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Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 12:19 pm
by chiefbrody
Well we've reached month 3 and that means Let the Right One In.

@disco has opted not to organise a sync this month and I agree it's probably one for discussion rather than coordinated viewing.

As per the Club's M.O., I encourage you to watch and discuss the film at some point this month. It has many fans, who I've found to be very passionate about is greatness. I'm not convinced myself, but I'll see if I feel different upon my third viewing.

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 7:13 pm
by liftman2013
Not to sound offensive or anything, but isnt the idea of the film club to have a synced viewing?

Isn't it just pick a day and see who's game?

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 7:46 pm
by chiefbrody
@lift, by all means, pick a day and see who bites (no pun intended). I take no offence.

The original idea I had was actually just to stimulate discussion, but @disco kindly arranged syncs for the first two. I think that's an improvement on my idea, but my own feeling is that the first two were great 'group' movies, the kind of thing you get drunk with your mates and watch on a Friday night (or on a Sunday night with a bunch of soundtrack vinyl enthusiasts!!). For that reason, I think they lent themselves well to the syncs - I just don't feel that way about LTROI.

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 7:57 pm
by Occhionero
I loved the sync watching!

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 8:26 pm
by Spun out of control
Another fan of the sync screening here - a lot of fun. ;)

I know it wasn't the original idea - and kudos to @disco for the initial enthusiasm to take things up a notch - but feel that the sync screening galvanises people to make the effort to watch something that they otherwise might 'forget' to do if the viewing window is spread across a whole month.

The slightly more moody LTROI might not be an obvious excuse to break out the beer and crisps, but perhaps could still be a perfect excuse to open a bottle of wine - red, naturally..?

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 8:59 pm
Hey chaps - I agree with @chiefbrody about this film not especially lending itself to a sync viewing, but at the same time I'm more than happy to go ahead with organising one if people are up for it!

So on that note - sign up below if this is something you're into guys. I'll add names to this post as they come in, and when we hit say 10+ I reckon that clinches the deal.

Deal? :)


@Spun out of control
@Little Walter

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 10:18 pm
by Little Walter
@disco - please do count me in. Being the Quiet Kid in the Corner make up my middle names.

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 10:48 pm
by deafmetal
In like Flynn.

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 12:40 am
by Hatter313
You know, I haven't watched this im since it came out, I've got a copy at home so count me in. I was super bummed I missed escape, so if I'm around I'll hop on here to share the experience. Although the triple threat of watching, reading, and joining will be something else :)

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 6:14 am
by liftman2013
Nice one @disco

On a side note fella, if you want help or someone else to take over the reigns of organising a slot, do ask my friend, Im sure someone will be pysched to do so

I know LTROI is a different vibe to the previous films, but it does make good viewing to have a variety of films i say.
I suppose DD will fall under this sort of category. Plus which one do you watch - original or directors cut...

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 7:53 am
@liftman, no problem sir. It's really not a chore at all, my instinct with this one was just that folks wouldn't be up for it since it's a more "sombre" film.

As for Donnie Darko're not seriously suggesting the Director's Cut as an option are you?? ;-)

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 8:22 am
by Spun out of control
How did the quick-fire LTROI remake compare? Only viewed the first 10 mins on a late night TV viewing before losing interest, but supposed to be very passable?

Anyone seen it?


Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 8:57 am
by chiefbrody
I dearly hope we're not toying with watching the DD Director's Cut - what next, an S. Darko double bill?! :-)

I haven't seen the remake of LTROI, but I've heard it was OK. One of the things that slightly prejudiced me against LTROI before I'd watched it was the uproar that fans I knew had about Hollywood 'ruining' it, before it had even been made!!! Most remakes are a bit pointless, but if a good story reaches a new audience, as long as it's well made, I can't get too snooty about it. I know that shouldn't have affected how I watched LTROI - and I was being as ridiculous as they were. I'll watch it differently now, I think, both as time has passed and because I'll be paying far more attention to the score.

Thanks @disco for the sync. Hopefully I can make it.

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 2:02 pm
by freshoj
I liked the remake, not as much as the original.

Count me in for a synced viewing.

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 3:43 pm
by Dollarhyde
Put me down. I have the dvd and I love the film. I cant remember the score which has me more enthused to watching it.

A sunday at 10 again?

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 4:56 am
Hey @Dollar - I don't see why not. I'll propose a couple of dates in the next few days....