General vinyl talk here.

Moderators: lazyben, static14, texasvinyl

Picked up cool magazine about vinyl culture whilst in Germany this week. Even has article on imaginary soundtracks!!

They also post an image of the actual vinyl alongside the review of its content, so you get to see the whole package, which is cool. (And also provides pretty pictures for us non natives to look at!)
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The latest issue features a 20+ pages article on soundtrack labels and scores (albeit a big portion of this is the coverage on what they believe are the 25 "essential" scores of all times) - with quotes from Spencer, Kevin from Waxwork, etc.

And the cover story is on vinyl addiction - something some of us might relate to ;-)
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Hey, I recognise that mugshot... ;)

Danke for the heads up Chris - don't speak a word of German but easier to follow the drift of their articles than Japanese (who also have a very cool vinyl magazine).

Wish there was an English language version of this superb mag.

Us non natives (if interested) can order as follows:
Go to the following link: Scroll down to 'Bestellung per PayPal' and click on 'Versand nach', where you have to choose 'Ausland'.

Choose one issue of MINT Nr. 10 and click on the Paypal-button.

(Also, I think there has never been a more beautiful word than 'plattenschrank')