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By Bezulsqy
I work close to a museum. From November 30 they will have a big David Lynch exposition. During my lunch break I have been visiting the museum for the last couple of months. I will be visiting it every lunch break for the next six months: ... avid_lynch
David Lynch: Someone is in my House
30.11.2018 - 28.04.2019

An extensive exhibition by the American artist and filmmaker David Lynch will open in the Bonnefantenmuseum in November 2018. Lynch (1946, Missoula, Montana, US) was raised by parents who were keen on travelling, and he led a nomadic life from a young age. When he was fifteen, his first mentor was the father of a childhood friend, the painter Bushnell Keeler. Through Keeler, Lynch became interested in a book by American artist and teacher Robert Henri (1865-1929), 'The Art Spirit', which was to become the guiding principle in his work as an artist. A planned three-year study with the Austrian artist Oscar Kokoschka fell through because the artist did not turn up, so Lynch returned to the United States and enrolled at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts in Philadelphia to study painting. It was there that he took the first step in combining two worlds. His desire to create 'moving paintings' resulted in the short stop-motion animation Six Men Getting Sick (1967), which he projected onto a sculpted screen. In subsequent years, Lynch refined his visual idiom and made a number of short films. In 1977, he created the Surrealist Eraserhead, his first feature film after a creative process of five years. The multifaceted and distinctive worlds of Lynch keep recurring in his later films, from the shady scenes in Blue Velvet (1986) to the unconscious repetitions in Lost Highway (1997) and the mysteriousness of the masterly series Twin Peaks (1990-1991).

Alongside producing his famous film works, David Lynch has always remained active as a visual artist. The exhibition in the Bonnefantenmuseum presents the many aspects of the underexposed yet versatile artistry of Lynch. Besides a selection of his early short films, including the important academy work Six Men Getting Sick (1967), there will be paintings, photographs, works on paper, installations, sound installations and sculptural works. The Lumière film theatre in Maastricht will focus on David Lynch's film oeuvre during the exhibition period. The exhibition will be accompanied by an illustrated catalogue, including a written contribution from Stijn Huijts, artistic director of the Bonnefantenmuseum. The exhibition will run from November 2018 to April 2019.
Together with the exhibition a local movie theater will be having a David Lynch retrospective:

I am very exited!
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By ScoJo
Bezulsqy wrote:I work close to a museum. From November 30 they will have a big David Lynch exposition. During my lunch break I have been visiting the museum for the last couple of months. I will be visiting it every lunch break for the next six months: ... avid_lynch
David Lynch: Someone is in my House
30.11.2018 - 28.04.2019

An extensive exhibition by the American artist and filmmaker David Lynch will open in the Bonnefantenmuseum in November 2018. Lynch (1946, Missoula, Montana, US) was raised by parents who were keen on travelling, and he led a nomadic life from a young age. When he was fifteen, his first mentor was the father of a childhood friend, the painter Bushnell Keeler. Through Keeler, Lynch became interested in a book by American artist and teacher Robert Henri (1865-1929), 'The Art Spirit', which was to become the guiding principle in his work as an artist. A planned three-year study with the Austrian artist Oscar Kokoschka fell through because the artist did not turn up, so Lynch returned to the United States and enrolled at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts in Philadelphia to study painting. It was there that he took the first step in combining two worlds. His desire to create 'moving paintings' resulted in the short stop-motion animation Six Men Getting Sick (1967), which he projected onto a sculpted screen. In subsequent years, Lynch refined his visual idiom and made a number of short films. In 1977, he created the Surrealist Eraserhead, his first feature film after a creative process of five years. The multifaceted and distinctive worlds of Lynch keep recurring in his later films, from the shady scenes in Blue Velvet (1986) to the unconscious repetitions in Lost Highway (1997) and the mysteriousness of the masterly series Twin Peaks (1990-1991).

Alongside producing his famous film works, David Lynch has always remained active as a visual artist. The exhibition in the Bonnefantenmuseum presents the many aspects of the underexposed yet versatile artistry of Lynch. Besides a selection of his early short films, including the important academy work Six Men Getting Sick (1967), there will be paintings, photographs, works on paper, installations, sound installations and sculptural works. The Lumière film theatre in Maastricht will focus on David Lynch's film oeuvre during the exhibition period. The exhibition will be accompanied by an illustrated catalogue, including a written contribution from Stijn Huijts, artistic director of the Bonnefantenmuseum. The exhibition will run from November 2018 to April 2019.
Together with the exhibition a local movie theater will be having a David Lynch retrospective:

I am very exited!
Bez- I have pals over your way. I'm bloody there! Hope they have the DIY Mouse Kit :)
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By Bezulsqy
I have not seen his short movies. To be honest I haven't paid a lot of attention to David Lynch in the last ten years or so. I still need to see the new Twin Peaks. I see there are a lot of books out there that show his work. I probably will get the book that is released together with this exhibition.

