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By Bezulsqy
a vey decent poliziottesco

Mario Gariazzo's 1973 La mano spietata della legge a.k.a. The Bloody Hands of the Law
Excellent score by Stelvio Cipriani

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By Bezulsqy
ChrisMcQueen007 wrote: Tue Oct 01, 2019 11:37 am @Bez: How many poliziottesci have you watched so far?
I believe this was number 49.
Did you see the excel file I created with all movies considered to be some sort of poliziottesco? Not all are about the though cop and some you could classify as more of noir or maffia movie. I am constantly searching for more to watch. I think I have at least another 25 ready to play. But a lot of them have a very low rating so I am postponing watching those :-)
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By ChrisMcQueen007
Wow, you have fully embraced the poliziottesco (sub-) genre, I don‘t think I have seen that many over the years. Yep, saw your list, that‘s a very good checklist.
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By ScoJo
Ton of fun
IMG_1019.JPG (253.95 KiB) Viewed 2313 times

Early 90s HBO tv movie but scrubs up really nicely on bluray, was evidently shot on film.
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By Hatter313
ScoJo wrote: Wed Oct 02, 2019 4:27 am Ton of fun


Early 90s HBO tv movie but scrubs up really nicely on bluray, was evidently shot on film.

I love this flick, super fun. the sequel they did wasn't as good, with Hopper replacing Ward, but this was a real treat and i'm glad it got cleaned up and made more available. Do you have a physical release? its only available in HD streaming in the states.
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By ScoJo
Ah yeah, I just pulled an hd rip and presumed it was from a blu.

Love Ward in this! Yeah, Schrader's follow up with Hopper was also pretty good, a suitably OTT Eric Bogosian as 'McCarthy'- styled bad guy.

Strangely I think CADS makesa better double bill with Lord of Illusions.
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By inksb
I just read the synopsis for Cast A Deadly Spell and it sounds really interesting. Going to have to look around and see if I can find that HD rip. Maybe @bez has it?

I open every October with this film. Don't need to say much, we've all seen it. Interesting color choices on this poster.
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By deafmetal
Oh man, The Shining in 4k. Yes, please. Anybody else going to check out Dr. Sleep? I enjoyed the book. My expectations are low, but I have to see how they treated the material.
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By inksb
deafmetal wrote: Wed Oct 02, 2019 4:58 pm Oh man, The Shining in 4k. Yes, please. Anybody else going to check out Dr. Sleep? I enjoyed the book. My expectations are low, but I have to see how they treated the material.
I think the film will be decent. Flannagan is competent director, if I didn't hate all the characters so much I probably would have enjoyed Haunting of Hill House more, it was technically well made. Gerald's Game was good and I enjoyed Hush, Occulus and Ouija Origin of Evil. None of them were amazing by any means but enjoyable horror films.
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By Revolver_OcelScott
I grabbed the yellow steelbook 4k The Shining! I actually saw The Shining 4K in theaters last week, so it was nice to see it again in theaters
By skeletonbutt
inksb wrote: Mon Sep 30, 2019 1:43 pm

Joe Bego's third film, Bliss, may be the best film I've seen this year. I knew pretty much nothing about it going in but I enjoyed his last two films quite a bit (Mind's Eye, Almost Human). This one just floored me, I know it won't be for everyone. The story isn't really anything special but it's a visual & aural treat. I feel like a lot of you around here will enjoy this one quite a bit so check it out, it's out digitally & on VOD right now, bluray early November I think.
same experience, though i thought the mind's eye was a turd but this fucking ruled. an acid trip of a movie shot on 16mm with practical effects and steve moore music. liked it more than mandy, and it's only 80m.
By EvanCampbell
Halloween 3 is the only one out of the series that I watch every year. I know the first one is a classic, but in my older years 3 is just more fun to me and has taken the lead.
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By Hatter313
Second creepshow episode is a lot more like it, not completely sold on it, but the tone and the style is a little more in line.
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By tim28212
Tales of Halloween is on prime. Figured I would give it a watch since burning witches records is releasing the soundtrack on Monday. It was pretty good. Fun. Preferred Trick 'r Treat though.
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By inksb
tim28212 wrote: Fri Oct 04, 2019 8:31 pm Tales of Halloween is on prime. Figured I would give it a watch since burning witches records is releasing the soundtrack on Monday. It was pretty good. Fun. Preferred Trick 'r Treat though.
Trick R Treat is definitely the better of the two but I really like how short all of the shorts are in Tales. It's a lot of fun and I love that little stop motion section. I just realized that I only own this movie as digital, I need to fix that.
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By maxlevel
Re: Joker. I give 7 clown noses out of 10. It exists in total contrast to the previous Jokers, but it doesn’t stand up on its own so you have to accept a new fresh take on the origins, plus crucially and in common with Ledgers joker origin tales in Dark Knight, you don’t believe a word of it. Unfortunately it tries to play both sides of that; they have to tell the story without that being too obvious, but also need to remain true to the mental state of the character. And so it gets caught ticking off every single cause you can imagine, that someone might use to explain why violence happens. I much prefer the Ledger’s angle by Michael Caine: some men just want to watch the world burn. And leave the mystery at that, rather than go into rather harrowing detail.

