Talk about films scores here.

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By ScoJo
(Wish we could change the dang title of this thread, in line with our 're-brand'....haha....)

Our latest episode is live, and what a thrill for both of us to talk with film legend Tommy Lee Wallace! Halloween III has always been a HUGE favourite of both of ours, and it was truly trippy speaking with the man as he described working on Carpenter's early classics. PLUS I find out the truth behind one of my all time favourite fetish records, The Coupe de Villes 'Waiting Out the Eighties'

Open mouth. Pinch self. Smile.

Have a great weekend friends!
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By Spun out of control
Can you not just edit the title of your very first post.... or was that back in the 'last days of Disco'... to reference Whit Stilman... ? :)

In other news... seems you DFC boys are on fire at the moment with your guest choices. Keep it up!
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By ScoJo
Im all about the Last Days of Disco!
Thanks fella, TG gets all credit for our guests. Im just his oppo ;)
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By Bezulsqy
Scott and Tony: great episode!
Really loved the interview. Lovely guy hearing him talk and great stories.
Also nice selection of picks you had this week.
Three sisters is playing now. Street Force has been bought. As well as Friday the 13th part 3. Tetsuo in on my wish list as well as those Doxy release.
Keep it up!
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By Jimmy_Mike
@scojo - I'd be interested in US distro for some more Mask copies. I'm also a fool for not picking one up from Ship to Shore.

"What is the meaning of life?"
"Why 43?"
"Because it is, damnit! Do not question it."
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By ScoJo
Here's our bumper 1st anniversary episode guys - thanks to everyone who has made us a regular listen in their busy week, we really appreciate it! Here's to more great soundtrack releases this year...

If you listen on iTunes, we'd really appreciate a rate/review - apparently it's the only way we might ever find out how many listens we actually get through iTunes! (bizarre....)
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By zuko
Sigh, another expensive episode with both The Ninth Gate and Toby Dammit going on to the The List :D

Disappointing to hear that La Jetée has dialogue, would love to have this 'clean':

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By ScoJo
Thank you for this @zuko.

As if I wasn't worried enough about doing a re-score for this masterpiece.... ;)
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By zuko
Ha ha, no pressure. (Did you say this was for a live show or is it is going to be an Ondes release too?)
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By Bezulsqy
Excellent episode with interview Kevin from Waxwork. I am so looking forward to everything and anything they are going to release!
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By chiefbrody
I'm glad someone else likes Across 110th Street. Great use of the song in Jackie Brown, great soundtrack in it's own right, and a lesser known gem of a film.

I tend to think Jackie Brown and Death Proof were very misunderstood. The start of it being obvious that Tarantino was making 'genre' films - not as 'cool' as Reservoir Dogs or Pulp Fiction. I think Jackie Brown in particular would be more loved if the order of Tarantino's films had been different. If it had been preceded by Inglorious or Kill Bill vol 2 (both films I like) I think people would have felt it was a return to his early form.

It's a strange thing that having a 'cool' soundtrack in itself has become a Tarantino-ism, and is used to criticise him. Death Proof is the one I keep returning to these days. I think Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs both suffer from having heard them a million times in the mid-90s.
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By Hatter313
Jackie Brown is my favorite QT film. the more and more i watch it the more i like it. as a HUGE Elmore Leonard fan, I think that the film feels spot on to his tone and style. More than any adaptation of his world save the pitch perfect Justified series, Jackie Brown feels perfect.
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By Bezulsqy
Congrats with your 50th episode.
Maybe a chance to release your first episode again with a different digital cover :-)

But all kidding aside. I love listening to the cast. I makes me want stuff I previously didn't think I need.
The interviews are very nice as well.
I loved the honesty of Redg from Invada. He sounds like a really nice guy. To me it sounded like he also thinks that the 5th anniversary of the release of a score (that still is in print) is not the best reason to release the same score again with different artwork :-)
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By ScoJo
Thanks Ben :)

I have to say I'm with you there.....5th anniversary? Say what now?

But they always deliver the goods, and I'm sure for those three people who don't yet have one of the 85 different releases of the Drive OST, this will be a blessing! (or indeed, for those like TG who are such obsessive nutbags about that rekkid that they can 'never have enough' haha...)

I might get him a 'Drive: RED LETTER DAY' experience for his birthday actually...y'know, you get to wear a weird baldy mask, drive like a maniac and brutally over-react to threat levels in elevators!
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By deafmetal
I am listening to the latest Focus episode, and The Ninth Gate preview sounds wonderful. I can't wait for this one to show up! According to LitA, it's still a month out from hitting their distro.
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By Mateo Sanboval
deafmetal wrote:I am listening to the latest Focus episode, and The Ninth Gate preview sounds wonderful. I can't wait for this one to show up! According to LitA, it's still a month out from hitting their distro.
I'm waiting on LITA as well, but it does sound lovely and I was thrilled to learn that black vinyl was an option.
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