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By inksb
So as this Covid-19 pandemic escalates a lot of us will find our selves at home more than we are used to. I work in a small office and didn't intend on working from home but was recently informed that my wife's coworker's daughter was in direct contact with some one with the virus, I have decided to work from home for the next two weeks just to be safe. I have family members who would likely not survive exposure, my friend at work has a father currently in chemo treatment and I would feel horrible if I somehow spread it to her and then to him.

With that said, I hope you guys are all safe, are able to find food and toilet paper (wtf is wrong with these people?). I'll be around spinning records, watching movies and playing games. So expect to see me here the normal amount if not a little more, haha.
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By ScoJo
Good plan @inks, and I'll be doing something very similar. There is a massive shit show round the corner here in the UK (at best!), and while our ineffectual rulers fuck about it's up to us all to 'do the right thing' individually.

Plus- as much as I generally enjoy the company of my friends, Im happier than most at the idea of 'social distancing'... I have a shit ton of records to spin on my 'new' shelf! ;-)
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By lazyben
The introverts shall inherit the earth.

Was told to work from home from Friday. In a fit of corporate incompetence that instruction managed to get rescinded and then reinstated during Friday but then the schools closed and I need to be home anyway regardless of the HR clownshow. So I'm working from home, the wife has gone to the office for the afternoon but otherwise will be working from home and the child is home and climbing up the walls.

I'm parked at my desk with my turntable going unless I'm on a call. My backlog of "new" records won't last long at this rate (and some of them have been in that pile for years as they were impulse purchases or parts of a subscription that I'm not that interested in). Don't have bandwidth for movies or games while working alas.
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By static14
Being a stay at home Dad I’m kinda used to being home quite a bit. My daughter is doing okay so far (school closed last Thursday). This is my wife’s first day with her office closed. I think the transition is gonna be hardest for her.

I’m spending today doing stuff around the house and the beginnings of putting together a “school” schedule for my daughter so her brain doesn’t turn to mush.

Trying to avoid going out but i’ll have to hit up the grocery store tomorrow for a few things.
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By Hatter313
Been a bit since I’ve popped on here, crazy month.

Anyway, I’m right in New York’s break out epicenter, the containment zone border is less than a mile from my apartment (and there’s a sentence so never thought I’d be typing, yikes!)

I already work from home, but my clients are all MIA and my county is shutting down everything at 8pm tonight like a lot of places.

Hope everyone is doing well, spin those records, throw on those flicks, and keep your heads up!
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By deafmetal
Not much of a challenge for an introverted hermit, but yes, a bit more with the kid home from school and already bored on day one. The cabin fever will likely get real before too long here for many families. We are expecting word for all bars/restaurants to be closed here soon and move to take-out only if they offer. It will be interesting to see how people adapt to the change.
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By texasvinyl
A quarantine, or as it's known in my house, basically a normal week.

Sadly, I wasn't careful and jacked up one of my Shure needles, meaning I'm down to my last six. Still need to identify a suitable replacement once these run out.
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By texasvinyl
But seriously hope y'all are all good. We're cave trolling it up big-time over here
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By havershaw
We got back from Disneyland on Wednesday and basically realized how real the shit was getting (also how many people from all over the world we were exposed to), stocked up enough food and supplies for a couple of weeks, and hunkered down. None of us are feeling ill at all, so I think we’re good, but we plan to stay inside anyway, at least for a couple of weeks.

I was supposed to be traveling a lot this month, and all of it has been canceled. But I’m extremely lucky that I basically budgeted to not be working much this month, on account of all the travel.
There’s a few work projects I can go in and work on alone if I want to, but so far, I’m sort of enjoying doing not much but listening to records and breaking up my kids’ fights.

Just since Wednesday, I got through a lot of the backlog of records I haven’t listened to, and I’m looking forward to revisiting all of the stuff I’ve acquired lately to get to know all it a lot better.

