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By maxlevel
It’s one of the few Ewan McGregor performances I actually love! This, trainspotting and Fargo season 2
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By inksb
I picked up 5 Jackie Chan blurays from 88 Films, three of them arrive last week and I ended up watching Mr Canton and Lady Rose (aka Miracles: The Canton Godfather). I've never seen this one but it's been on my list for a while, I love Jackie and Anita on screen together and this one delivers. It's a much more light hearted affair, not as much martial arts (it's still there but maybe about 1/4 of the run time has fight scenes). The story is so absurd and funny, Jackie arrives in Hong Kong and ends up 'saving' a boss from the local gang, he ends up dying and his gang members do not hear his dying request properly and think that he said Jackie is now in control of the gang. Well the rest of the movie is Jackie running the gang and learning how to do it while being distracted by helping out the lady he buys his good luck roses from in the most outrageous way. It's fun and I'm glad it's in the collection, if you do watch it don't expect a big martial arts film, there are some great fight scenes but they are few and far between.

I love Jeremy Gardner, The Battery was fantastic and it's a shame it has taken him so long to get another movie made. This is a love story that happens to have a monster in it. The poster fucking ruins the monster (sorry, it's the only poster I could find) but that's not really that important, it's about the characters. I can see some people hating this, I have a feeling after seeing all of the praise from the festival circuit this will definitely get hate. It's only kind of a horror movie. Brea Grant and Jeremy were great in it. Overall I really enjoyed the film and hope others do as well.

Sion Sono's Tag. It's a strange one with kinetic camera work (definitely some Evil Dead inspiration in a few spots) and an absurd amount of blood being sprayed everywhere. I don't think I'll ever revisit but it was worth checking out. Sono is such a strange director, when he's firing on all cylinders he's incredible but he's similar to Takashi Miike and has no problem making weird less focused films that don't always work.

And speaking of Miike, here is a manga adaption he did for a movie about people terra forming mars but need to elimate super roaches by injecting themselves with a super bug serum. It's all kinds of bad but highly entertaining at times.
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By inksb
I really enjoyed the hell out of this. A bunch of old bastards defending their bar from drugged out punks trying to get their stolen drugs back. It feels a touch like Assault on Precinct 13 (amplified by Steve Moore's score that felt very Assault and Escape from NY). The practical effects were fantastic, the neon lighting was so good and Stephen Lang kills it. It's pretty cool to see Fred Williamson still being Fred. Dora Madison (from Bliss) looks so good in this too, her role isn't huge but I enjoyed her limited screen time. I feel like a lot folks around here will really enjoy this one.

New Korean thriller starring Ma Dong-seok (Train to Busan) as the main gangster. The story center's on a cop chasing a serial killer who randomly attempts to kill the gangster. The gangster being the only person to survive an attack, the cop teams up with him to find the killer. Who ever catches the killer first does what they want (gangster wants to kill, cop want's to send to jail). This is a mid tier Korean thriller, non essential but a well shot and acted film. If looking for something a little different it's worth checking out, if you haven't seen a lot of Korean cinema then there are way better films to check out first.
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By ScoJo
I'm no fan of Begos and I found Bliss insufferable, but definitely curious about VWF (or wetf it's called!) based on the praise. I might get on with this one more.
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By inksb
ScoJo wrote: Wed Feb 19, 2020 5:28 pm I'm no fan of Begos and I found Bliss insufferable, but definitely curious about VWF (or wetf it's called!) based on the praise. I might get on with this one more.
I'm not entirely sure you will like it since you are not a huge Begos fan and it's most definitely a Begos movie but give it a chance. VFW is the title, not sure if you guys have anything similar over there but in the US there are lots of VFW's around the country, it's a place where veterans of foreign wars can congregate and just be with people that have experience the horrors of war. Usually just a bar that they can drink at with out interruption. Most are very strict about not letting any one who isn't a veteran in. I've been into a few over the years and usually asked to leave almost immediately.
By vinyljunkie
I thought both Bliss and VFW were good, not great... but the scores for both are the best things I have heard from Steve Moore! Along with Stetson's Color Out of Space and Rob's Gretel & Hansel, this year is off to an amazing start film scoring wise!
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By inksb
Watched this for the first time last night. What a strange film, plays out very similar to a standard 80s teen comedy but just has so much weird and darkness mixed in. Quite enjoyable. It's been added to the very short list of films I enjoy starring John Cusack.
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By ScoJo
inksb wrote: Fri Feb 21, 2020 1:54 pm Image
Watched this for the first time last night. What a strange film, plays out very similar to a standard 80s teen comedy but just has so much weird and darkness mixed in. Quite enjoyable. It's been added to the very short list of films I enjoy starring John Cusack.

