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By Bezulsqy
Yesterday we watched Notes on a Scandal. I was sure I had already seen it and probably did but it felt like I watched it for the first time. Brilliant performance from Judi Dench.

We couldn't agree on a second movie and after going back and forth I put on Pig. Had to turn it off after 40 minutes because of the sighs and mumblings of my girlfriend. She thought is was a load of pretentious and cliched crap. I finished it just now and although my girl probably has a point I really loved it.

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By inksb
Pig has been universally praised. It's low on my watch list but I'll get to it eventually. I do enjoy serious Nic occasionally.
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By inksb
I watched a decent amount of stuff last week so this is more just going to be a dump and less my thoughts about the films, especially since a few are just ones we all watch anyways.


Scrooged dir by Richard Donner
My go to Xmas Eve film. I love it


Krampus dir by Michael Dougherty
Still fun.


I Come In Peace/Dark Angel dir by Craig R. Baxley
One of Dolph's more entertaining films from the early 90's. Also happens to be set at xmas time.


Armour of God dir by Jackie Chan & Eric Tsang
Jackie's adventure film, I haven't seen this in it's original HK cut, it's always been the terrible Eng dub. A really fun film with some amazing set pieces and a terrifying air balloon stunt. No idea why Jackie did that one to himself and his team


Dragon Lord dir by Jackie Chan
This is definitely on the lower end of Jackie films for me but still an interesting watch. It's amazing the jump in skill he has as a director from this film in '82 to Project A in '83 and then Police Story in '85. It's like an entirely different person. The film itself is very goofy and non action oriented, even when there is a fight scene it's played like Jackie has no idea how to fight which is humorous. The final battle is so weird to watch unfold but pretty damn entertaining. The real draw to this film is the shuttlecock game, it's impressive and a blast to watch. The whole thing is one youtube and I recommend checking it out.


Snake In The Eagle's Shadow dir by Woo-Ping Yuen
Considered one of Jackie's classics from the pre 80's era, one I thought I had seen but realized I just mixed it up with another film. It's very similar to Drunken Master. Story is very basic and it really only exists to show off the fighting which is really the highlight of the film. For those that are unaware, there is a really nasty fight with a cat and snake late in the film, luckily the version I own is the one from 88 films which actually has that scene edited way down. As a big lover of cats (and animals in general) the full scene would have ruined the film for me. I looked up what was cut and saw a few stills from it that made me angry. Overall it's a fun film but not sure I would revisit it all that much. The more films from Jackie's catalog I watch, the more I realize I'm a big fan of his output from '83-'98



On the topic of martial arts, I finally started watching Warrior which a friend has been pestering me to watch for two years. I'm three episodes in and really enjoying the action, the story is very meh for me and the acting is a bit all over the place and melodramatic. But I can't stress how good the action is, fight choreography is excellent, editing is good and paced really well. Worth checking out if you want some decent modern martial arts.


Cowboy Bebop
Rewatched the original anime as it's been years and my wife had never seen it all. Holds up really well and I enjoyed the hell out of revisiting it.


Cowboy Bebop The Movie dir by Shin'ichirô Watanabe & a few others
This was the first time revisiting this since it came out almost 20 years ago. I remembered enjoying it but feeling like it wasn't that great. That memory is wrong or the opinion was just wrong. It's amazing and I wish it hadn't' taken this long to get back to it. The animation is amazing, the fights are beautifully staged, story is actually really well done for 2 hour "episode". It's nice to see these characters one more time.

I will be watching the live action adaption soon, we started the first episode and it was mediocre, we were just a little Bebopped out and will get back to it in a few weeks
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By inksb
Bezulsqy wrote: Mon Dec 27, 2021 2:40 pm I see your Craig R Baxley and I am showing you mine...
You mind sharing this one? I have had a hard time in the past trying to find a decent copy
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By inksb
Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I watched these...


The Matrix dir by The Wachowski's
I still love this and it's the perfect late 90's sci fi action film that set the bar for years to come


The Matrix Reloaded dir by The Wachowski's
Much worse than I remembered. Dialog is really really bad. Action is both great and terrible. The Agent Smiths fight is still one of the worst CG big budget film scenes I've ever witnessed. Movie is just bad


The Matrix Revolutions dir by The Wachowski's
This was actually better than I remembered. I preferred not being in the Matrix for most of the film as that led to more CG bull shit that didn't need to be. It's still not a great film but I prefer it to Reloaded upon revisiting it.


