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By inksb
@bez, I'll be curious to see what you think of the Star Trek sequels. I personally love the 3rd one, enjoy the first and dislike the 2nd.
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By ScoJo
Of course:

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By zuko
skeletonbutt wrote: Sat Mar 07, 2020 1:53 pm is it me or are fewer movies being released every year? or is there so much being released that nothing stands out? i'm digging through 1999 and there was a lot of stuff in just that one year.
To be fair, ‘99 is an outstanding year.
By skeletonbutt
zuko wrote: Sun Mar 08, 2020 8:00 pm
skeletonbutt wrote: Sat Mar 07, 2020 1:53 pm is it me or are fewer movies being released every year? or is there so much being released that nothing stands out? i'm digging through 1999 and there was a lot of stuff in just that one year.
To be fair, ‘99 is an outstanding year.
yeah there really was a lot in that year! the matrix, bringing out the dead, election, fight club, blair witch, being john malkovich, american beauty, eyes wide shut, magnolia, etc. just 'teen' movies alone, there was 10 Things I Hate About You, 200 Cigarettes, American Pie, Detroit Rock City, Dick, Drive Me Crazy, Go, Idle Hands, Never Been Kissed, The Rage: Carrie 2, She's All That, Varsity Blues. i guess stuff like this goes to netflix now, if they're even made at all anymore.
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By inksb
I can not recommend this one at all. It's 90% terrible with 5% good gore effects and 5% interesting idea behind the zombie spread and infection. Directed by Rodman Flender (Idle Hands) I was interested to check out a film by him since I haven't seen him direct anything in years. He does a decent job but the budget is so incredibly low, the actors just not very good at all, costume design looks like it was picked out at Walmart but the biggest offender is the god awful script. I guess it's based on a book, I feel like parts of it work way better in book form than on the screen. Basic premise is zombie outbreak happens, turns out it's actually an STD not caused by zombies biting you. Being a zombie doesn't mean you are brain dead, this one is the only a zombie when actually needing to eat trope. Oh and there's psychics whose eyes go white while they are using their power and lots (and I mean a lot) of voice over narration from multiple characters. It makes for some cool ideas in theory but the film just can't figure out how to make it entertaining. Skip it unless you want to see a C-grade low budget zombie flick.

Watched this for the second time this weekend, it was a first time viewing for my wife. She absolutely loved it, which is rare to even convince her to watch something like this as she's mainly a horror and scifi fan. Honestly I think it was better on second viewing. So damn good.

So this was a first time watch, I love the score but have never seen the film. It didn't quite work for me unfortunately, it's not bad, I enjoyed what I watched but I think I had different expectations going in and it ultimately didn't live up to them. The wolf vision was so bad and used so much. I did like the final confrontation once we got there. I could have done with out the footage of them killing dogs & wolves, that shit was completely unnecessary and as an avid animal lover it bothered me quite a bit.

I picked up the Sammo Hung 3 movie collection from Eureka a few months ago and finally finished the last film in the set, Eastern Condors. This is Sammo in full on serious mode, making an action epic set in Vietnam war era. I knew nothing about this going into and it completely surprised me, it is very serious (it's still a HK film so there are still a few moments of odd humor) and extremely violent. Sammo is at his fittest, I've never seen him so slim, it's impressive. Yuen Biao is great here (even with is terrible hair cut) and the surprise for me was Yuen Wah, apparently I haven't taken notice of him before but he's just as acrobatic as Biao and it made for a crazy showdown at the end. I highly recommend this one if your are into HK action films. It's mostly gun fighting until the final act so don't expect a ton of martial arts. And a word of warning Yuen Biao rips the head off of a snake in a scene for some odd reason. There is a cut and it may be fake but the way the body recoils and moves when the head is ripped form the body seemed realistic, if it is fake then props to the effects team. It seemed to come out of nowhere and threw me off.

