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By inksb
ChrisMcQueen007 wrote: Sun Aug 07, 2022 8:06 am
inksb wrote: Sat Aug 06, 2022 11:35 pm I almost picked that one up, I will probably grab the standard edition once it's available.
That‘s the one I have, got it from amazon.
Sweet, I didn't realize the standard was available yet.
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By inksb
Any one checking out The Sandman on Netflix? I'm 3 episodes in and enjoying it, better than expected but not amazing either. The fucking stretched aspect ratio bugs me to no end though, I assume to they did it on purpose to make stuff feel slightly off but I can't stop looking at the elongated faces
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By inksb

Prey dir by Dan Trachtenberg

I have to commend the studio on their first trailer, it was a good misdirect but probably not the best way to do it as it made me not want to see the film bc it looked like they were just doing the standard Predator beats. Honestly I had low expectations going in and really loved it, it's the 2nd best Predator movie. I know that may not seem like a tough thing to do but I enjoy Predator 2, Predators and The Predator with all of their problems. This is well made and really deserved to have a theatrical run. The lead, Amber Midthunder, was excellent and most of the cast was very good as well. Action scenes were stellar, some great "holy fuck" moments, a few clever call backs. Highly recommend checking it out if you fancy yourself a Predator fan.


Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Movie dir by Ant Ward & Andy Suriano

This was bad. I assumed it would be but I saw a lot of positive reactions to it on premiere day so I thought maybe it would be better than the show. Nope it's just more of the same with a bigger budget. Animation is great and the action scenes are really cool for the most part but everything about this version of the turtles sucks.
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By Hatter313
inksb wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 2:07 am Any one checking out The Sandman on Netflix? I'm 3 episodes in and enjoying it, better than expected but not amazing either. The fucking stretched aspect ratio bugs me to no end though, I assume to they did it on purpose to make stuff feel slightly off but I can't stop looking at the elongated faces
I watched it twice, personally loved it. Also I swear I didn’t notice any stretching until it was pointed out and even on my second viewing I didn’t notice it unless I was looking for it but it does seem to be a fixating point for people. Anyway, I’m super pleased with it, I hope you stick with it!
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By inksb
Hatter313 wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 10:20 pm
inksb wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 2:07 am Any one checking out The Sandman on Netflix? I'm 3 episodes in and enjoying it, better than expected but not amazing either. The fucking stretched aspect ratio bugs me to no end though, I assume to they did it on purpose to make stuff feel slightly off but I can't stop looking at the elongated faces
I watched it twice, personally loved it. Also I swear I didn’t notice any stretching until it was pointed out and even on my second viewing I didn’t notice it unless I was looking for it but it does seem to be a fixating point for people. Anyway, I’m super pleased with it, I hope you stick with it!
Honestly I couldn't quite tell if I was imagining things until Constantine showed up and the actresses face does not look that way at all, she has a very round face and in certain scenes it was very elongated. I went to look it up and discovered it was a complaint lots of people had.
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By Hatter313
It was confirmed to be a deliberate choice for exactly what you guessed, but yeah it seems to not be sitting well with a lot of people. Wonder if they’ll drop that in subsequent seasons (which I sincerely hope they get)

Low key obsessed with Boyd Holbrooks interpretation of the Corinthian, doing a lot with the increased role.
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By inksb
Just saw that in a recent interview with Carpenter that there are future projects "lined up and percolating" and "will involve him flexing his skills as a director, writer and composer"

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By Bezulsqy
this wasn't that bad...

this was fantastic!

I tried the Comanche dub but switched to English after 2 minutes.
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By Bezulsqy
watched De Patrick (2019) yesterday
Belgian/Dutch movie. Brilliant! I think @ScoJo might love it as well.
A bereaved nudist campsite handyman finds himself on an existential quest as he attempts to recover his missing favorite hammer.
But it is much more as that qoute.


available on iTunes I believe
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By inksb

Righting Wrongs (aka Above the Law) dir by Corey Yuen

Yuen Biao & Cynthia Rothrock led story about a prosecutor ( who's sick of having the criminals kill and buy their way out of their sentences so he decides to take it into his own hands. A female white detective (Rothrock) is after the person killing all these gangsters. Confusion, some goofy antics and great fight scenes ensue. There are some wild stunt double swaps, Cynthia a blond short haired white woman suddenly turns into long black haired Asian woman in many of the bigger stunts, it's really funny. Overall it's a fun film with some great action.


