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Half price books sale finds for $10

I got excited, at first I thought it was an og Maniac.

It Has that Canadian Slasher sound.
Haven't seen this film though, so I'll have to track it down.
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These two beauties just arrived courtesy of a Discogs seller of some renown 'round here. They are in beautiful shape. The only problem is the center holes are huge! Maybe made for some kind of antique, metric turntable?


Piero Umiliani - Il Soliti Ignoti ... se/5747037

Stelvio Cipriani - Il Triangolo Delle Bermude ... se/2309582
texasvinyl wrote:
Mateo Sanboval wrote:The only problem is the center holes are huge! Maybe made for some kind of antique, metric turntable?
they took a ride on a deck with a girthy spindle
Just back from a trip to Japan... managed to avoid going too vinyl crazy (the stores I visited 6 months ago didn't seem to have re-stocked the interesting stuff too much)... so time for another 'staircase of shame':
Japanese vinyl LPs.jpg
7 of these were picked up for around £30 total - all Japanese pressings apart from the Carrie - the Barry 7's compilation was around £5 sealed on its own, so reckon I got a pretty good deal.
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@XG - That box set looks really neat! I am jealous, but obviously, it's impossible to pick up everything. The Batman Animated Series, which I watched religiously when it originally aired, is something I have let pass me by on the OST side. I remember going to see Mask of the Phantasm on opening night -- great times.
XGEEKEDGERX wrote:I almost convinced myself not to get this...almost...
Interesting. Not a BTAS fellow, but I have some queries about this release if I may. How much music is the average episode score? Who scores the? And any insight into how they chose the sixteen scores?
At our last stop on a long journey home that ends tomorrow, I came across a small record shop with a modest, yet well appointed, soundtrack section. I put a lot back, but these two pressings were minty fresh. I don't know how you all feel about Moroder (I'm mad about him), but I do know how we all feel about Mr Bowie. Fitting finds and, I thought, shareworthy with my STBC brethren.
@Nathan - Nice picks. I would also like to see Predator on vinyl. I am looking forward those new Four Flies LP's.

@Mateo - well done. I went on a dig in Vancouver, Washington, a while back, and picked up a few Moroder out of a well-stocked vintage soundtrack section. The store only sold used vinyl, which made it a fun dig. I still need a copy of Cat People though.
monsterworship wrote:@deaf i'll send you a Cat People next time I send you out a package, i have a few extras, not mint but playable.
What a way to start the day!

@deaf - I haven't been to Vansterdam South in a long time. Might be time for a trip after I get settled in at home.
Last edited by Mateo Sanboval on Mon Feb 01, 2016 3:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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