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By Revolver_OcelScott
inksb wrote: Wed May 04, 2022 7:00 pm A few of you may be interested in this

DiabolikDVD has partnered with Rough Cut Fan Club and had them design a new slip case for the existing bluray of Messiah of Evil and printed the design on a tshirt as well. They have a bundle of T-shirt, slipcase & bluray for $52 or the T-shirt & slip case for those that already own the blu (like me!) for $30

Artwork by Hauntlove

Full bundle - https://www.diabolikdvd.com/product/mes ... -preorder/

Tshirt & slip - https://www.diabolikdvd.com/product/onl ... -preorder/

When this was teased, I was really hoping that a 4K remaster was coming. I have the Blu-ray, but the print is pretty beat, still love it though!
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By inksb
Revolver_OcelScott wrote: Wed May 04, 2022 7:44 pm When this was teased, I was really hoping that a 4K remaster was coming. I have the Blu-ray, but the print is pretty beat, still love it though!
Same. I was hoping that the Olsen's license expired and Vinegar Syndrome was able to get. Hauntlove has been doing some slip case design for them lately so that was my train of thought on that one. Oh well, the film is awesome and I'll take a sweet tshirt for $30
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By Hatter313
I don't think Firestarter 2022 is as dreadful as the reviews make it out to be, but i will say that the third act is super rushed and departs pretty substantially from the novel. its not so much what happens as to how the characters get there, and its largely missing the second act of the novel , and the Rainbird stuff is altered slightly, but not is such a way as i was furious, just a little curious as to why. the climax sort of just happens and i will say i didn't love the change as to the "why" it happens, but i'm not losing too much sleep over it.

I think another half hour in the middle and skewing a little closer to the plotting from the novel once they are at The Shop would have benefited it, but to see the rotten tomato score is really something nuts. I've seen less realistic effects in plenty of hire budgeted movies these days so i think thats not enough to dump all over this, its like a handful of shots.

overall its rushed, and the last half hour is a departure and weirdly realized, but to say its a 14% RT movie seems a little nuts. perfectly serviceable B film to me.

the score is quite nice, reminds me of some of Prince of Darkness in the quiet parts.

EDIT: ok i wrote this before the last ten minutes..hahahaha i didn't hate the way it ended in the context of the changes they made, but as an adaptation..WOW the nerve. i was literally going to be a little defensive of this flick, and i still think its fine, but depending on how familiar you are with the source material you may be wildly furious. I'm weirdly not as angry as i should be, more impressed with the..moxy? i suppose.

EDIT 2: the vitriol leveled at this movie is weird, I’ve seen bigger train wrecks get kinder reviews. To be clear, the movie isn’t good, but it’s not a total disaster and I’m worried critics (and audiences) are getting to the point where everything has to be a masterpiece of else it’s irredeemable, and I think it’s totally ok for some movies to just be ok. I wish to hell this was better, and I think there were some cuts and rewrites made late in the game that changed the third act, rainbirds costume in the end suggests it had some of the stuff that didn’t make the final cut, but it’s not the worst adaptation ever. I really liked the general look of the film and some of the design choices as well, I just wish the script had been better.

It occurs to me I didn’t talk about the score that much which is why we’re all here. I personally loved it. Yes the “action” portions are very much in the style of his recent output, particularly the previous 2 halloweens, but the quieter moments and slower themes are gorgeous and perfect in that minimalist sort of melancholy way prince of darkness or assault on precinct 13 can be at times. Even if the movies quality is less than desired, I really loved the score and I thought it was moody and very listenable. Planning on giving it a solo listen tonight.
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By inksb
Unfortunately I haven't had a whole lot of time to watch stuff lately which has been bumming me out but I was able to squeeze in these two things over the last few weeks


The Northman dir by Robert Eggers

I enjoyed the hell out of this, it was a touch on the long side but overall was paced quite well. Cast was excellent, always enjoy seeing Skarsgard in bigger roles, he's been on the cusp of being a big name for so long. Cinematography was really impressive. It's now availble to rent for $20 or to obtain from the choppy seas for those that sail. Highly recommended.


