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By Jimmy_Mike
Halloween II teaser on Death Waltz IG is taking a beating from the commentariat. Just gross.

IG is the only social media I have left, but even it is becoming toxic. Thank god for this forum.
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By inksb
Jimmy_Mike wrote:Halloween II teaser on Death Waltz IG is taking a beating from the commentariat. Just gross.

IG is the only social media I have left, but even it is becoming toxic. Thank god for this forum.
OOF. I tend to stay out of comments sections on Mondo posts but DW usually are pretty civil. The fact the artist used H1 stuff as his inspiration for the artwork seems to be under everyone ones skin. I'm perfectly happy with my copy already so I won't be buying this one (don't care for the art but that's just my preference as I don't give a shit what mask he has on). I'm with you though, I don't really do social media stuff but I have a IG and Twitter account to keep up on releases like this for sale times and announcements.
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By Bezulsqy
Can someone explain the issue with the art?

I have seen Halloween II, but it was so long ago I don't remember much. On wikipedia I read that the pumpkin was used next to title. So why do the art haters refer to the pumpkin as it is from part I? Also I read that the same mask from part I was used in part II. But apparently people are saying differently.
October 8 I will get to see Halloween in the theater for the first time. I'll play Halloween II at home that week to see if I can make sense of this all.

Also I am very happy that they will open a pre-order if the initial run sells out. That means I do not need to buy it tonight.
By skeletonbutt
Bezulsqy wrote:Can someone explain the issue with the art?

I have seen Halloween II, but it was so long ago I don't remember much. On wikipedia I read that the pumpkin was used next to title. So why do the art haters refer to the pumpkin as it is from part I? Also I read that the same mask from part I was used in part II. But apparently people are saying differently.
October 8 I will get to see Halloween in the theater for the first time. I'll play Halloween II at home that week to see if I can make sense of this all.

Also I am very happy that they will open a pre-order if the initial run sells out. That means I do not need to buy it tonight.
something to do with the pumpkin. the pumpkin that's on screen during the intro credits to the first movie is used in the artwork for the upcoming release of the halloween 2 ost and people are all broken up about it.
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By havershaw
Yeah, the credits from both films have a pumpkin, but they look very different.
The mask is the same, but they used a different actor to play Michael Myers, and the mask sort of fit the H2 actor’s face differently so it definitely has a different look in H2.

Despite my being a massive enough nerd to know these things, I don’t care about them having “goofed” these things on the cover of H2. I mean, it’s just a record cover (and the third issue of this album anyway).
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By inksb
It's so stupid to throw a fit about that stuff. There are other versions of the record you can buy that doesn't have that art on it.
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By ScoJo
You'll remember there was a similar
goof with Mondo's ALIEN art, where the initial reveal showed that the head of the Xenomorph was actually based on the ALIENS design. They managed to alter that one in time before going to press (or they had just teased an earlier mockup by accident...and Killian Eng had already spotted it and delivered corrected version...)

Personally I would have featured on the sleeve the most avoidable and tragic of all the deaths in the Halloween series- Bennett Tramer!
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By havershaw
inksb wrote:It's so stupid to throw a fit about that stuff. There are other versions of the record you can buy that doesn't have that art on it.
That’s how I feel, too. I bought one so my box set is complete, and I’m curious how this one sounds, mastering-wise, but it’s not like any of these H2 reissues offer any tracks missing from the original (in fact, this one is missing Mr. Sandman).
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By inksb
@bez I would have never noticed that stuff, I don't pay that much attention nor am I that obsessive (I haven't even watched H2 in 3-4 years), I had to look it up myself after reading the comments on IG.
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By Bezulsqy
inksb wrote:@bez I would have never noticed that stuff, I don't pay that much attention nor am I that obsessive (I haven't even watched H2 in 3-4 years), I had to look it up myself after reading the comments on IG.
still, good detective work!
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By texasvinyl
I am bummed they rejected my proposed artwork. A masterpiece.
halloween.jpg (40.91 KiB) Viewed 7243 times
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By ScoJo
texasvinyl wrote:I am bummed they rejected my proposed artwork. A masterpiece.
This is fuckin BULLSHIT the second movie used the roman numerical designation 'II' not '2' ffs, and that's not even the right pumpkin- that's from 'Michael Myers vs. Super Mario Slash-Cart' JEEZUZ SO FUCKING ANGRY RIGHT NOW AAAAAAGGHHHH!!!!
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By inksb
ScoJo wrote:
texasvinyl wrote:I am bummed they rejected my proposed artwork. A masterpiece.
This is fuckin BULLSHIT the second movie used the roman numerical designation 'II' not '2' ffs, and that's not even the right pumpkin- that's from 'Michael Myers vs. Super Mario Slash-Cart' JEEZUZ SO FUCKING ANGRY RIGHT NOW AAAAAAGGHHHH!!!!
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By DigitalHiss
I haven't really found any album covers (not just these Halloween releases) that great recently. All kind of "on the nose" art...little style or ambience IMO.

That said, I grabbed an orange copy of Halloween II. I don't own it on vinyl. Gotta complete that box.

And it's a great score. I usually pop that in over the original Halloween.
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By havershaw
Bezulsqy wrote:Do you think it is correct to say Halloween II is a film by John Carpenter?
Hahahaha, it literally *does* say “A John Carpenter Film” above the title on the label, doesn’t it?
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By Mateo Sanboval
texasvinyl wrote:I am bummed they rejected my proposed artwork. A masterpiece.
This may or may not have made my night. SPOILER ALERT: It did.
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