The Matrix Resurrections dir by Lana Wachowski
This was interesting. Right up front it's better than 2 & 3, easily but it's still not a great film. The opening meta narrative was both cringe worthy and perfect for opening the film returning to this world. It's pacing feels better than 2 & 3 but still didn't need to be 2.5 hours long. Keanu and Elizabeth were great in their roles returning to these characters. Keanu still wants to do all of his action scenes, the few they give him are entertaining but here's one of my biggest issues with the film. For me the big draw of The Matrix was and always will be great hand to hand combat action scenes with some fun spectacle thrown in. This film goes for all spectacle with very few hand to hand combat scenes. The ones we do get are either special effects focused in their resolution or just super hectic with too much going on and it they all seem to be lacking good fight choreography. That was a major drawback of the film for me. Doogie Houser M.D. being the main villain was pretty humorous. The high frame rate slowed down action scenes merged together just didn't look good, I know the effect they were trying to obtain but for me it just looked odd. I love Jessica Henwick, she was the only good thing about Iron Fist, a great addition to Luke Cage and she's great here too. I want her in more action films. So to sum this rambling up, it's better than 2 & 3 but still mediocre, if you like The Matrix and are curious it's worth a watch otherwise probably not worth your time.
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By Bezulsqy
Francesco Mazzei's 1972 L'arma, l'ora, il movente a.k.a. The Weapon, the Hour, the Motive
score by Francesco De Masi

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By ScoJo
If you like dark noir, retro-noir and Del Toro, Nightmare Alley is solid but somewhat dour/stodgy fun.

I do find it amusing (and I bit cloying if I'm honest?) that the cinephile bratpack are so obsessed with recreating the cinema of the past. Edgar Wright, QT, PTA and now GDT - each of their recent movies is mired in cine-nostalgia.
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By inksb
ScoJo wrote: Tue Dec 28, 2021 12:50 pm If you like dark noir, retro-noir and Del Toro, Nightmare Alley is solid but somewhat dour/stodgy fun.

I do find it amusing (and I bit cloying if I'm honest?) that the cinephile bratpack are so obsessed with recreating the cinema of the past. Edgar Wright, QT, PTA and now GDT - each of their recent movies is mired in cine-nostalgia.
They are all old now, they have the longing for their youth and inspiration lol.

I really need to see Licorice Pizza, Last Night in Soho and Nightmare Alley.
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By Bezulsqy
I have a couple of ideas for 2022 of what movies I am going to watch. I will try to watch at least 25 film noir movies. Why so little? Well, I am planning on watching the old ones as my Sunday matinee. And I know I will not have a lot more of those in a year then 25.
Then there are werewolf movies. I want to watch a lot of them in sort of chronological order. I still need to research a bit which movies I want to add to my list. The Wolfman from 1941 has been releases on UHD so that would be one of the first I guess to start with.
Everything from Brian De Palma.
And I think I might mix my noir Sundays with some epic Hollywood flare and throw in some Spartacus, Ben Hur, 10 Commandments.
I also hope to have watched at least one movie from each year since let's say 1942 up to 2022.

So let's start with film noir. There is a lot of information out there. I am focussing mainly on the classic ones. But the list I found here contains a lot of interesting titles from all decades. I assume @ScoJo loves most of these :-)

https://www.pastemagazine.com/movies/th ... -all-time/
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By Bezulsqy
I have seen a lot of noirs at the end of the nineties. I really loved the look and feel of those movies when I was 17-18 years old.
Today I am starting with one I have never seen before.

Jacques Tourneur's 1947 Out of the Past

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By ScoJo
Fully endorse this project!

A few random noirs off top of my head that I love:


*EDIT* Fuck, I meant Daughter of Horror of course. Doh.
Last edited by ScoJo on Sun Jan 02, 2022 7:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Hatter313
ScoJo wrote: Sun Jan 02, 2022 3:39 pm Fully endorse this project!

A few random noirs off top of my head that I love:

Oh yes, Laura especially..

I’ll add

Kiss Me Deadly
In an Lonely Place
Touch of Evil
OG Nightmare Alley
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By zuko
Ha, great project – I just watched Out of the Past on NYE!

Been on a bit of a Robert Mitchum thing recently, with Angel Face and Farewell My Lovely over Christmas too.

Mitchum and Jane Greer team up again in the The Big Steal which is also great, but maybe more of a crime caper than a pure noir.

Got to add The Maltese Falcon to the above recommendations!
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By Bezulsqy
zuko wrote: Sun Jan 02, 2022 7:00 pm Ha, great project – I just watched Out of the Past on NYE!

Been on a bit of a Robert Mitchum thing recently, with Angel Face and Farewell My Lovely over Christmas too.

Mitchum and Jane Greer team up again in the The Big Steal which is also great, but maybe more of a crime caper than a pure noir.

Got to add The Maltese Falcon to the above recommendations!
That is so funny. I don't think I knew about that one. My favorite ever probably is the Maltese Falcon. For some reason that is the first one that always comes to mind when I think about film noir.

Touch of Evil and Double Indemnity are also favorites. But I have seen quite a few I don't really recall anymore.