Cusack is obviously great, and 'good people', and it always bums me when good people don't dig other good people. Knowharramean?*

(* In Statham voice, for no particular reason)
By skeletonbutt
guns akimbo was a nice surprise. knew nothing about it. kind of like crank, john wick, and edward scissorhands. lots of fun.
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By inksb
I was immediately sold on this film by the trailer, it looked like it was going to be an absurd high octane frantic action film along the lines of Crank. I love Samara Weaving and actually enjoy a lot of Radcliff's post Potter choices. After finishing the movie I can say I barely derived any entertainment from it, don't get me wrong there are some decent parts but the director barely incapable of actually filming an action scene and boy is the script bad, I mean bad. Hammer fight, we need to stop mid fight and say "HAMMER TIME!" but then wait 30 seconds to actually cue up the song. There were so many cringe inducing lines of dialog, I know they were meant to be that way but it doesn't mean I can just ignore the fact that they seemed like they were written by a 12 year old. Samara and Daniel do the best they can with the material provided. I was laughing at the fact that Samara's character is this bad ass that kills everything, is insanely good at it but when it comes time for her to kill the main character she has "chronic bad guy disease" (ie can't hit a fucking thing with her gun), his character obviously has no idea how to shoot a gun so he should be unable to hit anything, then we get to the obvious "team up to take down the real bad guy" section of the film and they are both now highly trained killers who put a bullet exactly where they point their gun as they mow down over a 100 bad guys. The main bad guy's accent can't seem to settle into anything cohesive, it just wavers from line to line, although with his makeup and fake tattoos he looks like Michael Berryman fucked Simon Peg and he's the result. There are things to like in the film and I know a lot of people have been enjoying it (@skeleton just said he really enjoyed it) but there was too much stuff working against it for me. If you are looking for something like Gamer mixed with Crank (I wouldn't say John Wick, nothing is any where near as well shot action wise) then give this one a shot and see if you like it.

Jackie's second attempt at a breakout role in the US, this film is directed by James Glickenhaus and it's unlike anything I've ever seen with Jackie. There is lots of nudity, lot's of swearing and a good deal of bloody gun violence in the first half. The story is pretty simple Jackie's partner get's killed, teams up with new one, girl get's kidnapped, he has to go to Hong Kong to get her back. There are some decent action set pieces but it feels very American and not very HK/Jackie Chan. There are some weirdly long drawn out set pieces which feel like the director really loved the footage they shot and spent a lot of money on it so they used all of it. Overall I enjoyed it and feel like any fan of Jackie should give it a watch. The new bluray from 88 Films has the HK version that Jackie re-shot lots of footage and re-edited for the HK market in upscaled SD unfortunately (but at least it's on here). There is a really cool 17min feature that does side by side comparison of all the difference between the two, it was really interesting and I will watch the HK cut eventually, as it seems like Jackie shot and added it almost 20 minutes of footage while also removing a bunch too. He removed all of the nudity, added a sub plot in HK. The added HK footage looks nothing like the US shot stuff and looks very distinctly like an 80s HK film.

I loved this, it sucked me right in and I watched the entire season with 24 hours. It's fairly short, seven 20 minute episodes. It's from the director of The End of the Fucking World, stars two of the children from It Chapter 1/2 (Stan & Bev). The writing is sharp, fairly believable for a teenager. Great music selection, shot beautifully and the cast is excellent. I highly recommend this one. It's a fairly basic set up that we've seen or read before, which I believe is based on a comic but I'm not familiar with the source material. I'm really curious where they are going to take season 2.

