Something happening fellow Black Circle folks should know about ?

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By fishead
By fishead
Anyone coming to Fantasia Fest this year?

Not sure about specific events, yet... but there's usually some pretty interesting things going on - and it would be great to meet up and tour some of the local record shops.

Let me know if any of y'all are going to be in town (or live here).
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By OrgasmoSonore
Yeah, I'll be there for sure, Fantasia is one of the best festival on earth and they will be back to the Imperial cinema for this year which is just awesome news. The program should be out soon.

I'll even be part of one midnight event, but I can't talk yet... more to come ! ;)
By fishead
Looking forward to this year's festival... in previous years I've had to balance it with my work schedule - but I've got a week off at the end of July... so hopefully I'll be a bit more present than I have!