @Bez on the case!

There were a few firebrands a couple of years back that seem to have run out of steam. Often amusing, but at times there were 'woah' moments (usually spitting feathers at a label or other) that you wanted to keep well out of.
Bezulsqy wrote:Was it VinyLOST?
Reading those old threads is very amusing:
http://www.spintheblackestcircles.com/b ... 28&t=48652
It sure was. VinyLOST. Wow. What a crack-up. I kinda sorta almost maybe miss those nutsos sometimes.

Those goofy bastards are about the best thing I've got going
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By ChrisMcQueen007
I don't know - it's just so much cooler to share the geeky love for a (niche) hobby with like-minded individuals. And this board just gets this right, me thinks.
By skeletonbutt
vi_resmusic wrote: Also, this site is anally specific.
It is called Spin The Blackest Circles which sounds like a general record collectors site but it is specifically film music on vinyl.
It is way too specific and weird. Weird because film can not be a style or genre of music,it is merely the status of it's origin,primary function and employment. Suicide would be more enjoyable than deciding to only listen to music that came from film.
I don't disagree with what you said about this site, but this paragraph is more than a little hyperbolic. Film music can literally be any genre and style of music, with lyrics or without. I don't think that limiting yourself to music from films is limiting at all. For me, it's expanded my tastes. I choose to only purchase film music on vinyl as a means of keeping my spending under control.
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By chiefbrody
I've never really found this an unfriendly place, other than in the past when it was far more active there was a bit of a witch-hunt against perceived 'moaners' - cosmetic issues, moans about shipping charges, customs, etc. Not to me, but it was a trend for a while - new release > complaints (some valid) > complaints dismissed, sometimes aggressively.

I'm definitely in an 'inactive' phase atm, basically because life is getting in the way. I wish all I had to do these days was moan about shipping costs. With Brexit and the weak £, now I can't afford to buy many new releases (£45 for Salem's Lot, £37 for FWWM, etc). I'm now waiting to see what comes down in price further down the line, but who wants to talk about The New Barbarians or The Strange Color... releases now??

I've said before I don't have much to say 'intellectually' about scores - there's something about instrumental music specifically that all I can work out is if I like it or not, maybe if it sounds a bit like something else. I like following the regulars on here though, looking for new recommendations, or maybe making me think about giving a second chance to something I'd written off.

As I recall, I found the site because my copy of The Fog sounded terrible, and it had been mentioned on the site and Spencer had replied, and that also brought me to Death Waltz as a collector (I gradually sought out everything that had been released at that point and bought all new releases until around Cannibal Apocalypse, before deciding I couldn't keep up without buying ONLY DW titles). It's funny how quickly you can let go of being a completist.

When I look back at that vinylLOST thread - those were the days, this place was thriving back then.

I hope the site sticks around, sometimes I wonder if it will, with only a handful of regulars it seems, and the labels seem less interested in even plugging their new releases here.
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By Spun out of control
Good to have you back on here posting @chief

Would happily discuss the 'Strange Colour..' release all day long... a favourite that. (Stupidly didn't get Blanck Mass to sign my copy when attending the launch screening a couple of summers back). Film is bonkers and don't think they've made another since, though the visual tropes/giallo nods are incredibly well done.

Agreed that the current Brexit effect for us in the UK is potentially a greater threat to our hobby than shipping costs from abroad ever were (£ at its lowest against the $ since the 1980s)... but not a lot we can do about that, individually, apart from seeking out the very best £ deals on the titles we feel we can't live without.

Be great to see the label heads on here more; doubtless they are just busy running their businesses & staying afloat themselves, which is totally fair enough. Release schedules haven't slowed unduly it seems though, suggesting there is still life in the market (and, equally, life in STBC).
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By The Cult Leader
Lol vinylOST hit me up a while back trying register back to the forums.

I had to boot him from all the commission groups because he's very unreliable. Commits to paying for something then dissaperes. Xanax warped that dudes head. I used to stick up for him and didnt think he was such a bad guy and meant well, but he fucked over a few people in my poster circle last mondocon :/

I actually thought you were talking about a different member, not vinylost or Philball, but there's was another guy who would flip the fuck out when he missed a drop and start cursing out all the labels and what not. Can't remeber his handle.
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By Bezulsqy
The Cult Leader wrote: I actually thought you were talking about a different member, not vinylost or Philball, but there's was another guy who would flip the fuck out when he missed a drop and start cursing out all the labels and what not. Can't remeber his handle.
Next weekend I'll try to find the posts of this foul mouth your referring to. Sound very amusing!
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By m-bryce
If I'm honest, I prefer Twitter. I feel almost everyone/thing I'm interested in is there and I like the format.
I like STBC but I'm more of a lurker. I find it good for information and I'm chuffed it's here.
My 2 cents.