I have seen The Elephant Man, Eraserhead, Blue Velvet, Lost Highway, The Straight Story (the only one that I have seen at the movie theater. First Fight Club and immediately after The Straight Story), Mulholland Drive. I don't remember seeing Wild at Heart and a definitely haven't seen Inland Empire. I did see everything that is Twin Peaks except the new series.
The exhibition in the Bonnefantenmuseum presents the many aspects of the underexposed yet versatile artistry of Lynch. Besides a selection of his early short films, including the important academy work Six Men Getting Sick (1967), there will be paintings, photographs, works on paper, installations, sound installations and sculptural works.
I did not understand what you meant with the DIY mouse kit. At first I read it as mouse mat. What has that got to do with anything?, I thought. But then I googled and found out about his DIY animal kits. I can only hope some of those are included :-)
If you do come over let me know when so we'll at least have a drink together.
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By Bezulsqy
Two more days to opening. The museum has closed a big part but had to leave some parts open. And there I just now saw the works below.
I am very impressed by some of the works. They are sculptured from some sort of clay and fixed on canvas. In pictures it looks like a painting, but in real life the sculpturing is a couple of inches thick.
I probably will not go on opening day but from next week every lunch break for the next month or two will be spend in front of the works of David Lynch.
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By Bezulsqy
When you enter the museum you see these red curtains and hear music from Twin Peaks playing.
Behind the curtains is a round room with the TP floor pattern shown in a previous post. I have no idea if and what there is placed behind the curtains.
I was am very exited seeing this and hearing that music...
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By ScoJo
Im seriously considering a birthday trip to Maastricht in March, can catch up with friends into the bargain.

Will keep you posted @Bez, for at the very least some weekend-visit hot tips :)
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By Bezulsqy
I have no words. Will post more when I do. All I can say: if you have the chance, do go see it.
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By Bezulsqy
more pictures
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By Bezulsqy
and more
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By Bezulsqy
when you click the pictures the orientation should be correct
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By Bezulsqy
The list of short movie compilations is shown in one loop. When I entered Rabbits just started. An hour and a half later Rabbits started again. I left because I simply had no more time. I do not know if all Rabbits episodes were played. I know at least two did.
Highlights are the 16mm experiments, The Amputee, The Disc of Sorrow, Industrial Soundscape, The 3 Rs,...
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By Hatter313
I honestly wasn’t sure if one of the rooms was upside down or not, and with lynch I wouldn’t have been surprised
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By Bezulsqy
day after I went to see Eraserhead on the big screen I went back to the exhibition to see focus on sketches related to the film. I found these:
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By Bezulsqy
Today I went back to see if I could spot some Blue Velvet references or sketches, but did not find a lot. I did pay more attention to a paper with a lot of notes and scribbling on it. Below are some close ups.

The text in closeup 1 reads:

Time is money
money talks
deeds speak louder than words
Do a good deed daily
daily bread
bread of life
life or death
to be or not to be

And in closeup 2 you can read some names. I would love someone's opinion to see about whom we are talking about.
There is a date on that paper that reads 2/18/1987. There is a mention of a Blue Velvet screening at the Roxy. I assume it is a list of actors next to a list of characters. But from what show/movie? Because of the character names I was thinking Twin Peaks pilot. Because of actor names: Wild at Heart.
Blue Velvet 1981
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close up 1
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close up 2
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Great find, Bez! I wonder if that is a bit of doodle daydream casting for an earlyish incarnation of Twin Peaks? Not sure which Sean it might be and I can't make out the name between Jack and Brad on my phone, but my guesses for the others would be Harry Dean Stanton (obviously), Emilio Estevez, Jack Nance, Brad Dourif, and Crispin Glover. A world where Crispin Glover played Bob would be a strange world indeed.
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By Bezulsqy
Mateo Sanboval wrote:Great find, Bez! I wonder if that is a bit of doodle daydream casting for an earlyish incarnation of Twin Peaks? Not sure which Sean it might be and I can't make out the name between Jack and Brad on my phone, but my guesses for the others would be Harry Dean Stanton (obviously), Emilio Estevez, Jack Nance, Brad Dourif, and Crispin Glover. A world where Crispin Glover played Bob would be a strange world indeed.
I did assume the same names. The name that is hard to read could be Jeo? Dso? Joo? Looking at the way other letters are written I am thinking it is not a D but rather a J. And because of Deborah it most likely refers to a woman. Does not matter in the end. But is fun to see those pages filled with sketches and names and phone numbers.

Here is an unrelated lithograph that I found to be very funny.
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By Bezulsqy
Focus of my visit today was brain matter... There is more body matter than specific brain matter and pictures do not do these works justice. Lynch uses a lot of sculpting in his works. Very cool to see it in close-up.
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close-up Bob's Dream
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close-up Bob Loves Sally Until She Is Blue In The Face
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Things I Learned In School
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close-up of the work titles: Rat Meat Bird
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By Bezulsqy
More close-ups
close-up Philadelphia
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close-up Billy Sings The Tune For The Death Row Shuffle
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another close-up Billy Sings The Tune For The Death Row Shuffle
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close-up Ricky Finds Out He Has Shit For Brains
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Last edited by Bezulsqy on Wed Jan 02, 2019 12:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.