A place for you to talk about movies / Blu Rays and anything related.

Moderators: lazyben, static14, texasvinyl

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By chiefbrody
Mr Moustache in denial about the creepiness, eh?
By thewaystation
Being pretty cool about the shattered wall!
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By Dollarhyde
Fabio, what is you favourite score you did for fulci
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By Spun out of control
Question to Fabio: Can I ask what were the main challenges in composing this score, and what your memories of that time are?

We were on the way of that long work together with Lucio...coming from Zombi 2 and working on Contraband...
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By Dollarhyde
love this whole coffin scene, some brilliant directing/cinematography
By thewaystation
Totally agree, Dollarhyde. Loved it when the camera was moving from the lunch box to the corpse.
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By Dollarhyde
love the framing of the head on its side
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By Little Walter
That would've been interesting.
By BurningTapes
Don't give that guy a pick axe he's a maniac! Slinging it all over
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By Little Walter
Bob's only dialogue in the film: "DIE BART DIE."

Great music in the worm scene.
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By chiefbrody
Loved the whole coffin scene, especially the way it was lit. I thought we were heading for a re-run of the Zombi 2 'eye' scene...
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By Spun out of control
Me to Fabio: The whistling idea is interesting - is it usual for a director to get so involved in a score?

Fabio: Lucio controlled everything, every sound on the movie was decided and approved by him...
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By Dollarhyde
it just gets better
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By popsick
This lovers in the car scene is awesome too.
By BurningTapes
I feel sorry for this actress, she always seems to get the gruesome stuff in Fulci's films.
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By Spun out of control
Another live Q to Fabio: Would you prefer to score a film without dialogue? Can it distract from the mood created by the music? :)

Fabio: The first films were silent and there was a pianist playing in front of the screen ... Every night a different music ... A great responsability, but it would be a great challenge...

Keep your Q's coming guys...
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By Volzom Zofbie
Car won't start cliché
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