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By Neon Occult
Hello All

Looks like there is some like minded souls in here. I only recently last three months started to collect soundtrack vinyl. I find it inspiring in my own work that i do in my studio. So I though I would share with you some of my collection and hopefully a more to show in the future.

Neon Occult
Soundtrack Collection (2).jpg
Soundtrack Collection (2).jpg (780.26 KiB) Viewed 4745 times
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By Bezulsqy
Hello Neon. Great start of a collection! Where are you from?
BTW, this forum is a great source for inspiration as what to get, and a bad source for your wallet.
By Neon Occult
Ha ha. So is any hobby a drain on the wallet but it's all worth it in the end. I am from Hull which is in the north east of England.
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By Mateo Sanboval
Welcome aboard, Neon Occult. I heartily endorse all five of those LPs.
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By deafmetal
@Neon - Welcome to the forum. There is an introductions thread here for your perusal.

Those five albums you have presented are displaying a solid theme of dark synths. You'll fit right in here. ;)
By Neon Occult
Yes Dark brooding synths, To make the heart beat faster and have a sense of dead of what's around the corner!!

Hopefully going to get a few more this weekend starting with John Carpenters the Fog silva screen edition!!
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By Little Walter
I was just about to say, you're missing The Fog and Assault on that list, but the more you add to that list, the more you'll want. You've been warned.
By Neon Occult
I have a list as long as my arm ! the missus is regretting the decision to get me a turntable!!