Talk about films scores here.

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By Mateo Sanboval
Let's talk about Under Pompelmo. Great, great album and easily one of my top five for the year as well. It was also a record that encapsulated, and reminded me, about some of my own feelings and personal resolutions around the marketing and buying of music. That, however, is a tale for another time. Your bring up some interesting points, Bezulsqy, but you are not alone! The Struggle is real.
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By chiefbrody
Great post @bezulsqy. I think most of us are in the same boat, in one way or another, and realise that there are too many labels and killer releases to be able to keep up. 2015 was an amazing year, but also a very expensive year. I was surprised to see that I have 11 of the 20, though I've been swept up in collector's enthusiasm/hype this year. My resolutions for 2016 are to stick to a more limited budget and accept that there will be a lot of releases I just can't afford. Part of that is, sadly, deciding that I'm going to save some pennies by buying digital where available and buy vinyl only where it's the only format or it's an ABSOLUTE MUST HAVE (you can see where this is going to fall down already, can't you? Ha).

Back to the DFC - it was a big part of my soundtrack year, and helped me prioritise new releases and catch up with some old ones.

Oh, and big congratulations to TG.
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By Mateo Sanboval
Wait, what happened to TAG? He's a duke now, isn't he? Man, I missed everything!
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By ScoJo
Yeah - @TAG received an OBE from The Queen, saved Earth from marauding intergalactic forces and oh hitched!

@Bezulsqy - I'm with you man. 2016 is already seeing me making some hard choices as far as record buying goes.

But in all honesty...thanks to @lazyben I finally scored a copy of the Coupe de Villes LP this year, so you can stick me in a pine box (with a Crossley) and a decent set of headphones and I'll die a happy man - it's all gravy from here on in!

(Also - mighty flattered and humbled to have our record included in your list man.)
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By Mateo Sanboval
Ah, shit. Congrats, TAG. Another challenge well met.
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By Bezulsqy
Always nice to know one is not alone :-)

@Scojo: very curious about the next Ondes Positives release (the collector in me wants to be a completist with your label...)
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By ScoJo
@Bezulsqy - As awesome as that is...didn't you just say you were done with that crazy shit??

Haha, just kidding of course. Very flattered. We hope to have something a bit different coming up. One thing I can say for sure - definitely not 'mass produced'! ;)
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By Bezulsqy
Haha. The moment I wrote that I was thinking how to justify it. But then I thought: small label, nice people, maybe this year they will do two more releases... I can afford that :-)
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By chiefbrody
@ScoJo, you made an interesting point on the 2015 round-up as about whether the hysteria has died down a bit (my words). I think, on the face of it, and based on nothing more than gut feel, it looks like it has. I don't think this necessarily means that the 'bubble' has burst, but is maybe a sign of a lot of relatively new collectors (I'll include myself in this) calming down a little, as well as the sheer number of quality releases. This means that new releases are easier to get, and even limited releases stick around for weeks, if not months. This must have an impact on labels, the result of which might be that they cut back on pressing numbers. That could bring us full circle to the point where you need to be quick on the draw when new releases drop. I hope not, but then I wouldn't like the labels to be losing out with hundreds of unsold or 'sale' stock to show for all their hard work.

It seems to be quieter on here these days too. I wasn't visiting much in the second half of 2015 due to family, but since I came back (and so too the revamped site), it appears to be less active than, say, late '14/early '15.
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By Bezulsqy
@ chiefbrody
I think you are right about it dying down a bit... My interpretation of this is because of the higher pressing numbers by Mondo and Death Waltz in combination with a lot new labels that have popped up. I don't think anyone can keep up with the amount of releases in the past year.

About everything being quieter over here... I am not great in describing what I think about a score or comparring scores or composers. I have the feeling that a lot of people who are very knowledgeable don't post that often anymore (see the Deep Cut thread for example). I do think that is a shame because I can learn a lot from them. When I read the threads in the Library section I am in awe of what some people know about those obscure records :-)

Anyways, I will keep posting my overly long tales and remarks and the occasional pic.
And of course my insigthfull comments like: That score is beautiful! That artwork is beautiful! That record looks really beautiful when I place it in front of a light! I like plants! Cassettes are beautiful! Sound quality of my glow in the dark Re-animator record is beautiful even if you think it is not!
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By J.R.
I hope it's not slowing down, I only just started buying soundtracks again!!

