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By inksb
I find it funny that two different boot companies made Wolfenstein 3D. The other company has way better artwork that that though.
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By deafmetal
What in the fuck. I played that game for hours beyond count, and even designed my own levels and dungeons, but I don’t really remember the soundtrack. I do remember a lot of silence, echoing metal doors, and harsh German rendered in ultralowbitrate audio.
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By texasvinyl
That's a good one. I bought the new data today. Probably didn't need a triple a 1LP highlights would've been fine for me.

@ink I did get a copy of Star Fox. He did a nice job with mastering for sure.

Got this in the mail today as well:

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By inksb
@tex, I assume that's 2D Ninja's release? Irritates me to no end that he went Facebook private as did another record label recently. 2D told me he'd still offer his upcoming releases to me but I'm guessing he forgot.

@jimmy Thunder Force IV is fantastic game and excellent soundtrack. It's a great Genesis horizontal shooter. In the US it was called Lightning Force: Quest for the Darkstar. You can listen to the full soundtrack on youtube.
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By jgibbs4053
Metal Gear Solid and Sonic the Hedgehog 3 soundtracks by Moonshake
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By jgibbs4053
FD5A65AD-9B4E-4E7D-947A-B868BA07FD2D.jpeg (2.48 MiB) Viewed 5616 times
I know this has been brought up before but I just got To see this in person. The greatest cover ever made?
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By inksb
This showed up yesterday. Sound quality is decent, until you get to the last 3 tracks on Side B. The pitch of the audio goes up and becomes "warbly", it's strange and the only reason I can think of this happening is they put too much music on this side or it's just a pressing error that wasn't caught on the test presses. It's pretty cool to have this soundtrack though, one of the better Zelda OST's outside of Link to the Past.

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By texasvinyl
Side B is slightly off center. The whole run is. The 22 minute length per side exacerbated the problem. Side A is actually off center too, but only very slightly, so it's not as noticeable as side B. But this entire run was a mispress basically. Not sure if it was missed in test or just a bad stamper. Beggers can't be choosers with these boots of IP that NoA will just never license.
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By texasvinyl
PayPal being a super dick. Technically you can't use PayPal for pre-orders. A rule which they enforce *VERY* vaguely and selectively, like all of their many rules.
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By inksb
@bub, Raygun Records is doing Mario 64. They are still trying to get that record made, there are some shitty things happening there but essentially the guy was working with a plant, his point of contact disappeared and a new person came in and said they would get it pressed, sorry for the delay and then just kept apologizing and saying it will happen soon but nothing is moving forward. I think the plant has the money too which is shitty. Raygun is trying to figure out how to get the money back and use some one else.

Mario Sunshine was being put out by the same guy who did the Wind Waker LP I posted but it was cancelled and all the money was refunded through paypal automatically.
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By inksb
This one arrived from the great north today.

Persona 4 Golden - select songs from the soundtrack.


I haven't played Persona 4 but have always heard great things about the game and it's soundtrack so I took a risk on this one. I think it paid off, it's a fun album. It has some weird issue where the opening grooves on both sides are super noisey and sound terrible but as soon as the music starts it's fine and that noise isn't there in between songs or at the end of the side. No clue what it is but glad it's minor.
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By Revolver_OcelScott
inksb wrote: Tue Jun 18, 2019 12:50 am This one arrived from the great north today.

Persona 4 Golden - select songs from the soundtrack.


I haven't played Persona 4 but have always heard great things about the game and it's soundtrack so I took a risk on this one. I think it paid off, it's a fun album. It has some weird issue where the opening grooves on both sides are super noisey and sound terrible but as soon as the music starts it's fine and that noise isn't there in between songs or at the end of the side. No clue what it is but glad it's minor.
Awesome! Didn't know that existed, but I'm sure it out of my ballpark. The persona games are fantastic if you like JRPGS and turn based combat. All 3 of the newest persona games have had excellent soundtracks too
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By inksb
It was a very limited pressing, my copy is 19/100 and I think there were 5 test presses made and sold as well. I'm not longer privy to that labels releases though, they go by Terra Records. After the sale of this release they decided to go private on Facebook which I am not on so I was unable to join. I guess they did a very small (5 or 6?) pressing of a 7" of select tracks from Rayman Legends and the soundtrack to a game I've heard of but never played called I Am Setsuna.

This ran me around $45 shipped to the US and $13 of that was shipping. So not terrible I guess.
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By inksb
Hey @tex did you happen to get a copy of Secret of Mana OST? I recently saw some pics posted of it. I wish I had known about that one, it's one of my favorite SNES OSTs.
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By jgibbs4053
My recent soundtracks I’ve gotten in the mail. Tried to get 2 copies of the Secret of Mana but was only allowed 1 copy
05271250-430F-4EDC-910F-83839826B36C.jpeg (119.87 KiB) Viewed 5339 times
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By texasvinyl
inksb wrote: Fri Jul 12, 2019 1:48 pm Hey @tex did you happen to get a copy of Secret of Mana OST? I recently saw some pics posted of it. I wish I had known about that one, it's one of my favorite SNES OSTs.
Could not get more than one. Played this game like 200+ hours as a kid so I hard filed this
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