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By inksb
The Eight Immortals Restaurant: The Untold Story. I've seen this listed under the title The Untold Story more often than that long title so I'm not sure what is the more accepted name. Either way this was a fun early 90's Hong Kong serial killer movie. Packed full of gore with some impressive gags. Story revolves around a killer who takes over a restaurant while shortly after a group of "rag tag" police officers discover a bunch of body parts washed up on shore. They begin their investigation which mostly revolves around the picked on female doing all of the work then all the other officers taking credit or calling her an idiot if she doesn't follow up on a lead on her own. There is a lead investigator (or some higher up officer) they are all trying to impress, played by Danny Lee of The Killer and City on Fire fame. It's pretty entertaining film that really pushes the gore due to it's Category III rating. There is scene involving chop-sticks that I dont' think I'll ever forget.

Suddenly in the Dark / Suddenly At Midnight. This is a Korean horror film 1981. The story centers around a family who take in a woman to be their house maid and she arrives carrying a weird doll wrapped in a blanket. The wife increasingly believes it's some form of curse/witchcraft. Starts having hallucinations and insanity ensues. It's a great little film, I picked up the Mondo Macabro bluray and the transfer is incredible. If you like strange offbeat horror films from regions of the country not entirely known for this type of thing, it's worth checking out.
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By ChrisMcQueen007
Gets better with every viewing me thinks.
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By inksb
Yeah that score is great! If only some one could release it on vinyl (nudge nudge)

And I agree @chris it definitely get's better and better. Even though I've always loved the film, I used to have to defend it a lot among my friends and over the years it seems like the overall consensus is that it's his last "great" film.
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By ScoJo
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Incredible Sogo Ishii jam. I'd love to do this soundtrack ;)
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By Hatter313
Recent double feature of some low key genre gems from Japan

"A Colt is My Passport" (1967) Jazzy Yakuza film with an awesome soundtrack and style for days, the final shoot out is just incredible

"The Living Skeleton" (1968) almost if The Fog was a Kaidan instead of a pulp comic come to life, and a little over a decade earlier, Seaside town ghost story with classic ghost story elements and a little something else going on under the surface. some really great moods and weirdness and just all around cool atmosphere.

Both excellent, both super fun, both have GREAT scores. ACIMYP score by Harumi Ibe and TLS score by Noboru Nishiyama. I don't believe either have ever been released as far as i can tell, although Ibe has more records listed so it may be on there and i'm just missing it due to translation error.
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By Bezulsqy
almost halfway and I have no idea what to make of it :-)


"And she doesn't look like a sonar operator." Made me laugh out loud.

Is this serious or a parody?
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By ScoJo
Bezulsqy wrote: Mon May 11, 2020 2:55 pm
ScoJo wrote: Mon May 11, 2020 2:09 pm Welcome, Ben!

We'll chat afterwards :)
Why was this made :-)
Because Nessie is real.
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By inksb
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This sucked. Skip it.

I finally watched Sette Note In Nero (The Psychic). I loved it. I expected a straightforward giallo, it was not. There is not really a black glove killer, it's just a murder mystery wrapped in a psychic's vision. Of course we all know the score is great but it was really cool to hear it in the context of the film, it's one of those scores that I'm fairly familiar with before actually seeing the film. If you haven't seen it there is a good bluray from Scorpion Releasing available at Roninflix in the US, there is a German blu (not sure if it's still in print) out there.

Technical question for film nerds on here. What causes the color flicker in these older films? It's very subtle yellow to green/blue shift in the image. I notice it a lot on older Italian films
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By Hatter313
Bezulsqy wrote: Mon May 11, 2020 1:41 pm almost halfway and I have no idea what to make of it :-)


"And she doesn't look like a sonar operator." Made me laugh out loud.

Is this serious or a parody?
This movie is brilliantly hysterical. Herzog making fun of himself the whole time. When whatsisface mutters "at least i'm not dragging a boat over a mountain" and Herzog loses it...kill me.
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By inksb

Well this was not what I was expecting at all. I really enjoyed it, it get's very uncomfortable at times and is shot really well. Some of the weird soft focus in between pool shots were surprising to me. I expected the ending to be very similar to what they did and glad they actually did that for the ending instead of some happy bullshit.

I was having a bit of an issue the other evening feeling very indifferent, I put on like 3 or 4 different things and wasn't enjoying any of them. I finally settled on Romeo Must Die, I haven't seen it since the theaters and I remember not liking it but I kind of wanted to see some Jet Li. Boy oh boy is it worse than I remember. DMX's first scene, he looks terrified to be in front of the camera and looks like he's reading cue cards. Also he looks like he's 20-30 years younger than his "gruff" voice. I made it about an hour into it before I fell asleep and I don't plan on returning to the last 40 minutes.

I also started watching an anime on Netflix called Scissor Seven, it's from China which you don't see a lot of animation from. It's so well done, funny, incredible action and entertaining characters. There is a scene in episode 4 that is one of the coolest animated sequences I've seen in a very long time. There are two seasons and I'm halfway through the first right now.