Hope you all are safe and healthy and doing ok.
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By Bezulsqy
At least in the Netherlands we are able to go everywhere. But schools are closed and all restaurants and bars as well. Neighboring countries (Belgium and Germany) have a more strict policy. For me working from home is easy. For my girlfriend less so. Today we working at her home together and combining that with doing some work in the garden. Tomorrow I think I will stay at my place so I can play some modern warfare and play records when doing the little work there now is.

It is strange to experience how the world reacts to this. For me it really feels like a movie scenario. Unreal. There even are border controls again in Germany. The French get fined if they leave there home without a valid reason. In the Netherlands take-out restaurants are allowed to still be open as well as the 'coffeeshops' where one can get marijuana. As long as you do not consume your stuff at the shop location.

Look out for your own and do not panic too much. This is real but it is not Armageddon.
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By inksb
Good to see that we are pretty much set for the time being. I know California has shut down all non essential businesses (must suck to be categorized as such) like coffee shops, bars, movie theaters and restaurants. While yesterday NY/NJ/CN announced all those business have to close by 8PM and I suspect they will be shutting down for the certain period of time soon.

My friend works for the government and sent me a text yesterday saying prepare for a national lockdown starting monday so I assume that means no in or out of the country for two weeks.

I do have concerns about where I work, my boss seems to think this is all a hoax and just the flu hyped up by the media. Completely ignoring the fact that this has never happened on this level before. And he spent all last week traveling Florida in large groups and refuses to stay at home. And he continues to spend company money for no reason.

I don't have kids so I don't have to find something for them to occupy their time during their month+ long vacation at home. Good luck to all you parents on here, hope they don't drive each other or you crazy
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By ScoJo














and also...


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By Jimmy_Mike
I'm in Kansas City and we only have a few cases right now, but people have started the TP freak out. I've already ordered a hose bidet online. :) If any of you gents have traveled to Mid East, they make good use of these over there.

I have three kids and that's been a real challenge to get any work done, but work is slowing down as clients hole up.

I have a tendency to get "too online" and that's happening to me now. CONSTANT UPDATES!!!! Today I'm pulling back and will only check news after dinner. One could argue that this breaking news stuff is only making matters worse. My buddy who lives in Dubai where things are very calm asked me today why American's are freaking the fuck out and while I have a lot of reasons I won't go into here: a lot of it seems to be fear mixed with smart phones.

Best wishes to all.
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By NathanLurker
Here in Montreal, Pubs/bars are closing, most business that can send workers at home will do. I just personnaly set in at home with my work stuff. Standing right next to all my records, but turntable is in other room. Fortunately, I do have my cassette deck right on top of my shelves. So I'll be spinning tapes when I can (in between calls. I work on the phone).

Dog is asleep on the bed close to me. I got a shitload of films to go through. It's not gonna change to much for me, I'll save the metro rides.

@inksb : I gotta say I made a lot of progress in Death Stranding last sunday since everyone is staying home. Reached Heartman's cabin. got the whole highway built to Mountain knot and stuff.
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By bpwlogan
Everything is shut down here in the Twin Cities. Hope all you guys and your families are well. Nice to have STBC while sitting at home with everything closed around here.
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By inksb
NathanLurker wrote: Tue Mar 17, 2020 10:20 pm @inksb : I gotta say I made a lot of progress in Death Stranding last sunday since everyone is staying home. Reached Heartman's cabin. got the whole highway built to Mountain knot and stuff.
Damn, you are making a ton of progress. You are definitely in the home stretch.
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By deafmetal
Schools are now closed here until the end of April. I told the kid she starts class in my School of Hard Knocks here at home tomorrow morning. *cracks knuckles* we just set up the stress-reduction gym and Deaf's art museum of landscapes and soundscapes.
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By ScoJo
deafmetal wrote: Wed Mar 18, 2020 4:14 am Schools are now closed here until the end of April. I told the kid she starts class in my School of Hard Knocks here at home tomorrow morning. *cracks knuckles* we just set up the stress-reduction gym and Deaf's art museum of landscapes and soundscapes.
I want to enroll!

My grades are pretty solid, though I've been known to get easily lead by the stoner kids.

Also I get a pass from Phys Ed cause of my asthma.
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By static14
Finished up one of my quarantine activities today.
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