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By ScoJo
High-Quality-Weed.jpg (153.65 KiB) Viewed 8167 times
The one on the left.

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By ChrisMcQueen007
ScoJo wrote: The one on the left. :/
That would probably also work quite well for me - rediscovering CAN at the moment (treated myself to the recently released 'The Singles' 3 LP set today).


Nonetheless, this is one of the best Bavarian brews.
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By Mateo Sanboval
Yes, Bez! YES!! Belgian influenced IPA? Check. Flying Dog brewing? Check. Steadman art? Check. Bez tossing back oat sodas on a Sunday? checkcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheckcheck
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By Bezulsqy
and readily available in a Dutch supermarket! I bought 5 different IPA's from to taste... Need to choose a drink for tonight while watching an Umberto Lenzi flick...

I have a Belgian double-IPA or a Dutch IPA-ish (as stated on the label) beer
Or a gin and tonic...

Talking about art on bottles. These lovely bottles of alcohol were finished by me and my significant other a year or two ago but I couldn't throw them away:
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By Bezulsqy
Bezulsqy wrote:Need to choose a drink for tonight while watching an Umberto Lenzi flick...
G&T it is

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By Mateo Sanboval
Oh, a Hendricks man? My, my.
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By Mateo Sanboval
Sun, suds, side yard. Oh, and jazz.
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By static14
Creature of habit I am. Cavit Pinot Grigio yet again while calling it a night on unpacking My listening space.

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By Mateo Sanboval
A gllass well earned, no doubt.
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By texasvinyl
Hope you don't have to move the collection again for a while! I'm not looking forward to whenever I have to move this stuff.
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By ScoJo

well, im in need of my third java today, as i drank the best part of a bottle of gin last night and, oooh the regret :(

i think i might die. i hate weddings/social gatherings.

that is my report.

over and out.
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By ScoJo
static14 wrote:Creature of habit I am. Cavit Pinot Grigio yet again while calling it a night on unpacking My listening space.

All the best in your new abode Chris. Have fun re-establishing the Listening Room!
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By Mateo Sanboval
I've never seen this before, Bez. Fantastic!! I've got to get my hands on some of this. Especially the Groot & Sterk and the Braggot Brett.
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By Bezulsqy
Mateo Sanboval wrote:I've never seen this before, Bez. Fantastic!! I've got to get my hands on some of this. Especially the Groot & Sterk and the Braggot Brett.
I think Braggot Brett is never going to be available anymore. It appears to be a beer made for an event. It is a great brewery though.

This evening I tried this:

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By Mateo Sanboval
That's one of the Midwest USA's oldest microbreweries. Kansas City. They make some good Belgian inspired ales in their cork and cage Smokestack series.
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By Bezulsqy
Mateo Sanboval wrote:That's one of the Midwest USA's oldest microbreweries. Kansas City. They make some good Belgian inspired ales in their cork and cage Smokestack series.
Fifteen years ago I drank and tasted a lot of special beers. The last 7 years I have been drinking very little. Apparently those were the years a lot of microbreweries popped up all over the place. Only now I am trying to get to taste different IPA's from all these breweries. I am liking what I am tasting for now :-)
The Calling is not my favorite though. It is a double IPA and is maybe a little bit too much for me. I loved that Raging Bitch!
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By Mateo Sanboval
You get high marks for effort with this one, Spun. Chin chin!
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By Mateo Sanboval
An STBC true beer story with pictures starring Bezulsqy, Mateo, and Pandora's (cardboard) box.

Good morning Mr Postman! What do we have here? A package? For me? And you need a signature? But I didn't order anything.*

A clue!

Hmm. So heavy. And tightly packed in Dutch fishwrap. Could it be the gift of music?

What kind of music is shaped like this?

Wait just one second. It's not music at all! It's liquid bread!!

Barely pops!

Oat sodas!

Bezulsqy, you are a true chum! My beer belly and my tastebuds shall sing your praises, drunkenly, deep into the night.

Just off camera my listening buddy is buried shoulders deep in the newspapers. Maybe she smells Pepper?

Maybe it's just the fish.


*I mean, I probably definitely ordered something. A few things actually, but for the purposes of a leaner narrative, let's all just play along. Besides, this wasn't one of those things.
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By Mateo Sanboval
It's 75, blue skied, and breezy in my corner of Cascadia today and your boy just got an unscheduled day off. I'm taking a few of these and some scores into the side yard. Chin chin!
Modern Times Booming Roller IPA (6.8% San Diego, CA, USA). Lightbodied. Juicy hops. Citrus and Summer fruit notes.
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By Mateo Sanboval
ScoJo wrote:@mateo -

Keep takin' 'er easy for all us sinners....
Roger wilco.
Stone Ghost Hunter IPA (6.7% Escondido, CA, USA). Medium body. Malty. Moderately bitter hops with a sight hint of citrus and a resiny finish.
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