I loved Out of the Past. The amount of smoking in that movie is on another level :-)
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By Bezulsqy
Gianfranco Baldanello's 1969 Yellow: le cugine a.k.a. Yellow: The Cousins
score by Lallo Gori

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By inksb

The Silent Sea
This is must watch Sci-Fi. One of the best series I've watched in 2021 and hands down the best Korean show (which Hellbound was already one of my favorite things of the year TV wise). I went in completely blind, only knew that it was going to take place on the moon. I don't want to talk about anything but just recommend any one interested in sci-fi to check this one out, it's well paced, well acted and an interesting premise.


Scream dir by Wes Craven
Not much to say about this that hasn't been said a million times. I'm going to watch all 4 of these over the next few weeks to prep for the new movie which I won't go see in the theater lol. Hoping it hits VOD pretty quickly. Rose McGowen's death is still my favorite and Matthew Lillard's breakdown at the end from being stabbed too much still cracks me up.


Mr Nice Guy dir by Sammo Hung
I haven't seen this since it first came out on VHS, my foggy memory of it was that it was OK, not as fun as Rumble In The Bronx. Well after this revisit I can say that it's definitely not as fun as RITB but there's not much in Jackie's filmography that is so it's kind of an unfair standard. It's actually a blast and Sammo swings for the fucking fences on some of these big spectacle action set pieces. It's an impressive film. Filmed in English and boy does a lot of the dialog feel like it's a non native English speaker telling some one to speak a specific way. Dialog aside, Jackie puts on a great show, plot is ludicrous and fun. Enjoyable supporting cast and the protagonist is that perfect 80's/90's rich white guy drug lord. Overall really fun and one of Jackie's last great movies. I still need to check out Gorgeous from the following year but this is where he pretty much switches over to mostly bad Hollywood films for almost a decade before returning to some more serious roles with less stunts. New Police Story from 2004 is on the docket too which is supposed to be pretty good as well.


Pyewacket dir by Adam MacDonald
I've heard from quite a few people over the last few years that this is pretty good film. Unfortunately for me it did not work. I found it boring and kind of obnoxious. I liked the premise and the overall mythology they built but the execution did nothing for me. Can't recommend this one at all.

I've been watching Yellowjackets. It's unabashedly playing off of people's 90's nostalgia with the music but outside of that it's kind of amazing. Cast is kick ass, Juliette Lewis, Melanie Lynskey & Christina Ricci play 3 of the adult leads and their teenager counter parts are also really good. I highly recommend this one and may write up more once I finish the season but 7 episodes in and I'm loving it.
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By Hatter313
inksb wrote: Tue Dec 28, 2021 1:33 pm
ScoJo wrote: Tue Dec 28, 2021 12:50 pm If you like dark noir, retro-noir and Del Toro, Nightmare Alley is solid but somewhat dour/stodgy fun.

I do find it amusing (and I bit cloying if I'm honest?) that the cinephile bratpack are so obsessed with recreating the cinema of the past. Edgar Wright, QT, PTA and now GDT - each of their recent movies is mired in cine-nostalgia.
They are all old now, they have the longing for their youth and inspiration lol.

I really need to see Licorice Pizza, Last Night in Soho and Nightmare Alley.
Coming back to this, it’s a cool observation because I think the previous “brat” crop went through the same, or similar thing, almost more directly.

De Palma’s Scarface is a remake, even if dramatically different
Scorsese did Cape Fear, later did Hugo, so much of his output is this even if it’s hurried a little more skillfully
Spielberg’s Always is a remake of A Guy Named Joe, now west side story.
Lucas never did anything BUT this,
Coppolas dracula acts as a love letter to early cinema as much as anything else, and half his moves are stylistic throwbacks anyway

It will be interesting to see 30 years from now if this continues.
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By Bezulsqy
Lamberto Bava's 1983 La casa con la scala nel buio a.k.a. A Blade in the Dark
score by Guido And Maurizio De Angelis


I really liked this giallo. Maybe a bit too long. But very enjoyable. And fantastic score that has yet to be released. Watch it in Italian because the English dub is horrific.
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By Bezulsqy
I was expecting something insane and bad and over the top. But this was so fucking boring...

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By inksb
Screenshot 2022-01-04 103249.jpg
Screenshot 2022-01-04 103249.jpg (61.92 KiB) Viewed 1517 times
The Gentlemen dir by Guy Ritchie
I'm not the biggest Ritchie fan, in fact I haven't watched a film from him since the abysmal Sherlock shit but I was told by a friend who generally has decent taste that The Gentlemen and Wrath of Man are very good. I decided to finally check this out and while I can't say I loved it, I did enjoy the 110 minutes I spent watching these characters. The format of the film was extremely annoying (is it real, is it fictional retelling, etc) but I thought there were strong performances from Colin, Matthew and Charlie (which pains me to say because I find him usually insufferable). I can't really recommend this unless you like Ritchie films. Gonna watch the other one later this week.

Side note, who ever made this "fake" poster spelled the fucking movie title wrong lol
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