The Sandman

I just finished this up last night and was quite impressed with the show overall, I've never read the complete run of Sandman, only Preludes & Nocturnes a few times as it's the only collection I own. I thought they did the best they could with the source while still making a pretty engaging show. My one major complaint is that I don't think they nailed his hair lol. The really important thing about watching this is it's making me want to read all of the comic finally so I'm revisiting Preludes & Nocturnes now and have the rest digitally to dive into after I finish that up. I love Sam Kieth's art, the panel of Dream on the floor after they summon him for capture is such a beautiful piece


Day Shift dir by J. J. Perry

This movie is not a good film but it is a highly entertaining one. The insane amount of body contortion in this film is wild, I've never seen so many people folded in half or other weird positions. Lots of fun action scenes, some incredibly ridiculous over the top choreography. There's one scene in particular where Scott Adkins calls out to his brother for a bullet bc he's out, his brother ejects it and we get a slow motion flipping spin move to catch it in the chamber of his gun and pull the trigger, GunFu at it's most ludicrous. The cast is mostly good, Jamie Foxx being Jaime Foxx, Dave Franco being the most annoying version of himself possible, Snoop being a cool mother fucker and some fun little cameos here and there. I think the worst character in the film was hands down the villain of the film, she was an evil Hispanic vampire that played on every single female cartel type Hispanic woman we've seen for the last 2-3 decades. It was embarrassing how generic it was. Worth checking out if you just want a big budget vampire action comedy. It's a bit buddy cop mixed with some Zombieland level of genre understanding & humor.
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By inksb
This will probably interest a few folks around here, figured I would share it.

mondomacabro.jpg (85.54 KiB) Viewed 1255 times
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By static14
Red Dawn
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By inksb
Bezulsqy wrote: Thu Aug 18, 2022 2:13 pm this was very interesting
but I lost the plot near the end...

Don't worry @bez you're not the only one who lost the plot on that one. Here's a breakdown of the film's timelines. It's not easy to follow in the least bit. I do love it though.

FwEK0.jpg (524.08 KiB) Viewed 1213 times
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By inksb
Bezulsqy wrote: Thu Aug 18, 2022 2:54 pm Fuck me. That graphic is great but makes me even more confused 😐
Yeah I haven't read through the graphic in years but it's a bit much. I know that there are lots of articles and discussions on the film out there that worth checking out and then rewatching the film to pick up on things that completely went past you the first time.

I also recommend watching the director's other film, Upstream Color. It's not as baffling or complex as Primer but it's still very good.
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By monsterworship
inksb wrote: Wed Aug 17, 2022 5:36 pm This will probably interest a few folks around here, figured I would share it.


didnt Deathwaltz have in the folds of the flesh on one of their coming soon obis at one point?
bonkers film.
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By Bezulsqy
Franco Prosperi's 1978 Il commissario Verrazzano a.k.a. Deadly Chase
score by Lino Corsetti
starring Luc Merenda

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By Bezulsqy
Umberto Lenzi's 1965 A 008 operazione sterminio a.k.a. 008: Operation Exterminate
score by Angelo Francesco Lavagnino

euro-spy excellence!

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By Bezulsqy
last week I watched Punch Drunk Love together with my girlfriend. She absolutely loved it. She loves social awkward stuff because she can relate...
A couple of days later we watched The Master. Also terrific. I had seen both films previously but forgot a lot about them. Especially Punch Drunk Love was a surprise.

Yesterday we first put on Synecdoche, New York (we both love Mr Hoffman) but after 15 minutes I had to turn it off because my girl found it a tad too strange (The Kaufman phenomena I guess).
We watched Philomena in stead. Judy Dench is truly an exceptional actress. Nice movie, that makes you hate the catholics even more :-)
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