Talk about films scores here.

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By inksb
Bezulsqy wrote: Wed Feb 16, 2022 2:13 pm
inksb wrote: Wed Feb 16, 2022 1:41 pm Redline

While I think this film is really great, the score as a standalone piece is not something I will likely listen to very much. It's very in your face a lot. But I'm a Tiger Lab completionist so I bought it anyways. Nice package as usual

I will check out the movie!

looking for Redline from 2009 I found a Redline from 2007 with this a plot:
A gorgeous young automobile fanatic--and front to the hottest unsigned band on the West coast--finds herself caught up in illegal drag-racing competitions organized by exotic car fanatics.

I'll pass on that one :-)
I completely forgot there was another film called Redline haha. The anime is beautiful, so many crazy perspective warping scenes. Racing isn't really an interest of mine but that film is fun whether you like that type of thing or not.
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By Dollarhyde
elifunk wrote: Tue Feb 15, 2022 4:12 pm i waited a long time to find this soundtrack.
I had lost an auction last year and miraculously managed to find it in a horrible online Japanese shop that didn't even show the cover and conditions asking 5000yen.
luckily it's almost perfect

Seiji Yokoyama - Xanadu Dragon Slayer OST
Starchild K25G-7369

Wow, I don't know the record but think I have seen it online, once or twice. There are too many Xanadu records🤣 one with Olivia Newton John, a vgm one? and now anime?
I'm curious to see the anime though, is it an OVA?

Speaking of seiji San, do you own any of the Saint seiya records @eli? As they are part of the CQ series I've always wondered about them, but they are always priced too high.
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By Dollarhyde
@inksb I passed on Redline, the anime looks great from what I've seen but I struggled with score, there are a lot of tracks to it. I'm very tempted by the Perfect Blue audiophile release coming up though.
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By elifunk
yes Matt it is the OVA based on the rpg game. but i've never seen it.

about saint seiya, they are nice records BUT too repetitive and similar to each other and above all expensive.
i only have these two:

Seiji Yokoyama - Saint Seiya music collection TV
Columbia CX-7296

Seiji Yokoyama - Saint Seiya Music Collection IV
Columbia CX-7316
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By inksb
Dollarhyde wrote: Wed Feb 16, 2022 3:59 pm @inksb I passed on Redline, the anime looks great from what I've seen but I struggled with score, there are a lot of tracks to it. I'm very tempted by the Perfect Blue audiophile release coming up though.
I will be passing on the Perfect Blue audiophile release unless it has extra tracks or original poster art. I already have the regular edition and it's test pressing so a third copy is unnecessary unless there's more to it. I don't blame you for skipping Redline. I most likely will pass on the big box set of Death Note as I just don't listen to the regular release. I'll revisit it closer to the release and check out some of the other stuff online once I know the price but my assumption is $200-250 since it's 6LPs
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By Dollarhyde
elifunk wrote: Wed Feb 16, 2022 4:05 pm yes Matt it is the OVA based on the rpg game. but i've never seen it.

about saint seiya, they are nice records BUT too repetitive and similar to each other and above all expensive.
i only have these two:
Thanks, good to know, a long time ago I was looking up other seiji soundtracks and this one seemed interesting. ... D%E8%AA%AC

Even more curious to track down that xanadu ova now . I love all those cheap one shot OVAs from the 80s 😁😁
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By Dollarhyde
inksb wrote: Wed Feb 16, 2022 4:09 pm
Dollarhyde wrote: Wed Feb 16, 2022 3:59 pm @inksb I passed on Redline, the anime looks great from what I've seen but I struggled with score, there are a lot of tracks to it. I'm very tempted by the Perfect Blue audiophile release coming up though.
I will be passing on the Perfect Blue audiophile release unless it has extra tracks or original poster art. I already have the regular edition and it's test pressing so a third copy is unnecessary unless there's more to it. I don't blame you for skipping Redline. I most likely will pass on the big box set of Death Note as I just don't listen to the regular release. I'll revisit it closer to the release and check out some of the other stuff online once I know the price but my assumption is $200-250 since it's 6LPs
I really liked the improvements in sound quality on the berserk so quite tempted to double dip. I liked the death note ost even though I've still not watched the anime, but like you say I don't think I could fork out over $200.
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By elifunk
Muro is a Japanese DJ and collector of rare grooves, recognized by everyone as the main point of reference for diggers in Japan.
when you see his name on a product for sale it's to pump up the price, it means "this record is cool" and other shit like that, like an influencer.
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By Dollarhyde

Haha! The prophecy is true! Great news @eli hopefully the quality is good.

Speaking of the AX Toho series and Nostrodamaus, reminds me of another in the AX series I want 😉
MV5BYzliOTdhZTktMmM0OC00ZGFiLThmYzAtMjgwMDVmZWFhMDE3XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjExMzEyNTM@._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg (144.29 KiB) Viewed 2989 times

I've not listened to any of Muro's mixes or music but agree on all counts with @eli
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By elifunk
i'm not a fan of these great collectors, is silly to idolize them.
and the prices explode!

btw you right Matt,it is a really dope record and i'm sure you would like it.
i miss the toho press, it is rarer.

Isao Tomita - Catastrophe 1999 aka The Prophecies of Nostradamus OST
Tam AX-8804


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By Dollarhyde
In light of all eight albums getting reissued in June/July
Bubble Gum Crisis 1 by Koji Makaino and others
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This is the poster that came with the original first release the reissue mentions a 35th anniversary poster, not sure if that will be instead of this one or there will be 2 posters?

One of the best Anime soundtracks. Each of the 8 episodes ran for 25m to 50m but each had their own dedicated soundtrack release. A mixture of power pop rock and synth with full blown songs made for each episode, but also a wonderful set of instrumental synth heavy peices too, check track 5 Sylia or track 10 giant boomer
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