And the last thing I watched this weekend was Blood Reign: Curse of the Yoma, a mid 80's OVA that reminded me of Ninja Scroll except more evil fucked up creature design. I loved this, the animation was great, monster/creature design was crazy, they went with hyper vibrant colors for a lot of the creatures which makes everything pop. It was a pleasant surprise and one of those anime's that I just completely missed out on. I recommend checking it out if you are into 80's anime leaning towards the overly violent type.
By skeletonbutt
i liked EBL a lot! i apprehensively began watching it, but was happy to see that it wasn't a zombie movie and more of a teen comedy road movie thing. it has a happy death day kind of vibe, and they share an actress. can't defend its low budget, and agree that the acting and "special" effects are awful. as long as movie isn't boring, i can enjoy it in spite of its shortcomings. couldn't stand knives out though, his dialogue will not age well at all. agree with you about wolfen. the only things that stick out to me are the images of a crumbling early 80s NYC.
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By inksb
skeletonbutt wrote: Tue Mar 10, 2020 11:06 am i liked EBL a lot! i apprehensively began watching it, but was happy to see that it wasn't a zombie movie and more of a teen comedy road movie thing. it has a happy death day kind of vibe, and they share an actress. can't defend its low budget, and agree that the acting and "special" effects are awful. as long as movie isn't boring, i can enjoy it in spite of its shortcomings. couldn't stand knives out though, his dialogue will not age well at all. agree with you about wolfen. the only things that stick out to me are the images of a crumbling early 80s NYC.
I think another thing that kept me from liking EBL is the fact that I did not like any of the actors. It was definitely a teen comedy road movie which I didn't mention and I think that works to it's favor. But yeah nothing really worked for me, I didn't hate it, it's just not something I'll watch again.
By skeletonbutt
yeah that's a problem i have with a lot of low budget straight-to-vod stuff. you can always see the people acting; they're rarely natural.
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By deafmetal
inksb wrote: Mon Mar 09, 2020 6:40 pm Image
And the last thing I watched this weekend was Blood Reign: Curse of the Yoma, a mid 80's OVA that reminded me of Ninja Scroll except more evil fucked up creature design. I loved this, the animation was great, monster/creature design was crazy, they went with hyper vibrant colors for a lot of the creatures which makes everything pop. It was a pleasant surprise and one of those anime's that I just completely missed out on. I recommend checking it out if you are into 80's anime leaning towards the overly violent type.
Wow, this must have slipped through my net back in the day. Looks amazing, will have to seek it out.
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By Dollarhyde
deafmetal wrote: Wed Mar 11, 2020 1:35 pm
inksb wrote: Mon Mar 09, 2020 6:40 pm Image
And the last thing I watched this weekend was Blood Reign: Curse of the Yoma, a mid 80's OVA that reminded me of Ninja Scroll except more evil fucked up creature design. I loved this, the animation was great, monster/creature design was crazy, they went with hyper vibrant colors for a lot of the creatures which makes everything pop. It was a pleasant surprise and one of those anime's that I just completely missed out on. I recommend checking it out if you are into 80's anime leaning towards the overly violent type.
Wow, this must have slipped through my net back in the day. Looks amazing, will have to seek it out.
Same here, missed it at the end of your post too.
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By inksb
deafmetal wrote: Wed Mar 11, 2020 1:35 pm Wow, this must have slipped through my net back in the day. Looks amazing, will have to seek it out.
Dollarhyde wrote: Wed Mar 11, 2020 1:38 pm Same here, missed it at the end of your post too.
If either of you want me to direct you to where I found it just shoot me a message.
By 334578rpm
Friday the 13th viewing.
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By inksb

I kind of love this mess of a film. I hated it when it came out and revisited a few years ago only to realize that there was something actually here. I've watched it a few times since then and enjoy it more and more. Don't get me wrong, it's a terrible movie and bottom tier of the franchise, it's just incredibly entertaining. I can only hope that space attire looks like what they have here in 2456.
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By Bezulsqy
ScoJo wrote: Sun Mar 08, 2020 7:24 pm Of course:

Thanks for the tip. Watched this yesterday. Never seen it. What a score! And educational. Now I now what is coming...

