General vinyl talk here.

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Thanks to @deafmetal for the suggestion.... this could be a cool thread.

I don't actually have much in the way of autographed soundtrack/score related vinyl... mainly the stuff I have is from bands...but sure you guys do... so let's see it! :)

I guess it's OK if we include other interesting autographed music ephemera (gig ticket stubs/concert programmes etc)
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By bpwlogan
@Spun-that's pretty cool. I have to say I'm a casual fan of Prince. I have a few of his records. I drive a bus for the city of Minneapolis. I was out on route last Saturday night in the downtown zone and the outpouring of people for him basically brought the entire downtown to a standstill. I'm not originally from the Twin Cities, but I have to say I'm glad I experienced something like that as stressful as it was! R.I.P. Prince.
That's great to hear from the horse's mouth... like many I was a massive fan as a kid myself in the 80s into the early 90s where for me and a lot of others he lost it a bit...glad I got to see him in concert in London, twice (in his 1980s full pomp & then mid 2000s), and was looking forward to catching one of his solo piano shows here, for old time's sake, if they ever got confirmed.

Amazed I got to meet him as a teenager, albeit altogether briefly. It was a very random thing... I had written to Melody Maker magazine (long since shut) for work experience over the summer and was in the office one day when a call came in that Prince was going to drop unannounced into HMV in Oxford Circus.

Pretty much the entire office then legged it out of the building and we ran the 10 or 15 minutes from Covent Garden to halfway down Oxford Street. If I recall, we were told that he'd only sign the Lovesexy LP, recently released. Being a fan I already had a vinyl copy at home but went without my lunch that day to purchase another for the signing. Obviously totally worth it, but all I could think to say to him in the moment was 'I like your guitar playing'. Don't remember if he mouthed thanks in the most inaudible way, or just smiled enigmatically, but that was my one connection.

Also got to say hello to his band members - recall Cat and Dr Fink in particularly being chatty and friendly. Slightly in awe as had probably re-watched Purple Rain on VHS about 10 times at that point. :)
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By bpwlogan
That's really cool Spun. Thanks for sharing that great experience. I have to admit when I was a kid in the mid 80's growing up in Detroit my stepfather invited my brother and I to go see Prince at The Joe Louis Arena. I turned them down. I guess I was too punk for that stuff. I think it was The Purple Rain Tour. I kick myself to this day for not going to that show. I started getting into R&B and funk a few years later. I was always like dam, I should have went to that show.
Last edited by bpwlogan on Wed Apr 27, 2016 9:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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By ScoJo
@spun - nice!

I've gone my whole life somehow managing to have never caught his Royal Badness live. My sister bought me a ticket last year, insisted on it. Would NOT take no for an answer.

Even minutes before he came on stage I was still strangely muted, containing my excitement. Then the spangly purple curtain dropped, revealing a mic stand 10 feet from me adorned with The Symbol. Things were getting very real. Then he took the stage.

And.....I completely lost my shit. Full on teenage girl syndrome. Almost three hours of grinning, dancing and screaming later His Purple Majesty left me at the side of the road with my pants around my ankles, wondering wtf? had just happened.

My friends (seasoned fans, dozens of shows between them) all insisted I had surely witnessed a 'lesser' P-Funk experience with this particular band, at this particular time etc etc. Their precious cynicism really pissed me off, and I was inarticulate to fully explain why.

But I know what I saw and heard that night.

May u live 2 see the Dawn.......
Great memories ScoJo - your musical enthusiasm never ceases to be anything less than infectious ;)

To steer things back on topic, here's where we go from the sublime to the (enjoyably) ridiculous.

Before he was soundtracking bricks... Clint Mansell was hustling chicks (his words).

Wonder if he'll ever live it down?!

Actually, Pop Will Eat Itself were pretty pioneering in their day, blending scratchy, low fi indie rock with thunderous Public Enemy-style drum samples. Know High Rise's director Ben Wheatley professes himself a fan.
Clint Mansell High Rise Pop Will Eat Itself.jpg
Clint Mansell High Rise Pop Will Eat Itself.jpg (701.64 KiB) Viewed 12431 times
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By ScoJo

He'll never live it down...if you have anything to do with it! ;)

I saw The Poppies on their massively ill-fated tour with Public Enemy. PWEI were practically bottled from the stage.
Super harsh. And I once saw Clint and one of We've Got a Fuzzbox... having a near fist-fight over the record decks at a local psychedelic club. True!!
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By deafmetal
@texas - Real nice. My family went and saw the film over the weekend. I enjoyed it a lot more than I expected to, and I am really not into full-on musicals. I have now found the songs stuck in my head for days now. The family loved the film, and even have been listening to the soundtrack, which is rare for them.
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By Bezulsqy
deafmetal wrote:Some recent treasures added to the collection:

ImageFranco Bixio, Fabio Frizzi, Vince Tempera
That looks so cool and impressive. Do I remember correctly that this one travelled to Italy and back to get those autographs? Did Frizzi take it with him?