Severance dir by Ben Stiller

I wasn't really interested in watching based off of the premise I read but I had two coworkers going on and on about it so I figured I'd check it out. It's a truly impressive piece of TV. The amount of intrigue kept me coming back to every episode hoping to glimmer just a little bit of explanation, each time you get a little bread crumb they drop another baffling thing on you. The cast is really fantastic, everyone involved deliver great performances. Christopher Walken being the most non Walken role I've ever seen, John Turturro starts out as an overbearing annoying coworker but unfolds into this complex character which I just didn't see coming. One thing I haven't seen talked about in all the positive reviews is the cinematography, it's really really good. There's a dance sequence which is one of the most horrific scenes I've watched in a long time, they create this insane tension based just on the angle and tracking. That scene was easily one of my favorites in the entire series. Unfortunately it's only on Apple+ so either need to sign up for it or find the episodes through other means but it's worth paying the sign up fee and cancelling after you finish.
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By monsterworship
inksb wrote: Mon May 16, 2022 5:47 pm Unfortunately I haven't had a whole lot of time to watch stuff lately which has been bumming me out but I was able to squeeze in these two things over the last few weeks


The Northman dir by Robert Eggers

I enjoyed the hell out of this, it was a touch on the long side but overall was paced quite well. Cast was excellent, always enjoy seeing Skarsgard in bigger roles, he's been on the cusp of being a big name for so long. Cinematography was really impressive. It's now availble to rent for $20 or to obtain from the choppy seas for those that sail. Highly recommended.


Severance dir by Ben Stiller

I wasn't really interested in watching based off of the premise I read but I had two coworkers going on and on about it so I figured I'd check it out. It's a truly impressive piece of TV. The amount of intrigue kept me coming back to every episode hoping to glimmer just a little bit of explanation, each time you get a little bread crumb they drop another baffling thing on you. The cast is really fantastic, everyone involved deliver great performances. Christopher Walken being the most non Walken role I've ever seen, John Turturro starts out as an overbearing annoying coworker but unfolds into this complex character which I just didn't see coming. One thing I haven't seen talked about in all the positive reviews is the cinematography, it's really really good. There's a dance sequence which is one of the most horrific scenes I've watched in a long time, they create this insane tension based just on the angle and tracking. That scene was easily one of my favorites in the entire series. Unfortunately it's only on Apple+ so either need to sign up for it or find the episodes through other means but it's worth paying the sign up fee and cancelling after you finish.

i love severance.

Also if you still have apple TV, checkout Shining Girls, really digging it.
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By inksb
monsterworship wrote: Mon May 16, 2022 6:12 pm i love severance.

Also if you still have apple TV, checkout Shining Girls, really digging it.
Yeah my coworker who was really pushing for me to watch Severance has said Shining Girls is really good so far. I'm hoping to check it out before I cancel it.
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By Bezulsqy
Today we got back from our short holiday. That means I thankfully get my fix of beer and peanuts tonight. It has been a while.
The movie was a bit so so. But I wanted to watch something light (and I loved the videogames). It mainly served as a background for me tasting 30 year old beer...

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By inksb
I got some viewing in this weekend, it was awesome. I bought a ticket to the virtual event AGFADROME II which was 6 hours of programming from restorations they have worked on. I missed the first few hours due to work but was able to catch the last 3 films and boy was a it a trip


Double Agent 73 dir by Doris Whitman

First up is this gem of a film. Chesty working as a undercover spy who has a camera implanted in her left boob so every time she needs to capture important info she has to take off her shirt and lift her boob, we are then treated to a camera flash and click sound. Her top is off so much in this film, it's hilarious. I had a blast watching it, it's pure 70's exploitation cinema and the print looked really fucking good.


The Black Beyond dir by S. Torriano Berry

This was a film I had never heard and one I think most people haven't heard of. It's an anthology collecting 3 shorts from S. Torriano Berry's early career. Shot on video (SOV!) and the lowest of low budget but it's essentially a fully black cast doing Twilight Zone esque shorts. Some really interesting stuff in here and I was happy it was part of the programming. AGFA are releasing his slasher from '96 called The Embalmer which I had never heard of but now very interested in and this film will be a bonus feature on the set.


Master of the Flying Guillotine dir by Jimmy Wang Yu

Holy shit this was the highlight of the night. I've never seen this and they showed off a 35mm print they have preserved, they did say they are not releasing a bluray of this but that they just love the movie so much they wanted to show a print they had rescued. A sequel to One Armed Boxer, this one comes out swinging and never lets up, it's mostly fight scenes from beginning to end with lots of blood, some really "experimental" editing tricks for the era and some really excellent choreography. I loved it and this is easily one of my favorite martial arts films from 70's now. I hope some one restores it and puts out a bluray. One thing I found really impressive is that it wasn't shot on a sound stage like most of the films from that era. It really helps make the film feel bigger shooting on the mountain and then just having the fights take place outdoors. Seriously if you love martial arts and have never seen this then seek it out asap.