This one seems to be pretty divisive, I've seen a lot of people love it and a lot of people say it's terrible. For me I enjoyed it, it's a touch drawn out, runtime is 1 hr 50 min and I would have preferred 10-15 minutes cut out of it's run time. The effects are great, it really impressed me especially knowing how limited the budget was. It's nice to see Stanley back in the directing chair after so many years away and for the most part he does great work. Cage is good and being pretty Cagey, he's not in Mandy mode here, he's kind of between Mandy and his normal weirdo overacting nonsense, it works in the final third more than the first two thirds of the film. It's nice to see Tommy Chong in a role, it feels like it's been a really long time since I've seen him in a film. I'm pretty sure I've read the original Lovecraft story many years ago but I didn't remember much from it, I will probably revisit soon. I recommend checking this one out, it may not work for you but it's worth it just to see some of the cool effects they created and if you like seeing Cage being a weirdo then you'll probably enjoy it.
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By ScoJo
Saw The Invisible Man, it was okay. It's basically 'Sleeping with the Hollow Man', Julia Roberts dom.abuse flight-flick meets Invisible Bad Man. It didn't nail the ending for me. Had quite a bit of irritating 'dumb b-movie choices' stuff, characters behaving to serve plot. Music was pretty bad. Three or four very effective shock moments. Bad guy husband was very weak sauce. Moss is her usual somewhat fascinating (yet strangely off-putting?) self. Made me pine for both of the above mentioned movies, which are much better.

So I rewatched Hollow Man this a.m. before work. It's awesome. And VERY un-PC!
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By inksb
Anime update for those that give a shit

I have finally finished JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5: Golden Wind. This is by far my favorite season of the show. The characters are all great, the new stands and bad guys are all fun and enjoyable. Lots of ridiculous character design and posing. It's lots of absurd fun. I understand why it's currently one of the biggest anime series out there. It's definitely now my favorite after almost not continuing from Part 1 & 2 being a bit boring. Each season from 1-5 has been better and better. I've been reading the manga over the last few months as well, the anime has stuck pretty close to the manga in a very impressive way. I just started Part 5 of the manga and I'm excited to get to parts 6-8 as those have not been adapted yet.

Now and Then, Here and There. I saw a post recently about this late 90's anime and I was surprised I hadn't even heard about it. When I started the first episode I was blown away with the animation and the world they built and the set up of the story, the next 2-3 episodes slow it town and we get to know some characters, after that the pace of the story speeds up but the actual pace of the show always feels slow. I actually struggled to finish it and it's only 13 episodes. They focus on the wrong things, the set up is so cool and they give you little glimpses of this strange and wonderful world but ultimately it's just a basic evil people trying to use some one with powers for evil things, oppress the oppressed. Also the main character says the secondary characters name so fucking much it's irritating, it's like they didn't know how to write a proper conversation so it's just putting her name in every sentence and sometimes multiple times even though the conversation is with her. I wish it was better and I can't really recommend it to any one other than maybe @dollar as I know he may find something worth the time but honestly there's way better stuff out there than this.
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By inksb
ScoJo wrote: Mon Mar 02, 2020 4:17 pm Moss is her usual somewhat fascinating (yet strangely off-putting?) self.

So I rewatched Hollow Man this a.m. before work. It's awesome. And VERY un-PC!
That might be the most accurate description of how I feel about Moss as well. Never really thought of it that way. lol