I have a quick question: one of the podcast guys mentioned an app associated with Discogs, but I was listening in the car and couldn't find where I was up to on the podcast, and now I can't find it at all!! Help!
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By deafmetal
The rate that Morricone reissues are coming out is certainly not slowing down! I think they are speaking more to the "hype factor" that seemed to be pulling in more of the "limited collectible" type of people (or JSC's as they have been so named). As an example, the number of "still sealed/unplayed" copies of recent DW/Mondo/Waxwork titles that show up on ebay over a certain time period could be part of this calculus. ;)
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By Mateo Sanboval
deafmetal wrote:JSC's
Please, deaf, I have to know.
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By Mateo Sanboval
Heh. Nice. I always thought Fucking Hipsters had a nice ring to it.
By vinyljunkie
J.R. wrote:I hope it's not slowing down, I only just started buying soundtracks again!!

I have a quick question: one of the podcast guys mentioned an app associated with Discogs, but I was listening in the car and couldn't find where I was up to on the podcast, and now I can't find it at all!! Help!
Its called Discographic, it's $2.99 and it's great!
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By Jimmy_Mike
Discogs is releasing their own app soon that looks like the Milkcrate app (they partnered with them) but with more functionality. I've signed up to beta test, but haven't heard back. I currently use Milkcrate and like it. Here's a link to discogs app details:
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By Hatter313
JSC oh man i love that.

I hope things are slowing down a bit, I can't afford to do the sort of buying i was doing the last few months.

Thats being said, a lot of the purchases i've made lately have been used crate digging for older artists, completing discographies for my favorite bands and the odd soundtrack here or there. annoyingly i had a very nice copy of David Live in my hand on Saturday, figured i'd sleep on it, and now will be rushing over to the store tonight or tomorrow morning in the hopes that it hasn't A. sold out, and B. been price gouged.

I think as far as new soundtrack reissues go, it needs to be something special in both music and packaging for me to jump on it. DW/MONDO/WAXWORK and some of the smaller are always going to get my business because they always deliver stuff i want. But not every release is my cup, so to speak. Wrath of Khan looked great, but i have an original of it and i don't spin it all that much as it is so i passed, same with Home alone. but John Morris' Clue score on wax, i'm all over that. his stuff for brooks is a big section of my OST collection, so i'm excited to add that to the list.
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By J.R.
vinyljunkie wrote:
J.R. wrote:I hope it's not slowing down, I only just started buying soundtracks again!!

I have a quick question: one of the podcast guys mentioned an app associated with Discogs, but I was listening in the car and couldn't find where I was up to on the podcast, and now I can't find it at all!! Help!
Its called Discographic, it's $2.99 and it's great!
Thanks for that! I use My Movies for DVDs and Blurays and CLZ comics for my comics. Will be nice to get my music organised.
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By ScoJo
This is a bit late sorry (because I thought I'd already posted here...doh!)

As well as our DFC roundup of the best vinyl OSTs of 2015, I ended up writing a few words about each of mine, which Films on Wax kindly posted up on their site. If you're into that sort of thing! ... s-of-2015/
CYmTZMJWAAEkRg9.jpg (189.36 KiB) Viewed 4593 times
Eye thang yewe.
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By Spun out of control
Really enjoyable Frizzi mammoth episode.... enjoyed the revelations re: Blade Runner, the cheesy 7-inch left off the Zombi soundtrack (which I also picked up on Discogs after the STBC sync screening) and possibly yet more from The Beyond score.... a very relaxed and candid interview I thought. Top guy!
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By chiefbrody
Another great episode. Fabio has taken over as my favourite DFC guest so far. Between the time he's given to you and his participation in the Zombi 2 sync, he comes across as a really great guy. A potential new project to look forward to too.

I read your column at filmsonwax ScoJo - I was trying to find something 'new' that I might have missed. I listened to the Victoria score after it was played on the DFC and mentioned in your list. It's a really good score. It reminds me of the 'feel' of Warren Ellis's score for Mustang (another DFC pick), in that it has the same kind of minimal, dreamy, potentially melancholic atmosphere.
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By Mateo Sanboval
Yeah, ScoJo, I also enjoyed your best of lists. I am intrigued by the Finders Keepers releases, Belladonna and Antwerp Killer. I was (once again) reminded of my rather large Popol Vuh blindspot; I've never listened to an album of theirs. However, of the music I'm not already familiar with, Tacet by Jean Guerin is perhaps the record that piqued my interest the most. A quick bit of Google Fu turned up a couple of cuts that sound quite appealing. This seems like a record that could easily fall into the Love It Or Hate It category, but the little I've heard is top shelf.
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