Hatching dir by Hanna Bergholm

The film is shot so oddly, it is immediately distracting but eventually you get used to it's visual style. Basic premise is a girl finds an egg in the woods, brings it home to try and hatch it. It grows and grows until it's about human size and then hatches a fascinating monstrosity. I loved this creature design. From there the film continues down a path that didn't really do much for me and ultimately had a conclusion that was quite obvious. It's been getting a ton of praise from the festival showings but didn't really work for me. It's a decent film but not something I'll ever revisit.


Chip 'N Dale Rescue Rangers dir by Akiva Schafer

I watched this show when I was a kid and thought this sounded so stupid, until I saw the trailer and realized they were really just going for a Roger Rabbit level of absurdity. Overall this was really fun, tons of stupid in jokes and references to shit I have no idea how Disney was able to pull off since they are properties they don't own. The films biggest issue was the main police officer was not good dealing with the absence of actual people in her scenes when she was talking to and reacting to these cartoon characters. It was really bad. Outside of her the cast is excellent and really fun.

and the final film of the weekend.....


Black Rain dir by Ridley Scott

Why did no one tell me this was so good? Just kidding you all have been telling me that. Man this film was excellent, I wish I had picked up that score when I had the chance. I've got nothing to say that hasn't already been said so if you're like me and haven't seen it, it is on Amazon Prime now so go watch it.
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By NathanLurker
Master of the Flying Guillotine has a rescued print ?? I mentioned last year on Blu-ray . Com , on the 88films thread, that I really wished that they release that at some point, and a member replied that the deterioration of the print and the music rights were an issue. Dare I hope that this is a newly found and restored print and that it might see the light of day on Blu-ray?? That would be fantastic!
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By inksb
NathanLurker wrote: Mon May 23, 2022 4:32 pm Master of the Flying Guillotine has a rescued print ?? I mentioned last year on Blu-ray . Com , on the 88films thread, that I really wished that they release that at some point, and a member replied that the deterioration of the print and the music rights were an issue. Dare I hope that this is a newly found and restored print and that it might see the light of day on Blu-ray?? That would be fantastic!
Well the print is in very rough shape, filled with lots of debris and damage. It gets really rough near the reel changes. That said I would pay full price for a blu of what I watched. I just imagine that it would be a hard sell for most companies especially considering how good a lot of the recent releases have been. And like you said the music is quite problematic as it supposedly was all used illegally. Which I didn't mention above, it's full of synth music (I think they said TD, Neu! and Kraftwerk) which is so strange for this type of film.
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By NathanLurker
inksb wrote: Mon May 23, 2022 5:28 pm
NathanLurker wrote: Mon May 23, 2022 4:32 pm Master of the Flying Guillotine has a rescued print ?? I mentioned last year on Blu-ray . Com , on the 88films thread, that I really wished that they release that at some point, and a member replied that the deterioration of the print and the music rights were an issue. Dare I hope that this is a newly found and restored print and that it might see the light of day on Blu-ray?? That would be fantastic!
Well the print is in very rough shape, filled with lots of debris and damage. It gets really rough near the reel changes. That said I would pay full price for a blu of what I watched. I just imagine that it would be a hard sell for most companies especially considering how good a lot of the recent releases have been. And like you said the music is quite problematic as it supposedly was all used illegally. Which I didn't mention above, it's full of synth music (I think they said TD, Neu! and Kraftwerk) which is so strange for this type of film.

Ah yes, I remember, so even if someone wanted to use a rough print, I suppose I shouldn't get my hopes up. Have you see ''The Devil'', the malaysian horror movie, that Massacre Video put out ? That was a very moldy print so I feel like there are small boutique labels that would release Master of the Flying Guillotine even if a it's in rough shape.
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By inksb
NathanLurker wrote: Mon May 23, 2022 5:44 pm
inksb wrote: Mon May 23, 2022 5:28 pm
NathanLurker wrote: Mon May 23, 2022 4:32 pm Master of the Flying Guillotine has a rescued print ?? I mentioned last year on Blu-ray . Com , on the 88films thread, that I really wished that they release that at some point, and a member replied that the deterioration of the print and the music rights were an issue. Dare I hope that this is a newly found and restored print and that it might see the light of day on Blu-ray?? That would be fantastic!
Well the print is in very rough shape, filled with lots of debris and damage. It gets really rough near the reel changes. That said I would pay full price for a blu of what I watched. I just imagine that it would be a hard sell for most companies especially considering how good a lot of the recent releases have been. And like you said the music is quite problematic as it supposedly was all used illegally. Which I didn't mention above, it's full of synth music (I think they said TD, Neu! and Kraftwerk) which is so strange for this type of film.

