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Moderators: lazyben, static14, texasvinyl

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By Mateo Sanboval
Hey, STBC. Real talk. I'm thankful for ya. Dig? Chin chin,

your boy Mateo
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By ScoJo
Happy Black Friday, my American chums!
9bqkMeV5IythLWYQTYLgd5CKnzt.jpg (1.2 MiB) Viewed 3880 times
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By Hatter313
Hope everyone had a solidly gluttonous feast yesterday...and are chowing down on the best part of the weekend, the holy grail leftover sandwich, today! Good luck to all you lunatic shoppers out there.
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By Mateo Sanboval
Fuck Black Friday in the ear.
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By Mateo Sanboval
Mateo Sanboval wrote:Hey, STBC. Real talk. I'm thankful for ya. Dig? Chin chin,

your boy Mateo
Still stands, fam. You're the eel's ankle, STBC. Here's mud in yer eye,

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By ScoJo
I'm thankful for this groovy place, and that (so far) only one member has taken exception to my quirks,capricious nature and wonky humour. Which I developed in a car smash, btw.

So here's to you guys - I can only really think of one thing that niggles me a tad occasionally round these parts, and that's the apocalyptic void of the fairer sex (goes with the turf, I know-but remember way back we had one once?? Against all odds? I raise a glass to @ninjacutie, wherever she may roam...)

Keep it surreal, you turkeys!
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By deafmetal
ScoJo wrote:So here's to you guys - I can only really think of one thing that niggles me a tad occasionally round these parts, and that's the apocalyptic void of the fairer sex (goes with the turf, I know-but remember way back we had one once?? Against all odds? I raise a glass to @ninjacutie, wherever she may roam...)
Well said, Scott. I also miss Ashley/@ninja, but I know she is still out there listening to great music. I often wish this place could be diversified a bit more, and I would gladly change whatever needs to be changed (including my own images/posts) to pull that off. If you feel we should ban the bare boobs (banish the thought!), I will do so.

Until then, on with the annual viewing of Eli Roth's Thanksgiving trailer:

...now off to a day of family feasts!
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By ChrisMcQueen007
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you who celebrate this day. Enjoy the time with your families, it‘s a precious gift.

Like everywhere in good old Europe Thanksgiving is not a thing in Germany, but Black Friday sales are becoming more and more common here. My favourite online vinyl retailer will have 10% off tomorrow (and I think free shipping) so I‘m going to treat myself to some Italian delights.
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By Mateo Sanboval
@Bub & Static - I showed both Thankskillings last night with Roth's Thanksgiving trailer at intermission. What a time to be alive.

Enjoy the day, friends!
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By Bub
Mateo Sanboval wrote:@Bub & Static - I showed both Thankskillings last night with Roth's Thanksgiving trailer at intermission. What a time to be alive.
Man, what a treat!
Enjoy the day, friends!
Thanks & the same for you, buddy!
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By Mateo Sanboval