And yeah I can see Hollow Man not being very accepted these days.
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By Bezulsqy
inksb wrote: Mon Mar 02, 2020 1:50 pm Image
I was immediately sold on this film by the trailer, it looked like it was going to be an absurd high octane frantic action film along the lines of Crank. I love Samara Weaving and actually enjoy a lot of Radcliff's post Potter choices. After finishing the movie I can say I barely derived any entertainment from it, don't get me wrong there are some decent parts but the director barely incapable of actually filming an action scene and boy is the script bad, I mean bad. Hammer fight, we need to stop mid fight and say "HAMMER TIME!" but then wait 30 seconds to actually cue up the song. There were so many cringe inducing lines of dialog, I know they were meant to be that way but it doesn't mean I can just ignore the fact that they seemed like they were written by a 12 year old. Samara and Daniel do the best they can with the material provided. I was laughing at the fact that Samara's character is this bad ass that kills everything, is insanely good at it but when it comes time for her to kill the main character she has "chronic bad guy disease" (ie can't hit a fucking thing with her gun), his character obviously has no idea how to shoot a gun so he should be unable to hit anything, then we get to the obvious "team up to take down the real bad guy" section of the film and they are both now highly trained killers who put a bullet exactly where they point their gun as they mow down over a 100 bad guys. The main bad guy's accent can't seem to settle into anything cohesive, it just wavers from line to line, although with his makeup and fake tattoos he looks like Michael Berryman fucked Simon Peg and he's the result. There are things to like in the film and I know a lot of people have been enjoying it (@skeleton just said he really enjoyed it) but there was too much stuff working against it for me. If you are looking for something like Gamer mixed with Crank (I wouldn't say John Wick, nothing is any where near as well shot action wise) then give this one a shot and see if you like it.

This one seems to be pretty divisive, I've seen a lot of people love it and a lot of people say it's terrible. For me I enjoyed it, it's a touch drawn out, runtime is 1 hr 50 min and I would have preferred 10-15 minutes cut out of it's run time. The effects are great, it really impressed me especially knowing how limited the budget was. It's nice to see Stanley back in the directing chair after so many years away and for the most part he does great work. Cage is good and being pretty Cagey, he's not in Mandy mode here, he's kind of between Mandy and his normal weirdo overacting nonsense, it works in the final third more than the first two thirds of the film. It's nice to see Tommy Chong in a role, it feels like it's been a really long time since I've seen him in a film. I'm pretty sure I've read the original Lovecraft story many years ago but I didn't remember much from it, I will probably revisit soon. I recommend checking this one out, it may not work for you but it's worth it just to see some of the cool effects they created and if you like seeing Cage being a weirdo then you'll probably enjoy it.
I could not agree more with your comments on Guns Akimbo. I found it too stupid. Not funny enough. Not original. But I did like Daniel Radcliff in it. I rewatched Crank a month ago and still liked it. However not as much as when I first watched it a long time ago.

I also agree with what you say about Color out of Space. I enjoyed it as well, but there where a lot of little things that bugged me. I do love the color of the color out of space :-)
I read @ScoJo really liked it and threw an Annihilation into his comments. I enjoyed Annihilation a lot more!
By 334578rpm
I had a blast with this one.
IMG_20200304_224947.jpg (1.91 MiB) Viewed 3853 times
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By inksb
Had the urge to watch this last night. The final third of the film is still terrifying to me. Such a great film.
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By Hatter313
^so good
By skeletonbutt
is it me or are fewer movies being released every year? or is there so much being released that nothing stands out? i'm digging through 1999 and there was a lot of stuff in just that one year.
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By inksb
skeletonbutt wrote: Sat Mar 07, 2020 1:53 pm is it me or are fewer movies being released every year? or is there so much being released that nothing stands out? i'm digging through 1999 and there was a lot of stuff in just that one year.
I think there's more being released now but there is less big studio movies coming out because they plan pretty much one or two movies a week to promote and not interfere with others.
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By Bezulsqy
Watched Knives Out yesterday with the family. Every one loved it.
And it had our Beemer in it! Unfortunately ours is in storage awaiting a restoration when we ever have some spare money lying around. And I am afraid that will be a long time before that is the case....

Tonight I watched this with my girlfriend. She hated it. I thought it was average.

And by myself I revisited Star Trek (2009). Love it. I haven't seen the two sequels. So hoping to check out those the coming weeks. All in glorious 4K. I have to say space in 4K on an OLED screen looks gorgeous.
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