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By inksb
We have a new member in our family.

This is Daria (named after Mrs Nicolodi, not the 90s MTV cartoon lol). She is a local barn cat that started coming onto our property this winter. We noticed she wasn't walking on her front right paw, she was holding it up like it was injured. It took us a week or two to finally trap her and brought her into a local shelter to have her checked out. Unfortunately she had to have her arm amputated, we felt she would have a better life indoors being less mobile. So we have given her a home, she's between 1-3, we've been given different ages so we don't really know.

We have kept her in our bathroom to shortly introduce her to our home and existing cat, Beast. She's very funny, keeps to herself most of the day, sleeping in her multi level cage, at night she is very active and makes noises similar to a fox. At about 8pm she wants attention from us, she comes to the gate and makes kind of meow noises, where we play with her and pet her. She's very aggressive with her head butts, she loves attention at this time. We have started to let her out to explore the house little bits are a time. Hoping she enjoys it here, she wants attention from Beast really bad but he's still unsure of her, he's been an only cat his whole life.

Here's a pic of her, she's very serious looking here lol

She doesn't seem to mind the music playing during the day so that's a good sign
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And we can't leave out Beast
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By tim28212
Other than Daria losing her arm I love stories like this. Sounds like she has found herself a good home. Hope everything works out for all members of the family. :)
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By inksb
Thanks Tim, hoping she enjoys the excessive food, attention and playing she'll get here. I've never homed a barn cat before so it was a bit worrying at first but she seems to be warming up to us quite quickly.
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By inksb
A year later and our tripod kitty is enjoying her home. She's still a little skittish at times but she loves attention (pets, head scratches, belly rubs). She's opened up so much over the last 6 months. She sits on my wife's lap while we watch TV at night. She sleeps on the couch next to me at night, she's not comfortable with getting on my lap yet. And she loves food so much it's hilarious how food motivated she is.

Heres a current pic of her looking thoroughly annoyed that I'm taking a photo of her

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By Bezulsqy
I completely missed your post from a year ago...
Sweet story and very happy to hear Daria got to be part of such a loving family!
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By tim28212
David and I said goodbye to our girl Della about a month ago. We found out in early April she had an aggressive form of Lymphoma and was given 4-6 months. She became part of our family only 4 years ago so it was tough to say goodbye so soon. These are 2 of my favorite pics. She loved her balls and giving kisses. She gave the best!
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By inksb
That's awful, sorry to hear that Tim. She looks so happy in those photos. It's not fair animals have to deal with cancer
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By inksb
Our tripod kitty who we took in 2 years ago now has taken a long time to open up to us. She still very scared of stuff but she loves attention now and has been sitting on my wife's lap in the evenings for the last 9 months or so She's loves to head butt us and will throw her self down on the floor to request pets.

My wife has been traveling a lot lately for work so it's just been me, she has decided to give my lap a try. She's very unsure of her decision but a few nights over the last few weeks she's hung with me on the couch.
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And this old man is always on my lap. Sometimes looking ridiculous like this
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