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By Hatter313
A friend of mine who knows literally nothing about horror films, especially euro horror, unless i tell him about it, randomly watched contamination like 8 years ago not even knowing what it was. he didn't even remember what it was called but knew i'd know it if he described it, which of course i did.

He has spent the better part of a decade convinced that there's an awesome movie somewhere in there and that he's going to completely re-write the whole thing and get a prestige director to helm it. his seriousness on the topic ranges from severe facetiousness to deadly earnestness.
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By inksb
Fellow film fans I have a request. I have been in the mood lately to watch some comedies and I'm having a hard time coming up with anything other than the same ones I've watched for years. What are your go to comedies? I don't care about time period, just films you find endlessly funny that you can revisit at any time. How about an arbitraty number like 5. Doesn't have to be top 5 or ranked just 5 films you enjoy.

And in advance I just would like to say

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By Hatter313
Movies that make me laugh regardless of how many times I’ve seen them:

Arthur (1981)
Blues brothers
Blazing saddles
Coming to America
Death to smoochy
Trading places (this alphabetical order thing was an accident)
Animal house
Uncle buck
The in-laws
Who framed Roger rabbit
Murder by death
The pink panther
A shot in the dark
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By Bub
National Lampoon's Vacation
Bachelor Party
Revenge of the Nerds
Super Troopers
Spies Like Us
Better Off Dead
Sixteen Candles
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By inksb
I don't think I've ever seen Better Off Dead or A Shot in the Dark. Guess I should check those out. Clue and Uncle Buck are due for a rewatch too. Thanks guys. And Scrooged is always a go to for me but I tend to keep that towards Xmas for obvious reasons.
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By ScoJo
the odd couple
neighbors (belushi/ackroyd)
the money pit
the other guys
some like it hot
pee wee's big adventure
serial mom
alpha papa
take the money and run
love and death
something about mary
vscation (remake)
the ladykillers (coens)
raising arizona
this is the end
the meaning of life
kentucky fried movie
ted /ted 2
weird science
one crazy summer
bachelor party
the ladies man (jerry lewis)
road to bali
blues brothers
the dictator
horrible bosses
etc etc etc etc etc etc ...... :-D
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By ScoJo
(I actually started making a list on my phone of modern comedies, all of which I enjoyed/found worth a 2nd viewing... can post of you like)
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By Bezulsqy
Stelvio Massi's 1978 Un poliziotto scomodo a.ka. Convoy Busters
starring Maurizio Merli
and an excellent score by Stelvio Cipriani. The score was previously used (or was the other way around) in Solamente Nero. I think some bits from other scores were also used.

Excellent poliziottesco by the way.

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By inksb
ScoJo wrote: Tue Nov 19, 2019 7:27 am (I actually started making a list on my phone of modern comedies, all of which I enjoyed/found worth a 2nd viewing... can post of you like)
Thanks, there are definitely some on there that I haven't seen or at least haven't seen in over a decade.

Appreciate every one's input. I have a handful of comedies to watch now.
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By maxlevel
Ohhh comedies.

You have to work through all of Mel Brooks directed films. High Anxiety is actually him singing, he’s a wonderful performer in his own right but his directed films are all top notch. Producers, Spaceballs, etc.

Also a huge fan of David Zucker although anything post BaseketBall is more of a drunken 3am decision than a rational one. Airplane, Naked Gun series, scary movie less so but I always like the post modern Scream series and how Scary Movie is essentially doing the same thing as Scream by deconstructing various genre tropes.

A really good listen if you can find, and very popular in the UK, rest of world less so, is Peter Cook and Dudley Moore albums, especially their alter egos Derek and Clive. I have a derek and Clive tape and it’s still pretty offensive today, now that certain lines have been drawn. And you can also find Marty Feldman and Cook in some tv sketches as they did some work together, possibly with Python but I’m not 100% on the family tree of that.

Looping back to Mel Brooks, Carl Reiner directed films are wonderful at their best. the Jerk, Man With Two Brains etc. And then into Steve Martins film output which is staggering.

Rob Reiners Spinal Tap is the start of an entire genre, they get together every so often and make a film of the same style, some successful and others less so. But you get to see Harry Shearer in full swing, Micheal McKean and the rest firing full throttle. Probably my favourite film of all time in comedy but I’d have to shove Blazing Saddles down the list a bit. I often judge workmates by their skill in quoting Spinal Tap or Blazing Saddles, and have held grudges.
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By inksb
I've seen most of Brooks filmography. I always felt like an outlier with fans of Brooks though, I think he's hilarious but Blazing Saddles was one film that never really landed for me. It's good but I always preferred to watch Young Frankenstein or Space Balls. Looking at his films, I have not seen High Anxiety which I should really remedy and I completely forgot he did Dracula Dead & Loving It.