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By inksb
Heart of Dragon. Directed by Sammo Hung. This was not what I expected at all, the newly commissioned art for the bluray had me assuming it was another Sammo & Jackie action film. Nope, it is not. There are action scenes in it and some of them are very good but this is a disjointed story about two brothers, Jackie plays the little brother to Sammo who happens to be playing 30 year old mentally handicapped person. It's not done for laughs, they try to make it very serious and aside from a few awkward slapstick moments it kind of works. Jackie wants to be a sailor but instead he's a cop, he has to always worry about his brother getting into trouble. Well his brother does and it's usually at the encouragement of his friends who are all around 7-10 years old. It's a little long and definitely a mid tier Jackie film, especially for the time period (actually it's one of the 'worst' films from the 80's that I've seen from him). The final showdown is highly entertaining, there's a parking lot brawl in the middle that's just silly. And I need to point out there is a stunt in the film that was insane in the film but mind boggling seeing the failed attempt during the credit sequence. The stunt required one of his team to jump out the second story window, bounce off of an awning and land on top of a car as it's pull up to park near the awning. As you can image from that description the failed attempt is bad, he jumped out of the second story, missed the awning, hit the pavement and then got hit by the car as it's cue was running behind. The car hit was not very serious, it wasn't going fast and only got him a little but that's just the icing on the cake after falling two stories onto concrete. Poor guy, he must have done some serious damage to himself with that stunt.

I've never felt very strongly about this one, it has a great cast, the cinematography is great but overall it never did much for me. Revisited it again this weekend and still didn't do much for me. It's my least watched Anderson film (this was only my second viewing) and I can't see myself returning to it again, at least for a while.
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By Hatter313
I'm a huge Anderson fan, and I actively dislike Moonrise Kingdom, its the only movie of his I don't care for.
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By ScoJo
Hatter313 wrote: Mon May 18, 2020 2:40 pm I'm a huge Anderson fan, and I actively dislike Moonrise Kingdom, its the only movie of his I don't care for.
Speaking of huge WA fan.... I do have a funny little story about visiting the sets of Mr Fox if you want to hear it?
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By inksb
ScoJo wrote: Mon May 18, 2020 2:47 pm
Hatter313 wrote: Mon May 18, 2020 2:40 pm I'm a huge Anderson fan, and I actively dislike Moonrise Kingdom, its the only movie of his I don't care for.
Speaking of huge WA fan.... I do have a funny little story about visiting the sets of Mr Fox if you want to hear it?
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By ScoJo

So a friend of mine was on the film, and got me and the gf in one day to have a look around during production - it was pretty wild. Based at Three Mills Studios in London, they had like at least half a dozen sets going at the same time, we had the whole run of the place during lunch hour and got to see all the model production units as well. But the real gold was all the stuff she wasn't supposed to show anyone...

On a secure online drive, she showed us dozens of 'reference' videos that had been shot by Wes of the main actors scrabbling around in a field pretending to be the various animal characters.... Clooney, Schwarzman, Owen Wilson, Murray. All on their hands and knees, making various animal noises. It was incredible. I desperately wanted her to try and smuggle them out on a USB stick before she finished on the movie but it just wasn't possible. She also showed us videos of Wes 'directing' in his bathrobe from his hotel in Paris, via video call. Apparently he only visited the studios twice, the whole thing was done remotely which was a HUGE problem for the animation crew: he would casually say stuff like 'yeah, the scene with Mr Fox blah blah blah is good, but I think what would be better would be if blah blah blah...', seemingly with no concept in his head that everything he was looking at and changing had taken weeks to animate! The crew hated him. It was bad enough that, when my friend introduced me to the animation director by saying "this is my pal, he's a huge Wes fan..." this poor embattled guy just replied "yeah, we'll soon change that!"

I didn't quite get a souvenir from the visit, sadly (I was really tempted at one point to steal a Jarvis Cocker model, but obviously controlled myself!) but later she did give me one of the heads of the Were Rabbit which she also worked on.
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By inksb
ScoJo wrote: Mon May 18, 2020 7:47 pm 'Kay.

So a friend of mine was on the film, and got me and the gf in one day to have a look around during production - it was pretty wild. Based at Three Mills Studios in London, they had like at least half a dozen sets going at the same time, we had the whole run of the place during lunch hour and got to see all the model production units as well. But the real gold was all the stuff she wasn't supposed to show anyone...

On a secure online drive, she showed us dozens of 'reference' videos that had been shot by Wes of the main actors scrabbling around in a field pretending to be the various animal characters.... Clooney, Schwarzman, Owen Wilson, Murray. All on their hands and knees, making various animal noises. It was incredible. I desperately wanted her to try and smuggle them out on a USB stick before she finished on the movie but it just wasn't possible. She also showed us videos of Wes 'directing' in his bathrobe from his hotel in Paris, via video call. Apparently he only visited the studios twice, the whole thing was done remotely which was a HUGE problem for the animation crew: he would casually say stuff like 'yeah, the scene with Mr Fox blah blah blah is good, but I think what would be better would be if blah blah blah...', seemingly with no concept in his head that everything he was looking at and changing had taken weeks to animate! The crew hated him. It was bad enough that, when my friend introduced me to the animation director by saying "this is my pal, he's a huge Wes fan..." this poor embattled guy just replied "yeah, we'll soon change that!"

I didn't quite get a souvenir from the visit, sadly (I was really tempted at one point to steal a Jarvis Cocker model, but obviously controlled myself!) but later she did give me one of the heads of the Were Rabbit which she also worked on.
That's an awesome story, I would absolutely love to wander around those sets (or any big stop motion production). And him being like doesn't surprise me at all, I feel he is probably a fairly difficult person to work with in general. All of that only exacerbated by stop motion production.

Also digging the profile pic there @scojo
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By Hatter313
That story was damn delightful
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