A place for you to talk about movies / Blu Rays and anything related.

Moderators: lazyben, static14, texasvinyl

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By ScoJo

A very good point, well made. I hadn't even considered that.

Suggestion duly retracted - god knows the Sync isn't meant to be too much like homework/necessitate expensive purchases! :-o
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By ScoJo
Of course, we could all just watch this - THE WORST quality video of all time??

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By Dollarhyde
@deaf, nice! Looking forward to it. I've actually held of spinning all of the LP for the sync.
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By chiefbrody
Posters now? It gets better and better.

Does anyone know where it can be rented for streaming in the UK? Can't find it on Amazon, Netflix or whatever blinkbox is now called.
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By ScoJo
Super annoyingly, it looks like I'm gonna be out on a job until after 9, hopefully not too late though so that I can join you guys.
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By Mateo Sanboval
ScoJo wrote:Super annoyingly, it looks like I'm gonna be out on a job until after 9, hopefully not too late though so that I can join you guys.
Well, that's fucking dumb. Real life is an asshole. Really looking forward to this'n.

I'll think on some July suggestions, but might an Altered States sighting be appropriate since Waxwork is fixing to drop this score?
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By deafmetal
@ScoJo - Bummer :|

Keep the suggestions coming, and I will post a new poll for a July viewing next week. I am also trying to see if I could allow a write-in answer as well.
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By chiefbrody
My suggestion is Nightmare City.

I just bought it after listening to a Damn Fine Cast episode - I haven't seen the film before and spotted it in Fopp, so picked it up, along with The Beyond. I don't even know if it's worthy of the Club!

Thanks @Scojo, I'll email if I can't sort something out.
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By Mateo Sanboval
And that's how Nightmare City got the Evan Campbell Seal of Approval. Poopoo zombies.
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By Mateo Sanboval
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By deafmetal
Hey all, I hope to see as many of you as possible syncing up on Sunday at 9pm UK time for the Naked Lunch screening. If you want to get a jump on a film and date/time for July, I have created a new survey here where you could write in the film of your choice:


If this doesn't generate a clear winner for selecting a film, I will create a run-up poll with the received nominations. Also, feel free to lobby this thread for your film of choice. :)
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By Mateo Sanboval
Thanks, Deaf. I just voted the shit out of the place.
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By Bezulsqy
I'll try to take part in July. Only possible time for me is weekend of 29-31 of July.
I'll use the vote thingy later on.
How about a giallo this time?
Or a Jean-Claude van Damme action flick :-)
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By deafmetal
Bezulsqy wrote:How about a giallo this time?
Or a Jean-Claude van Damme action flick :-)
What are your specific recommendations from both of those genres? ;)

It looks like the Brexit might have taken a toll on our UK attendance yesterday, as it was just a small party of Yanks that turned up. In hindsight, a bizarre and disgusting Canadian arthouse film might not have garnered the biggest draw, haha.

The Van Damme catalog is ripe with pickings though...
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By Dollarhyde
I was gutted to miss the sync, only myself to blame not realising how tricky it was to get a copy of Naked Lunch. Will be watching it soon though.
I already put a vote in for the next sync (day of the dead).
I would be up for some JVC or Arney, I would also like to see some proper old school Jackie Chan, something I'm a Virgin to. Or how about some old school anime?
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By Hatter313
i ended up having to work all weekend. i was home, but logged in and buried in it when i glanced up and saw it was 530 EST already. thought it was only about 3 but no such luck. sorry to have missed again.
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By Bezulsqy
What Van Damme is concerned I would suggest one of these three:

Maybe the best film of the three and a real classic:

Bloodsport (1988) - directed by Newt Arnold and score by Paul Hertzog

Kumite indeed!

Universal Soldier (1992) - directed by Roland Emmerich and music by Christopher Franke

JCVD vs Dolph Lundgren!

Death Warrant (1990)


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