Airplane & Naked Gun series were staples in my childhood. I enjoyed the first Scary Movie but couldn't follow that series past the second one.

Spinal Tap on the other hand I quote endlessly and it always bums me out when people don't get the reference to 11.
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By Bezulsqy
Stelvio Massi's 1976 Il conto è chiuso a.k.a. The Last Round
starring Luc Merenda
score by Luis Enriquez Bacalov

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By Dollarhyde
inksb wrote: Mon Nov 18, 2019 8:51 pm Fellow film fans I have a request.
'the room' is a must, although accidental comedy which makes it so good.

Started but not finished "between two ferns" galafianakis is on top form in this.

Always a fan of pretty much anything Steve coogan and Armando ianuocci related. So there's alpha papa although I prefer the I'm Alan partridge series, and not to forget the Armando ianuocci show :)

Richard Pryor and Louis CK doing stand up

Also love Tim and eric, so there's Tim and Eric's billion dollar movie, Tim and erics awesome show, and of course Steve brule
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By inksb
Dollarhyde wrote: Tue Nov 19, 2019 6:20 pm
inksb wrote: Mon Nov 18, 2019 8:51 pm Fellow film fans I have a request.
'the room' is a must, although accidental comedy which makes it so good.

Started but not finished "between two ferns" galafianakis is on top form in this.

Always a fan of pretty much anything Steve coogan and Armando ianuocci related. So there's alpha papa although I prefer the I'm Alan partridge series, and not to forget the Armando ianuocci show :)

Richard Pryor and Louis CK doing stand up

Also love Tim and eric, so there's Tim and Eric's billion dollar movie, Tim and erics awesome show, and of course Steve brule
I couldn't really get into the Between Two Ferns film, I loved all of the segments but it was the "movie" stuff in between that didn't really work for me. But yeah he's in top form during those interviews.

I've never watched much Coogan, maybe I should.

As for Tim & Eric, I'm a big fan. I enjoy the movie quite a bit but I haven't seen the series since it originally aired on Adult Swim years ago. I also enjoyed Bedtime Stories and Our Bodies with Tim & Eric.
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By ScoJo

IMG_1241.JPG (332.39 KiB) Viewed 2434 times


Did y'all know that the title is Vincent's surname?

I find TC pretty fascinating in this.
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By NathanLurker
I think I could revisit this. I happened to catch it on TV when there was nothing else to do, and I think I remember thinking it was unexpectedly good (I didn't know about Mann at the time, and wasn't a fan of Tom Cruise nor Jamie Foxx ).
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By inksb
I saw that one in the theater, enjoyed it but it was the one and only time I've watched it.
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By Bezulsqy
although I am not a comedies type of guy unless Beverly Hills Cop is classified as a comedy but I do loved a lot of the Will Ferrell and Ben Stiller stuff.

In the eighties as a kid I remember enjoying stuff like Coming to America and Steve Martin movies like Roxanne and Plains, trains and automobiles.

In the nineties/early 2000s I liked Adam Sandler stuff like The Wedding Singer and some romantic comedy stuff like 50 First Dates.

But when thinking about funny movies that in my memory made me laugh most I always think of Dodgeball and Anchorman and Blades of Glory.
And Team America: World Police.
Fuck yeah!

The last decade comedy for me mainly meant TV stuff. And for me probably Seinfeld remains on top.

But while I write this I cannot leave out Monty Python. Movies and TV stuff. League of its own.
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By Dollarhyde
inksb wrote: Tue Nov 19, 2019 7:07 pm
Dollarhyde wrote: Tue Nov 19, 2019 6:20 pm
inksb wrote: Mon Nov 18, 2019 8:51 pm Fellow film fans I have a request.
'the room' is a must, although accidental comedy which makes it so good.

Started but not finished "between two ferns" galafianakis is on top form in this.

Always a fan of pretty much anything Steve coogan and Armando ianuocci related. So there's alpha papa although I prefer the I'm Alan partridge series, and not to forget the Armando ianuocci show :)

Richard Pryor and Louis CK doing stand up

Also love Tim and eric, so there's Tim and Eric's billion dollar movie, Tim and erics awesome show, and of course Steve brule
I couldn't really get into the Between Two Ferns film, I loved all of the segments but it was the "movie" stuff in between that didn't really work for me. But yeah he's in top form during those interviews.