Ah yes, I remember, so even if someone wanted to use a rough print, I suppose I shouldn't get my hopes up. Have you see ''The Devil'', the malaysian horror movie, that Massacre Video put out ? That was a very moldy print so I feel like there are small boutique labels that would release Master of the Flying Guillotine even if a it's in rough shape.
I haven't, that's the one with the worms/leeches right? I wanted to pick that up but kind of forgot and it sold out. The print they showed could definitely be sold with full disclosure of the quality. In fact AGFA seems like the perfect candidate for it but the head AGFA guy when he intro'ed the movie specifically said "they are not releasing this" they just love the film and happened to capture a 35mm print and wanted to share. So hopefully we get something someday. I really hope some one was able to capture that stream because it would be nice to have that as a digital copy
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By inksb

Everything Everywhere All At Once dir by Daniels

I went into this with no knowledge of the film other than the teaser. It blew me away. It's easily the best film I've seen this year and one my favorite things I've seen in ages. Incredible performances, extremely playful and hilarious. Seek this out, watch it.


You Won't Be Alone dir by Goran Stolevski

A beautiful and haunting story of a child "cursed" to be a witch and her life through the years set in the 19th century of Macedonia. It's a methodically paced film, with minimal dialog, it explores various aspects of cultural roles with in the respective communities, relationships and exploration of folklore. I loved the mythos they created for the witches here. There's some incredible imagery as well. Highly recommend this one but make sure you're in the mood for style of film.


We Own This City created by David Simon

Did you enjoy The Wire? Did you want more of that show but you were severely disappointed by season 5? Then watch this, it's basically season 6. There are no characters from The Wire other than the city of Baltimore. It's a fantastic 6 episode mini series. Jon Bernthal turns in one of the finest performances of his career, he completely nailed the character and made you truly believe how fucking insane some one like this is, how they have no remorse for anything they did because they still believe they were doing the right thing in their twisted reality.


Spider-Man: No Way Home dir by Jon Watts

This film feels like they had the opportunity to use all the Sony Spider-Man stuff and tried to write a story around it in about a weeks time. It's one of the dumbest Marvel films and that's saying a lot. Now that's not to say the film is bad, it's not amazing by any means but there's fun to be had, funny lines of dialog, entertaining action scenes but none of the scenes held any real sense of emotion even though they tried so damn hard to convince you of it. Aside from one scene with May, everything else was eyerolling. I think it's the worst out of the newest trilogy. It was very fun to see Dafoe reprise Osborne though.

I started Obi Wan Kenobi, first episode just felt like more bland Star Wars stuff. They have this huge universe that they could do anything with yet they continue to focus on the Skywalkers for some fucking reason. I'm sick of it. One positive announcement I saw this weekend is that Visions is getting a second season next spring, that's the best thing to come from Star Wars in years.
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By ScoJo
We Own This City has been great, I'm looking forward to the last ep.

While I'm here... MEN is some pretty heady stuff, even for Garland. Not one to shy away from metaphors and allusions, and this one is fairly on the nose. The last act is completely bananas and will divide opinion for sure. It worked for me. The whole thing looks and sounds gorgeous of course, and the two leads are both interesting in their varied roles. Recommended, anyway. My only grievance is the missed opportunity to call it 'Men!', so that it could play in a perfect double feature with 'mother!'
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By inksb
I can't wait to see MEN. Not sure if I'm gonna make it to the theaters or just wait until VOD.
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By Bezulsqy
Looking forward watching Everything Everywhere... and Men.
My stepson went to see Top Gun past weekend. He really loved it. But hasn't seen the original...
I think I might go and watch that one this weekend.

Now watching:

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By static14
Getting the new projector all dialed in.
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By inksb

Kalifornia dir by Dominic Sena

This film came up on a podcast recently and it sparked an interest to revisit it. I'd say it's been at least a decade since I watched this last, maybe longer, I only remembered bits and pieces. It was an interesting revisit, the idea of a person who's trying to write a book about serial killers decides to make a cross country trek stopping at famous locations where these people made their marks. Kind of rings a bit differently in today's climate where every one is obsessed with true crime. Pitt's performance shines here with his weird little idiosyncrasies, odd grunts and noises. Watching his unhinged decent into his urges is interesting. Juliette Lewis looks so young it is crazy, I think she's either in her late teens or just barely 20. I enjoyed my revisit, it's not something I'll watch that often but it's great to see performances from 3 pretty big actors (although David & Juliette don't compare to Brad) so early in their careers.
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