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By ScoJo
Hey hey-

How about this thread for specifically checking in about how we're all feeling/coping/not coping during this unprecedented time?

Share daily stories, fears, unexpected joys, discoveries, funny incidents etc while we're in various stages of lock-down (both imposed and voluntary right now...)

Come check in with everyone, get some perspective and support, or just say 'chin chin'!
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By inksb
Sounds like a good idea.

I've been trying to keep super focused on my work while at home. My boss even made a comment to me today saying he thinks I'm actually getting more work done from home than when I'm at work. Which is true, I have to deal with other people while at work, field questions, fix computer issues and in general just be social at times. At home it's all work.

My state just instituted a 25% of the work force is all that's allowed to be at the office. We will not be abiding by that as we are only a team of 8 and two of them are part timers, with one only working 1 day a week. I'm hopefully returning to work next week but we'll see.

As for a story, I have an old phone that I use as an mp3 player, I loaded it up a month ago with almost every Tangerine Dream album I could find from the early 70s to late 80s. I wanted to listen to it today and can not for the life of me find it. I spent half of my lunch break just looking for it to no avail. It will show up soon but as for right now I don't have a clue to where it is and I need my TD fix....
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By tim28212
Right now things are pretty good. The library is closing to campus and the public tomorrow. Library staff who go in (everyone is being encouraged to work from home) will need their IDs. I'm mixing it up a bit and going in for a few hours and working from home other days. Our biggest issue is we are in the process of moving to a new library system so this is really making things more difficult. It'll be interesting to see if we keep our Go Live day in July. Restaurants here can do takeout only. No dinning in. At the moment stores are allowed to use their own judgement about staying open. One local record shop has gone to online ordering/payment with curbside pickup or he will deliver. The other is currently keeping it's doors open. Our library dean told us not to spend too much time in front of our computers at home so I'll be taking his advice and working in some additional spin time. :)
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By inksb
New York just went to 100% non-essential staff works from home now. That means lots of people will be losing their jobs in the service industry. Big bummer. I already know one person who's hours have been cut to 8-16 a week until they change to less that but it's a doctors office and they are not allowing new appointments until May which means her work is going to dry up in the next few weeks.

In other news, I worked outside on my yard the other evening for an hour, ripping out some nasty weeds and vines. Woke up this morning with what I assumed was a big bug bite on my forearm only to discover it's actually poison ivy or some other plant reaction. Nothing is even blooming, everything is dead and yet I still got something on my arm, lol. Curse you mother nature, curse you.
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By Dollarhyde
Good to see STBC folk doing well. Being a Hospital worker haven't had the opportunity to sit in spinning wax all day, quite the opposite. Its starting get crazy out there. Still very much appreciate I can continue to get paid though.
Dont under estimate the need to self isolate and limit going out particularly if you are in a vulnerable catagory. The simple process of hand hygiene, OTT decontamination and not going out/social interaction really is a potential life saver.

Keep on spining and watching folks!
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By ScoJo
Well said, @dollardude. Please stay safe out there, you're a fucking champ amongst champs.

Someone needs to knock up an actual statistical graphic of 'how many potential deaths you may be personally responsible for, if you're a selfish/arrogant prick during this time'.

I had to have emergency dental surgery yesterday- awesome timing!! But the staff at my surgery were total sweethearts- I chatted with the surgeon about the possibility that all medical professionals may well be called into the battle. Like so many, she spoke calmly about doing whatever is required of her, yet underneath there is that sense of 'but if people would just do the right thing right now, it wouldn't neccesarily come to that' whilst accepting the reality.
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By Dollarhyde
Yep , I think everyone will start to pay more attention (many people already are) as the number of people dieing or in critical condition starts rise and rise.

A shitload of swab checks and ventilators would help also.
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By ScoJo
Dollarhyde wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 11:34 am Yep , I think everyone will start to pay more attention (many people already are) as the number of people dieing or in critical condition starts rise and rise.