I've never watched much Coogan, maybe I should.

As for Tim & Eric, I'm a big fan. I enjoy the movie quite a bit but I haven't seen the series since it originally aired on Adult Swim years ago. I also enjoyed Bedtime Stories and Our Bodies with Tim & Eric.
I hear you on between two ferns, I still need to finish it.
I still need to see bedtime stories and our bodies (not heard of this one). For some reason in the UK Tim and Eric get/got no airtime or release. I don't quite know why, some of the most revolutionary comedy to come out in recent times, and for surreal content completely blows anything our of the water from here in the UK of recent. Particularly the TV show rather than the movie.
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By zuko
Modern Hollywood comedies usually leave my sides resolutely unspilt; I loathe anything touched by the hand of Feig.

So, that being said, I thought Game Night (2018) was pretty great. As always, Rachel McAdams crushes.

As for older stuff that's not been mentioned yet: Hudson Hawk 😬
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By Jimmy_Mike
So I saw Parasite last night. It is excellent. Such a great mix of humor and suspense. The score was pretty dang good too, lots of delicate piano and Johannsson-style drone synth stuff. Will definitely pick up the SB edition.

I've seen Snowpiercer and Oldboy, but I really need to dig more into Korean cinema. Any recommendations?
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By inksb
Jimmy_Mike wrote: Fri Nov 22, 2019 3:42 pm So I saw Parasite last night. It is excellent. Such a great mix of humor and suspense. The score was pretty dang good too, lots of delicate piano and Johannsson-style drone synth stuff. Will definitely pick up the SB edition.

I've seen Snowpiercer and Oldboy, but I really need to dig more into Korean cinema. Any recommendations?
I have many....

Let's start with Bong Joon Ho (dir. Parasite)
His best film (imo) is Memories of Murder, it is essential Korean cinema. I would watch this first. After that check out his film The Host, it's a fun monster run amok film. The main actor from Parasite, Kang-ho Song, is the main star of both of these films. He's incredible and one of my favorite Korean actors. I can't wait to see Parasite myself. Hopefully this weekend. I'm going to watch Okja tonight. I also recommend Mother, it's a dark and intense film about a mother trying to find the killer who framed her son for a murder.

Next is Park Chan Wook.
Since you've seen Oldboy you should finish the Vengeance trilogy. They are only related through theme, so watching them in any order is fine. My personal favorite of the 3 is Sympathy for Lady Vengeance but all three of them are good (I like the fade to B&W version). Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance is maybe the most straight forward of the three but it's an intense film. I would say his next required film to watch would be Thirst, a Korean vampire tale. Really entertaining and starting Kang-ho Song as a priest who becomes a vampire dealing with surviving and the guilt of feeding on others. I haven't seen The Handmaiden yet but I recently picked it up, just trying to find the time as it's almost 3 hours long, I've heard nothing but good things. Stoker, his English language film is interesting and well worth a watch but it feels like a mash up of his film influences (you can feel the Hitchcock), it's weird but loses a bit of the Korean cinema charm due to being an American/British production. I highly recommend watching 3 Extremes, it's 3 shorts done by 3 different directors, Park Chan Wook directs the best of the three but Fruit Chan & Takashi Miike make some compelling and strange segments as well. His only film I would say that's not essential but still worth your time is I'm a Cyborg, But That's OK.

Onto the last director for now, Jee-woon Kim.
A Tale of Two Sisters, a very creepy Korean ghost story. This one was very popular in the early 00's, it even was remade over hear as The Uninvited. A Bittersweet Life, a really great mob film. The Good The Bad The Weird, his take on the film with a similar name, it's a blast, a little long though. I saw his film The Quiet Family a really long time ago and can't quite remember much of it. My favorite film of his, I Saw the Devil, a tense and horrifying serial killer film. Highly recommended. His American film, The Last Stand, stars Arnold and Johnny Knoxville, it's big dumb fun action. Terrible story but worth watching just for the action set pieces, low priority to the rest of the films though. The Age of Shadows is a good spy/history film. His newest, Illang: The Wolf Brigade, I posted about in here earlier this year or last year, is good but I would watch some of his other films first.

Other films worth checking out The Chaser, Yellow Sea, The Wailing (one of the best Korean horror movies of this decade), The Man From Nowhere, Secret Reunion, The Villainess and Train to Busan.

Sorry, that's a lot of stuff. Hopefully it helps :)
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