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By EvanCampbell
Yeah I can understand what you is easy to start over thinking when you create and begin to get lost in all the variables.

Again cool work and great selection of films for screenings...some of my favorites.

wish I could attend :(
By EvanCampbell
philball1974 - This yours?
By EvanCampbell
Very cool...digging the layout!
By EvanCampbell
I prefer the painterly style when it comes to poster art most of the times. Disliked when posters just became photos of the main actors...but I guess it depends on the film.
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By soundtracks of fear
Nice one Phil!
Here are a couple of posters I did this year - just for fun

Also latest one of my Twin Peaks album art here
By EvanCampbell
Dagar those are both really cool...great work!
Hey Phil - when you say "painting style", just wondering - are these actually hand painted, or have you got some clever design-app tools going on?
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By soundtracks of fear
Thanks guys appreciate the feedback! :)
Phil I think this is your best one so far, it really captures the menace of Stripe.
You using oils?
By palmat

That Carrie poster is stunning. Good work!
By EvanCampbell
Both very the charcoal feel of the Batman one! You seem to knock these out at quite a clip :)
By EvanCampbell
Sounds hard to find those quiet hours for personal work! Always in pursuit of those moments.