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By inksb
I picked up the new Megg & Mogg collection from Simon Hanselmann, Seeds And Stems, it's a collection of random stories he has sold as zines on his bigcartel and various conventions over the last few years. I'm a huge fan of this series of weird fucked up characters. I highly recommend checking out MegaHex if you have never heard of it before.


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By tim28212
just finished Fahrenheit 451 a few days ago so thought this would be a good first read for 2021
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By inksb
I haven't read any Bradbury in ages. I should probably change that this year. This is my current stack. There are two Junji Ito books pictured but I'm in the middle of a third called Fragments of Horror. I'm very excited to check out Hellsing, I loved the anime years ago but never had a chance to check out the manga. The bottom book is a coffee table book of Monster Hunter World. Has lots of cool character & monster sketches along with info on them. Should be fun to flip through.

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By Spun out of control
Any fans on here picked up the new Troy Howarth book on John Carpenter movies?

From Troy's previous books on giallo, am assuming it will be excellent but have heard absolutely nothing about it in advance, so a pleasant surprise...

He also has a similar book just out on Argento, so ticking all the boxes.
john-carpenter-book-troy-howarth.jpg (417.1 KiB) Viewed 4851 times
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By Mateo Sanboval
Now that looks genuinely interesting.

I just searched for it on amazon and the paperback is $65! Can that be right? Does this Howarth fellow have a site where he flogs his own prose for an untidier sum?
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By NathanLurker
There's a color edition and a black and white interiors edition that's less expensive, looks like. Independantly published ? Anyway, looks interesting.
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By inksb
His books usually MSRP for around $45-$60. Some times there are color, B&W and hard cover editions. There's a hard cover of that Argento one for $100+ on Amazon lol

I have his Splintered Visions book on Fulci. I think I ended up getting it for $35-$40 on Amazon a few years ago? There is a b&w edition of that Carpenter one for $35. They used to sell these books direct from midmar.com (Midnight Marquee Press website) but they seem to just direct you elsewhere now for purchasing.
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By Mateo Sanboval
Thanks for the info, m'dudes. When they say color vs b&w, is that just a photograph thing?
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By Mateo Sanboval
Inspired by Stenzel's score for Jodorowsky's Dune in the Now Playing thread, I've decided to crack open some of what came next.
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By ScoJo
Mateo Sanboval wrote: Wed Jan 20, 2021 10:58 pm Image
Inspired by Stenzel's score for Jodorowsky's Dune in the Now Playing thread, I've decided to crack open some of what came next.

I still have my original 3x Titan volumes from the 90s and a more recent expanded collected hardcover (with tweaked colouring)

IMG_0506.JPG (1.07 MiB) Viewed 4813 times

I first read Incal in the mid 90s, during a crippling flu that had me bed ridden for a couple of days. Pretty sure it was the ideal entry conditions!
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By Mateo Sanboval
Oh, I like those original covers, ScoJ.
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By inksb
Mateo Sanboval wrote: Wed Jan 20, 2021 9:46 pm Thanks for the info, m'dudes. When they say color vs b&w, is that just a photograph thing?
Yeah, all the photos/posters are black & white.

I have always wanted to read The Incal. I really should get on that.
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By Hatter313
Mateo Sanboval wrote: Wed Jan 20, 2021 10:58 pm Image
Inspired by Stenzel's score for Jodorowsky's Dune in the Now Playing thread, I've decided to crack open some of what came next.
That is EXACTLY how I finally cracked it last year or so.

Also I was playing that score in the car the other day and my folks were in the car, and my mother kept saying she thought it was about to turn into “witness” by Maurice Jarre and she was totally right, some very similar bits there.

I’m reading Killers of the Flower Moon by David Grann right now. I rarely jump into non fiction, maybe once or twice a year if that. Fascinating story I knew almost nothing about, murders of Osage people in Oklahoma during the 20s/30s and how it led to the formation of the FBI. Scorsese apparently filming an adaptation right now for next year so I’m glad I picked this up when I did.
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By Hatter313
Hatter313 wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 11:07 pm Inks, The Incal is worth the hype, very cool. Amazing how many things seem inspired by it. They took a lot of what they wanted to do with Dune and reworked it for this series and then apparently even more later on. I picked up a bunch of his other work in the same universe, and it seems that anything he wanted to do with dune eventually made its way into this stuff, some of the story arcs for the prequels and spinoffs he’s been doing wrapped up as early as last year, so there’s a lot of material to dig into.

