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By Bezulsqy
pre-order hasn't arrived yet, so might as weli watch this in March
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By Mateo Sanboval
@Hatter - Awesome smorgasbord of stories there.

@Bezulsqy - How is Krampus (spoiler-free if you please)? Doesn't arrive here on BD until the end of this month or next, but it looked like it could be fun.

I screened Silk (1986) and Deathstalker (1983) at a sparingly, yet enthusiastically, attended local bad movie night last evening. Silk is a 1980s cop thriller about the best damn detective on the Honolulu force who just so happens to be a ladywoman. This film has the ambition of a blockbuster film, yet the acting, directing, lighting, photography and script of a bad television pilot. It does have a fun 80s-synth score along with some hilariously versed original songs however. Silk was a new one on me until very recently and it is admittedly a slow burn (and shitty), but I enjoy it.

Deathstalker is an old acquaintance and, boy, was it every bit as exploitative as I'd remembered. It's no wonder Corman fled to Argentina to make these films. It only takes about five minutes to see why this piece of Dungeon Cinemax was a late show favorite. Deathstalker is full of imps, ogres, warlocks, swordplay, bad 80s breast implants, and more no-means-yes likemaking than you could shake a magical staff at. It stars Rick Hill (of Dune Warriors fame), Barbi Benton (of Hospital Massacre) and a guy I'm pretty sure is a bald Vincent D'Onofrio in Geisha makeup with a squid tattoo on his face doing his best (worst) Vincent Price impression. In brief, it's glorious.Image
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By Bezulsqy
@ Mateo

Spoiler free you say :-)

Well I won't say too much. I thought it was okay. Maybe I was too tired or the giallo I watched before Krampus changed my mood...
I was expecting more with Krampus. I liked Trick 'r Treat a lot. That was fun and filled with stuff. Krampus was fun. I liked Omi a lot, but the rest of the characters less. Too much of a caricature.
The score sounded really fun.
I am aware I am writing a review that doesn't say a lot :-)
A bit like the movie :-) I wanted it to be scarier.
Very curious to hear what anyone else thinks.
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By ScoJo
Sadly, as a huge fan of Trick r Treat, I didn't think much of Krampus at all. Really wanted to like it, but wasn't either funny or scary. And those CG gingerbread guys! Ugh.
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By Hatter313
I liked krampus, but I didn't love it the way I wanted to. I think that a lot of it is very cool and great but sometimes it's too tame for its own good when it could have gone really gruesome. Holiday horror is tough, especially Christmas horror, and I applaud the effort and some of the early set up stuff. The flashback stuff was excellent and score was top notch as well. I think Trick r treat has the advantage of being a. A halloweeen movie b. Better actors overall.
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By Bezulsqy
What Hatter said. Completely agree.

Yesterday I watched The Big Short. Really good! Everyone should see that movie. I won't change anything, but I think it is good to know how some parts of the world we all live in work. It did leave me with a bad feeling. Very cynical.

Today I went to see Deadpool. That made the feeling I had from yesterday go away :-)
Damn, that movie is a lot of fun. One of the best Marvel related stuff that I have ever seen. Really funny and brutal. Very juvenile but in a great tongue in cheek way. Really great entertainment.
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By Bezulsqy
Never seen it before.
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By Hatter313
Who forgot that roger Clinton was the mayor in pumpkinhead 2?

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By Bezulsqy
Never seen it before
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By deafmetal

Not a big fan of the child actor on the bookends, but I will forever adore Debbie Harry. This one is a lot more gruesome than I remember.
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By Hatter313
i spent all day Sunday marathoning F13, I have no idea why it just started late Saturday night when I was bored and saw the first one was free on prime.

Ended up finishing it in the morning and watching all they way through to 9

I don't know that if ever actually seen 9 before at all...that movie is terrible, I mean....terrible. Usually I can find charm in almost anything but other than some good make up work, what a pile. Current ranking (with awknowledgment that 2,3,and 4 shuffle in their spots a lot, very close)

1,3,2,4,6,7,8,5,9....and let's just stop there shall we. No need for space here.
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By Aremagod
Hatter313 wrote:i spent all day Sunday marathoning F13, I have no idea why it just started late Saturday night when I was bored and saw the first one was free on prime.