A shitload of swab checks and ventilators would help also.
The best thing Ive seen was a tweet today:

If you want to get tested, cough in the face of somebody rich, and wait for them to get their results.
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By tim28212
Jimmy_Mike wrote: Thu Mar 19, 2020 8:36 pm @Tim - I love that place. Spent so much time there as a kid. It makes me so happy knowing you work there.
@jimmy_mike, I love it too. It's an great place to work and the library is just awesome. Friday we had an virtual coffee hour using Hangouts and everyone was going on about how much they missed each other. And it's only been 1 week. :)
By Tron4Life
ScoJo wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 1:07 pm
Dollarhyde wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 11:34 am Yep , I think everyone will start to pay more attention (many people already are) as the number of people dieing or in critical condition starts rise and rise.

A shitload of swab checks and ventilators would help also.
The best thing Ive seen was a tweet today:

If you want to get tested, cough in the face of somebody rich, and wait for them to get their results.
That's just awful idea. Everyone feeling sick should have a right to get tested. Unfortunately in Finland health authorities don't even see the need to test people. Official truth is different than reality out there.

Good thing is that government has reacted to this (slowly but better late than never) and force these idiots (they think knowing better than WHO) to test people. That's the only way knowing how widely this has spread in the society.
Last edited by Tron4Life on Sun Mar 22, 2020 12:35 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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By static14
@Tron that twitter quote was of a joke someone made because of how easy it seems for professional athletes and other rich Americans to get the test, and how difficult it is for regular folks to get tested here. I think the tone was lost in translation. :)
By Tron4Life
static14 wrote: Sat Mar 21, 2020 7:06 pm @Tron that twitter quote was of a joke someone made because of how easy it seems for professional athletes and other rich Americans to get the test, and how difficult it is for regular folks to get tested here. I think the tone was lost in translation. :)

Thanks for helping me out. I'm still not sure if I understand your point right, but I think the way to go is aggressive testing. We cannot make restricted rules without knowing how widely this has spread.
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By ScoJo
New NHS/HPL handwashing guidelines are... extreme.

IMG_1785.JPG (226.92 KiB) Viewed 4527 times

@Tron - this is another joke ;) Sorry the first one was confusing. I'm also with you 100% when it comes to the serious stuff.
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By Bezulsqy
It sounds strange for me to say things are relatively normal. I don't have a lot of social contacts and don't go out for drinks and rarely to a restaurant. But it feels bizar when I go to a supermarket or a bakery that the streets are almost empty. I work from home from Monday to Thursday at the moment. Normally only on Tuesday. As I prefer working from home, for me this is a fortunate outcome.
I don't agree with the need for testing as many people as possible. It serves no real purpose at the moment. Chances are that 50 to 60 percent of people will get infected. Most will not show symptoms are mild ones. However that does still mean a lot of people will become very ill and will be in need of IC-care. As long as everyone abides by the guidelines and keeps to social distancing our health care system should be able to cope. And I do applaud all the health care workers as their job has to be a lot more stressful and difficult. And for a long time to come.
I am afraid that the backlash socially will even be bigger. The poor and psychological less sane people will suffer tremendously. I read that in the US millions of people are losing their jobs and if the social safety nets are not in place their lives will not be the same for a long time.
This is for me at times still to big to really comprehend. I wish you all the best of luck and keep your head up. And if you ever feel lonely or just need to vent or whatever don't hesitate to shoot a message a place a comment.
And keep spinning those records!
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By ScoJo
Well said @Bez.

Just to add... one thing that's already starkly, bitterly hilarious here in the UK is the voices of wankers who have never given a shit about the unemployed, disabled or vulnerable finding out about the possibility of Universal Basic Credit and saying 'how the fuck are you meant to live on £93 Per Week??!'

Aherm. Indeed.
By Tron4Life
I think there is a reason to test if person has symptoms. Then person knows he/she has to stay on quarantine and doesn't infect others. Doing that also gives us chance to know the origin and trace others who may have infected. Obviously that loses it's meaning if virus has spread all society.

We are in different stage at this. In Finland there are still regions where have been reported zero cases. Official number today is 626, mostly in Helsinki region. One person has died. 626 is still a pretty low number and I think one of the factors why all people don't take this seriously. Last night some were singing karaoke in bars in Helsinki like it was regular Saturday night.

Based on that testing data government could isolate those few regions or restrict movement away from Helsinki region. They are actually thinking about the latter.

Why? I think the reason is that our health care can cope with this situation and prevent everyone getting sick the same time. So it's fight against time too. I personally hope that UV radiation would kill this virus before summer.