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Moderators: lazyben, static14, texasvinyl

By antimax
Phil, don't take this the wrong way, but are you tracing an image or something?
By philball1974
Take that as a compliment!

No Im not tracing an image, but I do use a range of images as reference. Usually I'll do a composite in photoshop of various film stills and then work out what best represents what I want to do. Then i jot some ideas down in adobe illustrator and then when Im happy with what Im going to do I'll work in Corel Paint.

The final image is then touched up if needed in photoshop, usually dodge and burn (dark and light) tweaks.

Also if you click on the final image you will see there is a paper texture filter added to it which gives it a look of paper.
By antimax
Cool. Hmmm yeah I guess I just haven't really seen someone paint like that? Going "chunk-by-chunk", I mean. Odd technique! But the end result is looking cool.
By philball1974
erm....thanks....I guess!?

There are some layers underneath that you can't see in these shots, but pretty much i work like that on all of them.
By ghostfires
That is so cool Phil! I absolutely love the Myers picture. That would be an awesome background for my MacBook!
By philball1974
@ghost give me your email and I'll send you a high res version.
By ghostfires
Awesome! I appreciate that! It is rharris07 AT yahoo.
By philball1974
I've sent it to .com! hope thats right.
By EvanCampbell
Good stuff Phil - I actually work in the same sections rather than slowly roughing out the whole piece and chipping away at it. Other artists have actually told me that is the wrong approach...for me there is no wrong approach to art. I think I need some visual confidence in an area to keep me inspired to move on to other sections.
By philball1974
Thanks Evan. Would be a crazy man to say you are doing something wrong, your stuff is clearly awesome!

I always work to a sketch and have that as a base layer but by time I come to do the actual colouring I know in my head what I want to achieve. I totally agree with you that working in sections helps stay motivated and helps me to keep focused. I find this method helps me to keep my vision also.

Seems very odd to me that there could be a right and a wrong way! Maybe the right way is for people who are trained properly?

Maybe being a photographer has something to do with doing it wrong? Either way right ir wrong I can see I have improved a lot and I like what I'm doing.