Ended up finishing it in the morning and watching all they way through to 9

I don't know that if ever actually seen 9 before at all...that movie is terrible, I mean....terrible. Usually I can find charm in almost anything but other than some good make up work, what a pile. Current ranking (with awknowledgment that 2,3,and 4 shuffle in their spots a lot, very close)

1,3,2,4,6,7,8,5,9....and let's just stop there shall we. No need for space here.
Now I would put 9 and 10 over 5 any day of the week and my top three might go 2,1,3/6.
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By Little Walter
Aremagod wrote:Now I would put 9 and 10 over 5 any day of the week and my top three might go 2,1,3/6.
I feel about the same way; Friday the 13th II gets my adrenaline going right from the start. It has to be my favorite of the bunch.
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By Hatter313
Aremagod wrote:
Hatter313 wrote:i spent all day Sunday marathoning F13, I have no idea why it just started late Saturday night when I was bored and saw the first one was free on prime.

Ended up finishing it in the morning and watching all they way through to 9

I don't know that if ever actually seen 9 before at all...that movie is terrible, I mean....terrible. Usually I can find charm in almost anything but other than some good make up work, what a pile. Current ranking (with awknowledgment that 2,3,and 4 shuffle in their spots a lot, very close)

1,3,2,4,6,7,8,5,9....and let's just stop there shall we. No need for space here.
Now I would put 9 and 10 over 5 any day of the week and my top three might go 2,1,3/6.
I totally understand the hate for 5, but for some reason i can't bring my self to dismiss it entirely. I really dig the setting, and I like the way they continue the tommy Jarvis story despite hating the fake-jason stuff.

You know, i really love 2...i may actually align more to your ranking there if i really think about it, but its hard for me to put the original below the number one spot. like is said, 2 and 3 kind of shuffle around for me, 4 and 6 too.
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By Aremagod
Hatter313 wrote: I totally understand the hate for 5, but for some reason i can't bring my self to dismiss it entirely. I really dig the setting, and I like the way they continue the tommy Jarvis story despite hating the fake-jason stuff.

You know, i really love 2...i may actually align more to your ranking there if i really think about it, but its hard for me to put the original below the number one spot. like is said, 2 and 3 kind of shuffle around for me, 4 and 6 too.
I don't hate 5....I don't hate any of the Friday the 13th films....the closest to hate I might get is for the reboot. I liked the Tommy Jarvis storyline but the fake Jason makes it the least enjoyable to me.
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By Mateo Sanboval
1,2,4,3,everything else, 5.

Also, I watched CRIMSON PEAK this weekend and I was not into it. Lovely looking, but so much CGI that it took me right out of the setting at times. The ghosts looked good for the most part and the actual physical violence was arresting. Unfortunately, the characters were largely shallow and inconsistent and the plot was too thin to be carried by an atmosphere that relied so heavily on the aforementioned CGI. There was also lots of time devoted to two or three things that never paid off at all and left me wondering why they were included to begin with. I may revisit this again down the road with lowered expectations, but it was a disappointing first viewing.
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By Hatter313
Mateo Sanboval wrote:1,2,4,3,everything else, 5.
poor 5...poor poor 5.

next up...marathoning Freddy. can unequivocally say 1,3,7,4,5,2,6 on that one.

and while i'm at it, even though i won't do the king of em all until October ...

Halloween - 1,2,7,4,6,5, 8 (and even only the cold open at that)

3 exists on its own and i love every second of it, but I don't rank it. i don't dislike 6 as much as i'm told i'm supposed to, but i find 5 painfully boring. and yes, i think H20 (7) is better than a lot of them. Maybe its just JLC...or the fact that I grew up in the 90's so that style has some nostalgia for me, but i really think that movie is up there with the earlier ones.
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By deafmetal
@Mateo - I was also disappointed with Crimson Peak. It seemed to have a lot of possibility that did not really go anywhere. I thought the main plot point was way too easy to pick up early on in the film.
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By Little Walter
Hatter313 wrote:next up...marathoning Freddy. can unequivocally say 1,3,7,4,5,2,6 on that one.
Was the second one that bad? I can't even think of the story right now.
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By Aremagod
Now do you slip Freddy VS Jason in during a Friday the 13th marathon or a Nightmare marathon? Both? On its own whenever the hell you feel like? I'd rank that movie higher than multiple Fridays and Nightmares.
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By Mateo Sanboval
Little Walter wrote:
Hatter313 wrote:next up...marathoning Freddy. can unequivocally say 1,3,7,4,5,2,6 on that one.
Was the second one that bad? I can't even think of the story right now.
Yeah, it's pretty bad. Truthfully though, I find it more memorable than some of the other Nightmares. Not sure I'd say "better," just more memorable.
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By Hatter313
agreed on memorable. 4 and 5 bleed together for me. 2 I've actually watched more often, but only because i find its whole feeling fascinating.
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