General vinyl talk here.

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By Bezulsqy
Very nice set-up Havershaw! Feels very warm and cozy. A nice place to be.
I do understand that having records in another room might mean you play those less, but when you have 1700 records... does it really matter :-) I imagine you can barely keep up spinning all the new acquisitions...
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By inksb
havershaw wrote: Fri Jan 08, 2021 9:02 am @inks according to Discogs, I’m just shy of 1700 records which seems insane but that also includes 7”s and a handful of records I have color variants of for sentimental reasons. But I also know I probably have a bunch of records I still haven’t gotten around to putting in, so who knows.

that stain looks amazing, btw.

I have a pretty small little office in my house and I hate it being cluttered so I am forever struggling with the storage issues.
My current setup is this:
Both sides under the buffet are full.
(Small pile of records against the couch is the “to be filed” pile.)

Plus this:
I just added that last week - once I added this, it opened up some space in the main storage. I have a ton of Chappells coming from the EU that I ordered around Black Friday which still haven’t shown up, so I’m sort of saving that space for them and some other stuff I’ve been waiting on forever.

Admittedly...I do have 4 cubes in the spare room, too. I just hate putting records in another room because I forget I have them and I rarely play those.
I really like the setup you have going here. That Marantz receiver is beautiful, I'm always on the lookout for one at a reasonable price. Also appreciate seeing that Cheddar Goblin box on the top shelf and it looks like your copy of Inchiesta arrived pretty quickly, I made an offer on an over priced US copy and the person just denied it and didn't respond to my message. Oh well, hopefully another one will pop up. One does have to wonder if certain people put the "make an offer" option up with the thought that some one will offer then more than what they have listed...

I completely agree with putting records in the other room, it's been one of those things I've had to do for years and it meant they were going to the "don't really listen to" pile. Having everything all in one place has made me want to spin some stuff I haven't in a while, it's been fun. According to discogs I have amassed 850 records but I'm willing to bet that it's up over 900 as I haven't been updating regularly as new stuff comes in. I used to have a system and I was working my way through the last 1/4 of my collection but fell off a few months ago and now with the re-org I am going to have to start over again :(
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By Mateo Sanboval
What kind of speakers are hanging out in there, Havershaw?
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By Hatter313
havershaw wrote: Fri Jan 08, 2021 9:02 am @inks according to Discogs, I’m just shy of 1700 records which seems insane but that also includes 7”s and a handful of records I have color variants of for sentimental reasons. But I also know I probably have a bunch of records I still haven’t gotten around to putting in, so who knows.

that stain looks amazing, btw.

I have a pretty small little office in my house and I hate it being cluttered so I am forever struggling with the storage issues.
My current setup is this:
Both sides under the buffet are full.
(Small pile of records against the couch is the “to be filed” pile.)

Plus this:
I just added that last week - once I added this, it opened up some space in the main storage. I have a ton of Chappells coming from the EU that I ordered around Black Friday which still haven’t shown up, so I’m sort of saving that space for them and some other stuff I’ve been waiting on forever.

Admittedly...I do have 4 cubes in the spare room, too. I just hate putting records in another room because I forget I have them and I rarely play those.

I spy with my little eye a David lynch answer log that took waaaaaaay longer than anticipated to finally ship haha.

Also are those old DAW paperbacks I see? If so what’s in there? If not I withdraw my question haha
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By havershaw
@inks thanks! I went through a few amps before I finally just broke down and spent the $$ on a Marantz that was fully serviced and restored and once I got it I was like “oh good, now I’m done.” I’ve been really happy with it. I do use a MoFi preamp too (though the marantz one is a little softer and I’ll use that when listening to something like original SST Dinosaur Jr records or something). And yeah, I can’t believe how fast this Inchiesta arrived. It’s sooooo good!

