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By Bezulsqy
Luigi Bazzoni and Franco Rosselini's 1965 La Donna del Lago a.k.a. The Possessed
score by Renzo Rossellini

Terrific giallo!

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By ChrisMcQueen007
Bezulsqy wrote: Sun Feb 20, 2022 2:12 pm Luigi Bazzoni and Franco Rosselini's 1965 La Donna del Lago a.k.a. The Possessed
score by Renzo Rossellini

Terrific giallo!

Yes, this is wonderful - great mix of early giallo and arthouse, this one really stayed with me.
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By Bezulsqy
Riccardo Ghione's 1973 Il prato macchiato di rosso a.k.a. The Bloodstained Lawn
score by Teo Usuelli

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By inksb

Peacemaker created by James Gunn

This is easily the best piece of DC media of the current age. It's quite funny, has good writing, directing and acting. They are not afraid to take the piss out of the world they exist in. One of the funniest bits is how Peacemaker claims that Superman is into shit, like actually likes playing in shit. If DC can actually put out more stuff like this and not imitating Marvel then I would probably watch more of their stuff. John Cena is surprisingly very funny. I had quite a bit of fun watching this.


My Name dir by Jin-min Kim

This one started out pretty strong, first two episodes had me hooked and then it proceeded drag it's feet and not deliver on its setup for most of the show. It has moments of that sprinkled in and a crazy conclusion but for me ep 3-7 were a slog to get through. Basic set up is high school girl sees her father murdered through the peep hole of their door but can't see who did it. Her father worked for a major crime kingpin who was his best friend, she ends up falling in with his syndicate to train and get revenge on the cop that murdered her father (according to her fathers friend) fast forward a few years and she's now a cop who is still working for the crime organization while she tries to find her fathers killer, she's getting close and finally gets transferred to the team which is head up by her fathers killer. Some fantastic action in the first few episodes and then it becomes boring cop shoot drama for a bit then a few action scenes, some twists and turns that ultimately concludes in a big crazy finale. I would say pass on this unless you are bored and looking for a mediocre Korean action drama to fill your time.
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By Bezulsqy
Just now finished watching The King's Man.
I did not like it. Felt too stupid most of the time. And the CGI was way too obvious. Not funny unlike the first two movies.
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By jgibbs4053
Anyone watch the HBO show “Euphoria” and did the theme for Cannibal Holocaust playing in the show throw you off?
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By Bezulsqy
Friday I watched the 4k remaster for Profondo Rosso. It was fantastic. Also the Italian 5.1 audio track sounded superb.
I had only seen Deep Red once before and back then it did not leave a big mark on me. After my first watch of The Bird with Crystal Plumage and Tenebre I felt different. Uccello especially remains my favorite Argento.
This time I really did admire Profondo Rosso and I understand the appeal.

Beginning of the year I was thinking of what movie to rewatch and now I know it is going to be Profondo Rosso. I also have the theatrical cut to watch and wit some commentaries.

Saturday I wanted to watch The Oisterman Weekend (never realized it starred Rutger Hauer) but my girlfriend did not want to. She wanted to see While We're Young from Noah Baumbach. I have to say I liked it. I do like Baumbach's old-Woody Allen type of movies.
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By Bezulsqy
^ very nice!

As March is the third month of the year I am going to try and watch three trilogies this month.

I am starting with Blade and continuing with Mad Max. I am not yet sure about the third one.

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By Hatter313
ScoJo wrote: Mon Mar 07, 2022 11:11 amIMG_2561.JPG
one of my favs
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By inksb

Scream [5] dir by Matt Bettinelli-Olpin & Tyler Gillett

Scream 5 is as good as part 4 and better than part 3. I think these directors did a nice job holding true to the franchise while putting their own little flourishes on it. With that said I have some issues with the movie that held it back, your main character Sam Carpenter (why? why do you do this???) gives the most lifeless performance I've ever seen, it's like she wandered in off the set of some low tier CW TV show. She's fucking awful. Everyone else and I mean everyone else acted circles around this girl. I have no idea how she got the job. Even her eyes look dead, no emotion in them, she just stares at things and you have no idea what she's thinking or feeling. The actress from Yellowjackets who was just a side character should have been the main character. The gore is quite graphic compared to the other films in the franchise, not way over the top but enough to stand out, some great throat stabs. The killer was pretty easy to deduce if you think about it but they do a good job of having 1000 misdirects. Although with the credit roll on this one I think I'm done with this franchise ***SPOILERS*** I warned you....they killed the character I love the most that's been in every film. Dewey went out in a bad way and I'm not happy about it. I could give a shit about Gale and Sidney doesn't really do much in the last few films anyways. Dewey is the heart of the series and with him gone I can't imagine a film with out him. ***END SPOILERS*** Overall if you like the Scream franchise and have watched 1-4 you need to see 5, you might love it, you might hate it or you might think it's middle of the pack like I did, either way it's worth a watch.