Tonight watching this:

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By ScoJo
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Remember in 1993 when Abel Ferrara shot a version of Invasion of the Body Snatchers based on a story by Larry Cohen, with a script by Stuart Gordon and Dennis Paoli? And it was super creepy and cool looking and underrated, leaning heavily on a metaphor about military control and conformity?
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By inksb
i've never seen that version but it's been on my radar for a few years. I really should watch it.
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By ScoJo
inksb wrote: Wed Mar 18, 2020 2:24 pm i've never seen that version but it's been on my radar for a few years. I really should watch it.
Go for it! Just be warned though- Forest Whittaker's over-acting is truly terrible :-/
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By inksb
ScoJo wrote: Wed Mar 18, 2020 2:52 pm
inksb wrote: Wed Mar 18, 2020 2:24 pm i've never seen that version but it's been on my radar for a few years. I really should watch it.
Go for it! Just be warned though- Forest Whittaker's over-acting is truly terrible :-/
So standard 80's & 90's Whittaker? lol
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By ScoJo

Oh and R.Lee Ermy gets to do a terrifying variation of his Full Metal Jacket role.

And watch out- it has quite possibly the worst green screen shot you will ever see. From ANY era. Don't worry, you'll know it when you see it!
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By ScoJo
Hell to the motherfuckin yessss...

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By inksb
I'm a mess lately. I haven't been logging or keeping track of what I watched. Here are some highlights of the last week and half.

This was really good. Crime Story is Jackie's best 'serious' role I've seen (I have not watched The Foreigner, which I heard was his best serious role). This is a violent straight forward kidnapping and ransom story. Jackie doesn't do a single fight gag or joke in the whole film. I really enjoyed it, it was a nice change for him. It's not his best movie by any means, it falls right in the middle for me but worth a watch if you have never seen it.

Battle Creek Brawl. This one is a weird one, it's Jackie's first attempt to break through in the US, he's in the lead role in an American film. It failed and took him well over a decade to finally crack into the US market (with Rumble in the Bronx). It's a slow, strange period film set in the early 1900's. Jackie entered into a fighting contest and the whole movie leads up to that 10 minutes at the end. It has a strange but humorous roller skating race. Lots of standard Jackie fight gags and humor from him, the problem stems from the director (Robert Clouse of Enter the Dragon fame) who has no idea how to shoot Jackie and you can tell Jackie was not allowed to help with staging and shots. He does a few chair flipping tricks and they are just shot wide and slow, don't look real. Jackie has done so many of them and way better in other films. It's an interesting watch, not a bad film but I would skip it if you haven't seen most of his better films.

This has a really strange plot point that will probably turn off a lot of people. The acting is really good, story is kind of basic outside of it's "fucked up" reason for existing. Two bumbling hicks try to cover up the death of a friend, really poorly. Kind of middling for me, not bad nor is it something that I'll ever watch again.

mon mon mon Monsters. I hated this. Every character is a piece of shit. The main character who is bullied relentlessly is also a giant bag of shit that deserves what he's getting. Every one is detestable. It's kind of like Dead Girl but with out the gross zombie fucking and also has a second monster that's hunting the one who has been captured and tortured. Not recommended.

My least favorite Anderson film. Still enjoyable. I always thought Luke would have been the more successful Olsen but that was wrong.

I've always found this one fun. I watch it at least once a year. I understand the Wes Anderson hate, he's a very specific filmmaker that has found his "thing" and beats it to death. I just so happen to enjoy his shtick.

It's been years since I've watched this and I still really love it. Probably my least favorite Wright film but I do enjoy all of his stuff immensely (I haven't seen his first one, A Fistful of Fingers, but Arrow is supposed to release that at some point on blu). The casting was perfect in this and upon revisiting I realized there were a lot of people I didn't really know of at the time, Alison Brie & Aubrey Plaza being two that stuck out. I really don't like Michael Cera but this role was kind of perfect for him. I love the comics and read them last year for the 5th time, this makes me want to read them again.

Also started watching Alex Garland's new mini series, Devs, starring Allison Pill (Scott Pilgrim) and Nick Offerman. I'm enjoying it quite a bit after two episodes. I knew nothing about the show other than it starred Nick who I really like so I gave it a shot. Not what I was expecting at all.
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