@mateo, they are some weird ass speakers that some guy *made* that I fell in love with.
I went to this guy’s house to buy some boutiquey standalone CD player off Craigslist a while ago and he had these speakers there to demo it. I just thought they sounded incredible. I was totally blown away and the guy said he had built a second set and I eventually talked him into selling them to me the next week.

@hatter yesss! Good eye on the Answer Log. Did take forever, right? I actually left it in the shipping box until just a week ago when I rearranged the office for those new shelves.
Does that mean you also recognize my vintage Russian Wolfhound lamp? I wondered if anyone would.
And no, those aren’t DAW paperbacks - I think you’re talking about the Crestwood House “monster books” from the 70s/early 80s. I used to obsess over these in my school library. I think they may have only been sold to libraries? I’ve never seen one that wasn’t ex-library, anyway.
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By havershaw
@Bez I do keep up ok with new stuff - it basically goes in “to be filed” until I’ve played it, and then it goes on the shelf.
Sometimes if I’m really in love with something, though, I’ll just leave it in “to be filed” and give that one a bunch of extra spins before I put it away.

I’ll also go through weeks where I force myself not to buy anything and pick a genre or specific library or composer to re-listen to so everything is getting repeated spins.

This is probably blasphemy, but I recently got a pretty decent Bluetooth speaker and I rigged it so I can stream from the turntable in my office (which is in the bottom of our split level house) to the Bluetooth speaker, so when I’m doing dishes or some other cleaning or organizing somewhere else in the house, I can put a record on and bring that speaker with me wherever I am.

I think eventually I want to get something custom built so that the wall above the speakers (which are on either side of my old desk) is also just vinyl storage. Then I could have everything in one room.
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By Hatter313
Oh my god I knew that lamp looked familiar. That’s awesome hahaha! My parents had a cabin in upstate NY for a bit and I had done my bedroom up there to look like the great northern/Blue pine lodge. how did you even find that?

I always get excited when I see an accent or a piece of furniture or something in a movie of show that I can point to and go “I have or have seen that same X somewhere”
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By havershaw
Hatter313 wrote: Sat Jan 09, 2021 5:00 am Oh my god I knew that lamp looked familiar. That’s awesome hahaha! My parents had a cabin in upstate NY for a bit and I had done my bedroom up there to look like the great northern/Blue pine lodge. how did you even find that?

I always get excited when I see an accent or a piece of furniture or something in a movie of show that I can point to and go “I have or have seen that same X somewhere”
It’s a 50s Russian Wolfhound lamp. I got it maybe 5-6 years ago? There are a lot of variations on this, but this is the one in TP.
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By NathanLurker

Almost done. Just a couple more records to shelve and then I'll put the speakers on top etc. But I've been at it the whole day. Seriously, hours of cataloguing alphabetically. I'm done for the day.
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By Mateo Sanboval
Nathanial Lurker, Attorney At Shelves. Well done, squire.
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By Hatter313
Looks awesome!
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By ScoJo
@Nathan - hard as granite at this end.

My Rega P2 has arrived today - my first ever 'new' TT (I've always had 2nd hand/vintage - my last two decks were both lovely Lenco GL85s but sadly the current deck has started to play ever so slightly slow so I made the jump to a modern TT)

FullSizeRender.jpg (1.17 MiB) Viewed 1779 times

So far, everything is pretty skookum, no horrible surprises. I think The Red Baron is going to serve me well, though likely lead me down the Dark Path of audio upgrades etc ;) The Rega Carbon on board stylus is a little bright sounding just now but I hope it will settle in a bit - perhaps my ears decieveth me but it's slightly shockingly detailed/bright after so many years with the Lencos. It's inevitable I will consider other stylii going forward I assume. And a record cleaning system! :O
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By NathanLurker
Thanks guys ! I'm pleased with the result, glad you like my shelves too.

TT looks great Scojo ! I like the poster too. I recently got a THING long sleeve shirt with that design in the back.
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By tim28212
Love that red! Congrats on the new table.

Don't let that Dark Path of audio upgrades scare you. It's a fun journey.
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