Fresh dir by Mimi Cave

I loved this, it was beautifully shot, acting was great and a very entertaining premise. I knew nothing going in and I recommend the same. This is a slow paced methodical film that takes it's time reveling in it's subject matter. I highly recommend this.


Hellbender dir by The Adams Family

This one was really interesting even if it wasn't fully successful in it's execution. I loved the concept and had a good time watching it unfold. Basic premise is a mother and daughter live up on a mountain in the middle of no where and the mother doesn't let the daughter leave the property ever. They are witches and her daughter may be a very very powerful one, her mother is afraid of losing her to the power. It's very low budget but is shot and uses VFX very cleverly making it feel like it has a substantially bigger budget than it does. It was written, directed and acted by a mother, daughter, father combo. Impressive they all work together to make films, switching jobs through out the process. Unfortunately you can feel the director changes at times, stuff does feel just different enough at times to make you question the choices. I think it's an interesting film that's worth checking out even with its flaws
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By Bezulsqy
inksb wrote: Mon Mar 07, 2022 2:30 pm Image

Scream [5] dir by Matt Bettinelli-Olpin & Tyler Gillett

Scream 5 is as good as part 4 and better than part 3. I think these directors did a nice job holding true to the franchise while putting their own little flourishes on it. With that said I have some issues with the movie that held it back, your main character Sam Carpenter (why? why do you do this???) gives the most lifeless performance I've ever seen, it's like she wandered in off the set of some low tier CW TV show. She's fucking awful. Everyone else and I mean everyone else acted circles around this girl. I have no idea how she got the job. Even her eyes look dead, no emotion in them, she just stares at things and you have no idea what she's thinking or feeling. The actress from Yellowjackets who was just a side character should have been the main character. The gore is quite graphic compared to the other films in the franchise, not way over the top but enough to stand out, some great throat stabs. The killer was pretty easy to deduce if you think about it but they do a good job of having 1000 misdirects. Although with the credit roll on this one I think I'm done with this franchise ***SPOILERS*** I warned you....they killed the character I love the most that's been in every film. Dewey went out in a bad way and I'm not happy about it. I could give a shit about Gale and Sidney doesn't really do much in the last few films anyways. Dewey is the heart of the series and with him gone I can't imagine a film with out him. ***END SPOILERS*** Overall if you like the Scream franchise and have watched 1-4 you need to see 5, you might love it, you might hate it or you might think it's middle of the pack like I did, either way it's worth a watch.


Fresh dir by Mimi Cave

I loved this, it was beautifully shot, acting was great and a very entertaining premise. I knew nothing going in and I recommend the same. This is a slow paced methodical film that takes it's time reveling in it's subject matter. I highly recommend this.


Hellbender dir by The Adams Family

This one was really interesting even if it wasn't fully successful in it's execution. I loved the concept and had a good time watching it unfold. Basic premise is a mother and daughter live up on a mountain in the middle of no where and the mother doesn't let the daughter leave the property ever. They are witches and her daughter may be a very very powerful one, her mother is afraid of losing her to the power. It's very low budget but is shot and uses VFX very cleverly making it feel like it has a substantially bigger budget than it does. It was written, directed and acted by a mother, daughter, father combo. Impressive they all work together to make films, switching jobs through out the process. Unfortunately you can feel the director changes at times, stuff does feel just different enough at times to make you question the choices. I think it's an interesting film that's worth checking out even with its flaws
Thanks for the insights. I am postponing a viewing of Scream because I want to re-watch 3 and 4 first.
I was wondering if Fresh would be interesting. The synopsis didn't do a lot for me. But now I will definitely give it a go.
Hellbender will have to take a backseat for a while.
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By Purplemule74
I'm sure the majority of your probably already know this, but the television series Creepshow has a fun episode called "Public Television of the Dead!" for the Season 2 premiere that is likely up your alley. It is running on Amazon right now if you have that platform.
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