Moderators: lazyben, static14, texasvinyl

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By jgibbs4053
just saw this on Facebook. Hopefully he decides to do a US tour
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By Aremagod
If I could see John Carpenter live I could probably cross some things off my bucket list since this would be something I never expected to happen. I had hoped to see Goblin and that came true multiple times a few years ago but it never even crossed my mind to hope to see John Carpenter play his classic soundtracks live.
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By jgibbs4053
because of this forum i found out about Goblin and got to see them when they came to NC. Hopefully this show goes great and he wants to do more tours
By antimax
Bought my ticket ASAP this morning. I live in California, but well, looks like I'm going to ICELAND next year! :D
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By deafmetal
This is unreal! Goblin, Fabio Frizzi, and now John Carpenter is performing live.