On the other hand, the King of Comedy stuff is film gold. The steps dance sequence is incredible, the showbiz stuff is incredible, De Niro is incredible.

And, there is a showing of Blow Out in one of the cinemas!

I just thought the rich V poor stuff was cheesy, and I think 15 year old me would love it. But after Ledger there’s not that much need for this. I also feel like every director or cinematographer is scared of Phoenix, he’s centre of every single frame of the movie and every film he’s in and it’s quite boring.
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By Bezulsqy
Looking forward to see Joker in the cinema. However I have a feeling there has been too much hype so I probably will agree with Max. Last week in a Dutch interview a Dutch director (Brimstone) was letting everyone know how brilliant it all was. But a young actor sitting next to him was tempering excitement a bit as he found there was too much obvious and over the top sentiment in it. For instance the addition of cello music when Phoenix get his ass kicked (in an over the top way that kids probably never would do) by kids.
Anyways. Still looking forward seeing it. Also it has been a while since I went to the movies. Still need to see the latest Tarantino.

And I read a review that 3 from Hell is the worst movie of the year: https://bandsaboutmovies.com/2019/10/05 ... hell-2019/

(some great lists on that BandSaboutmovies website btw!)
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By maxlevel
Just seen an article. The incredible step dancing sequence track, which I couldn’t think of at the time, is backed by Rock N Roll by Gary Glitter a convicted, unrepentant peadophile. Which adds a hilarious dimension to the film
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By ScoJo
I really liked Joker, though it's a very sad, painful watch for the most part. Went with my whole family and it worked like gangbusters on me, mum, dad, sister (all over 40) and my neice (22) hated it. Just sayin'. It is not a happy film. (but by fuck it's a beautiful one at times... )

Hildur Guðnadóttir's score is world destroying.
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By inksb
I watched quite a bit this weekend so here we go

I haven't seen this since it's release on bluray. It was nice to revist, I kind of forgot how dirty and grungy the film was shot. The score is perfect compliment to it's visuals. My wife is now obsessed with the soundtrack, she's listened to it at least once a day since we watched it and I'm pretty sure she listened to it 3 times on Sunday.

I've seen this movie so many times over years, I've watched it on VHS endlessly, DVD and bluray. I've even seen it projected a few times, usually DVD/Bluray and once a nice DCP. Well this weekend I was able to see it in 35mm for the first time. The print was in incredible condition, it looked stunning. The audio was a touch too loud and caused some clipping in the speakers but it worked for some of the louder dream sequences. Freddy is so ingrained in my memory as the pop culture horror icon, I sometimes forget how fucking scary he is in this first film. It's a master piece. To this day I do have one very minor gripe with the film and it's the extended arms scene, it just doesn't work, it's not scary and feels like it wasn't quite what Wes wanted but it was the closest he could get with the tech at the time. It was also really nice to see it with an almost sold out crowd of horror fans. There were maybe 8 people in the theater who had not seen it before.

This one straddles the line between giallo and poliziotteschi. Quite enjoyable with a great soundtrack. Very interesting to see a woman in such a strong leading role at that period in Italy.

I was able to watch the Directors Cut as that seems to be the best version of the film, it expands on characters much more than the theatrical so I opted for that. I completely understand why this film was so divisive. It's not for everyone, there's minimal gore and it's not really that scary. With that said, I adored it and continue to realize that cult films work quite well for me. It's not perfect, it's a touch too long but I was engrossed from beginning to end, it never felt slow (or fast). I hated every character and I wanted to see their demise. I really like the world Ari created here. I won't revisit too often but I did like it much more than Hereditary (which I also enjoyed). This won't be at the top of my favorites for the year but it was a good film.

Larry Fessendens's Frankenstein. This was great, it won't be for everyone but Larry's films never really are. I feel like if you've liked his previous directorial efforts then you should like this. It's an interesting modern take on the classic tale.

This one fell completely flat for me. I've seen lots of people say it's one of the best horror films of the year. I completely disagree, unless you are watching bottom of the barrel crap. This isn't a bad film, it's really well made I just didn't give a shit about it. The characters were kind of weak and generic, broken girl, friends cheer her up by going out, meets guy, guys friend is asshole, they decide to go to a haunt and stuff goes bad. Some interesting ideas in the film but overall the film fell flat. The wife asked at the end of the movie, was that even a "real" movie? The ending is trash btw. Worth a watch once it hits shudder at the end of the month, you may end up loving it, for me it's a really well made mediocre film.

Also watched Creepshow episode 2, hated the first part. Even the great Jeffrey Combs couldn't save it (he was the best part) and I applaud them for not trying to do werewolf transformation in shitty CG but come on, we didn't need to see 3 comic book transformations in a row, one would have been enough. This felt so amateurish it was embarrassing. The second one I enjoyed, it had some of that humor we were lacking in the previous 3 segments, I liked the creature and the story even with how simple it ended up. It's not a great segment but the best so far.
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