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By Hatter313
The Cult Leader wrote:I read someone saying it's going to be Taxi Driver.

Guess we will find out soon enough.

my god Cult....these are all painfully cool guesses.
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By Hatter313
Little Walter wrote:You mean if it's not The Burbs, we have to settle for Taxi Driver? Why don't we just settle for powdered creamer and splenda?
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By Mateo Sanboval
milliondollars wrote:@Bezulsqy: great overview on Waxwork future (short-term) releases.

i still believe they will do The Burbs one day so it is my guess for Kevin's favorite movie and the unannounced Aprils release. the director is legendary and so is the composer and to me it is no horror movie either...
I'd wager The 'Burbs is still too close to a "horror" release and I believe that he said it wouldn't be a horror film. I know it's a comedy first, but that's my guess. I don't know where the Taxi Driver rumors are coming from, but I love that score; it's always in my top five whenever I am asked. I know MOV released a nice edition a couple of years back that was pretty widely available Stateside, but I don't think that TD has had a US LP release since it's original release. Not sure if I'd buy another copy, but I'd be genuinely ecstatic for everyone that bought it as their first edition. What a great God damn score.
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The Cult Leader wrote:Taxi Driver has been officially announced by Waxwork :)
I guess this is the title Kevin was referring to in DFC interview ;)
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By milliondollars
oh shame, i was really hoping it might be Burbs but i am sure they will give Taxi Driver a great treatment. really hope this will be something like a maximum expanded edition...
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By Hatter313
notes by Scorsese...NOTES BY SCORSESE......


Well done Kevin/Suzy/Jay...etc. just well done.
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By Bezulsqy
Very good news!

As teased on Waxwork’s Twitter feed, this edition looks to be the first ever vinyl release of the score’s 1998 CD reissue, which includes an expanded version of the score, liner notes by Martin Scorsese and an epic version of ‘Diary of a Taxi Driver’, which features Robert De Niro’s voice-over taken directly from the film.

While the original soundtrack was of course released on vinyl (and reissued relatively recently), this appears to be the first time the “complete”, expanded version will be available on wax.
Looking forward to this release. This week or next week?
This month should also probably see the first release of the sub with My Bloody Valentine. And after that the Warriors. An expensive month lies ahead.
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By Hatter313
oh wow...unexpected art style for this, i'm really digging it. really mimics/evokes the style of pop art from the era.
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By Little Walter
It looks more commercial than their typical style, like they're expecting this to hit a lot more stores. I hope this turns a lot of people onto them.
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By Hatter313
same artist they used for F13 p2 i think, similar stylized look and use of perspective. Man i'm really digging this a lot.

edit: oh yeah it's Rich Kelly, great stuff on Nightbreed as well. I've got his Son of Frankenstein print also, one of my favorite pieces.
Last edited by Hatter313 on Wed Apr 06, 2016 3:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Little Walter
Word from the source is you can expect this on "yellow taxi cab vinyl." My shop'll be carrying these for cheaper than anywhere else you'll find 'em, so PM me if interested before I do the order.
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By bpwlogan
I think I'm going to drop for this too. It's tough not too when WW gives you the sub discount. I really like the product and customer service from this label. Top notch!
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By Bezulsqy
At least two variants. The tri-color one and this taxicab yellow one.
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