I also highly recommend pairing it with the score to the dune documentary, or any synthy throbbing stuff really. I read the whole thing to that, the new PHV, and the new Kilduff and it was exactly what was needed.

It’s a amazing how much of it made it’s waybi to the fifth element, even just little world building details that moebius reused.
Ha had to go back and see if I had posted this, I guess it was almost two years ago not last year...that’s going to be happening a lot I think haha
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By inksb
Hatter313 wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 4:21 am
Hatter313 wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 11:07 pm Inks, The Incal is worth the hype, very cool. Amazing how many things seem inspired by it. They took a lot of what they wanted to do with Dune and reworked it for this series and then apparently even more later on. I picked up a bunch of his other work in the same universe, and it seems that anything he wanted to do with dune eventually made its way into this stuff, some of the story arcs for the prequels and spinoffs he’s been doing wrapped up as early as last year, so there’s a lot of material to dig into.

I also highly recommend pairing it with the score to the dune documentary, or any synthy throbbing stuff really. I read the whole thing to that, the new PHV, and the new Kilduff and it was exactly what was needed.

It’s a amazing how much of it made it’s waybi to the fifth element, even just little world building details that moebius reused.
Ha had to go back and see if I had posted this, I guess it was almost two years ago not last year...that’s going to be happening a lot I think haha
There's a lot of things I need to read. This has been on my tablet for probably 4 or 5 years lol. I'm a slow reader, not actually reading the words but completing stuff. I never dedicate enough time to something I'm reading. I'm in the middle of two Junji Ito books, Berserk and I plan on tackling that Hellsing collection. I'll "pencil" in The Incal for after Hellsing. I've been wanting to revisit Books of Blood again and I decided to get some of the books on tape of it. The publisher is an asshole though, they actually broke up each Book of Blood and sell them for way too much.

edit: audiobook. i still call them books on tape. that's a hard thing to change in my brain
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By Hatter313
I picked up the first big omnibus volume of berserk a few months ago, I don’t know what what I’m getting myself into. I only finally watched the original series over the summer after having kinda chased it for years, absolutely loved it so now I need to see the rest of the story. Imagine my surprise while watching the show to realize that not only was this “flashback” going to be the whole show but that it was only basically the set up for the story!
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By Hatter313
And as for having a lot to read, I hear you dude, I’ve been on a book buying binge since august and I’m buying faster than I can read them (see also my vinyl habits and my Blu-ray habits haha)

One of them was that meddling kids book you recommended at the start of this thread, LOVED it. That bled right into doing all of Grady Hendrix whom I really wanted to dismiss based on his sort of twee titles but is actually some of the best horror I’ve read in years, and I’m not a huge fan of recent horror lit. His “haunted ikea” book was genuinely affecting and I read it in one sitting.
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By inksb
Hatter313 wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 4:30 am I picked up the first big omnibus volume of berserk a few months ago, I don’t know what what I’m getting myself into. I only finally watched the original series over the summer after having kinda chased it for years, absolutely loved it so now I need to see the rest of the story. Imagine my surprise while watching the show to realize that not only was this “flashback” going to be the whole show but that it was only basically the set up for the story!
I'm glad you picked up Berserk, I've encouraged dollar to read it as well. It's one of my favorite series. I've taken a long break and picked it back up recently. I'm currently on volume 32 I think. Each one of those deluxe editions of Berserk contain 3 volumes. I have all of the ones currently released as well as the next two pre-ordered. I will own all of them :)

I have been reading JoJo's Bizarre Adventure over the last year or so, I'm sure I've mentioned it at times around here. I have read parts 1-7 now and will start part 8 after I finish Berserk. It's hands down one of my favorite manga's, it's just so fun and absurd. So much to read though, it's similar to Berserk in the aspect that it was started in late 80's and has been ongoing ever since, the difference is the creator actually puts out content pretty regularly and doesn't take years off. It was a massive undertaking and I'm glad I did it.

Hatter313 wrote: Thu Jan 21, 2021 4:36 am And as for having a lot to read, I hear you dude, I’ve been on a book buying binge since august and I’m buying faster than I can read them (see also my vinyl habits and my Blu-ray habits haha)

One of them was that meddling kids book you recommended at the start of this thread, LOVED it. That bled right into doing all of Grady Hendrix whom I really wanted to dismiss based on his sort of twee titles but is actually some of the best horror I’ve read in years, and I’m not a huge fan of recent horror lit. His “haunted ikea” book was genuinely affecting and I read it in one sitting.
I feel like we all have this problem ahah. The ever building collection...

Grady is a pretty entertaining writer. I've read 2 or 3 of his books I think? That Haunted Ikea one has been on the list for a bit too. I should get to it.
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By Hatter313
I’ve thought about diving into jojo. After watching berserk I watched the first season of the current anime and really liked it.

I go on a brief anime kick about once a year these days, and I’m SUPER picky. I normally have a pretty firm 90s cut off for stuff I like and usually I just end up rewatching classic stuff I loved when I was younger or like in the case of berserk catching up on stuff I somehow missed back then, but the current jojo series really clicked with me. I hadn’t started stardust crusaders yet and I was thinking about checking out the manga as well.

Getting into these long running series is like realizing “I’m going to start listening to Tangerine Dream” without really considering the breadth of material...worse since you can’t just jump around haha.

If, god forbid, New York has to enter into another lockdown I’ve got a lot to keep me occupied.

Edit: I just realized between complaining about recent horror lit and my stance on new anime makes me sound like a real crank. I love new stuff, but that pull of nostalgia sometimes overtakes haha
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By inksb
I completely understand that, I sound & feel like an "old man yelling at kids to get off my lawn" half the time. For me JoJo season 1 & part 1 of the manga did not work, it exists to build the world that it eventually becomes, you can't skip it, you have to watch /read it and I almost quit because of it. My friend was adamant that I get through it though. Part 2 which I think is the second half of season 1? It's all very confusing, is better and some of the weirdo shit Araki has hidden inside starts to seep out. Stardust Crusaders (Part 3) is what hooked me. From that point on I read the manga from 1-3, watched part 4, read part 4, watched part 5, read part 5 then read 6 & 7.

I love new stuff but go back to old stuff a lot too. I'm more open to modern stuff when it comes to anime and manga only because there's so much good stuff out there, I would be doing myself a disservice to ignore it.
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By Bezulsqy
Spun out of control wrote: Wed Jan 20, 2021 6:39 pm Yes, seems pricey - Amazon is the only place I've been able to find it so far.

His new Argento book looks interesting too... some slightly lower prices to be found for that one on eBay.
Thanks for the heads-up! I still need to get vol 3 of his giallo book. But there are a lot of other books I also still need that have to do with Italian movies of the sixties to eighties... And almost all of them are expensive.
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By Bezulsqy
Mateo Sanboval wrote: Wed Jan 20, 2021 9:46 pm Thanks for the info, m'dudes. When they say color vs b&w, is that just a photograph thing?
I am thinking it also means thicker paper with the color version:
both have 432 pages
dimensions color: 21.59 x 2.97 x 27.99 cm
b&w: 21.59 x 2.24 x 27.99 cm

but color is double the price...

hardcover is stupid expensive and has these dimension: 21.59 x 3.33 x 27.99 cm
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By NathanLurker

I've been reading this book and I'm about 70% in. I like it, I'm surprised by the quality of the writing I don't know how much of it is Romero's and how much is Kraus' , but I like a lot of the writing. There's a couple of different characters living through the rise of the zombie apocalypse, and they have backgrounds that will speak to fans of the living dead movies. Some characters are in a TV station, others on a aircraft carrier, others are minorities in shitty trailer house park or suburbs. There's the usual americana with bluesman character, Catholic priest .. symbolism that I think wouldn't necessarily work on screen but works on the written page. I'm pretty pleased with this at the moment.

Strong "Dawn" media circus vibes, "Day"'s military structure crumbling vibes. It happens outside of the timeline of the Romero movies.
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