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By monsterworship
Courtesy of Bezulsqy. Decided to make this a sticky post.

One thing to know is that you have 2 ways of leaving a reply.
Using quick reply of by using to full editor. For posting pics and other stuff use the complete editor.

First: Youtube.
After copying the Youtube link in your browser you can add that link in a post by using the BBCodes dropdown menu. Notice that the youtube link starts with HTTPS. In order to show the clip in a post you need to delete the S:

Second: Images.
There are 2 ways. Using Upload Attachement or by using an external website together with the Insert Image option.
Upload Attachement (take notice of a maximum size of the attachment. you might need to make your attachment smaller in size).
Click upload.

Click Select file.
Do not forget to now click on Add file.

second option:
Using a site like made posting images for me much easier and better looking. Because you can place the image anywhere in your reply. Using the attachment option the image will always be at the bottom.

I upload an image I took with my phone by using the Imgur app. In that app I can copy the link of that image (On a computer I copy the complete link from and use Insert Image:

The problem I have with Imgur is that copying the original link results in an error:

But when I add an 'l' at the end it works fine (that l stands for large, if you use the letter m you would get a smaller image as a result)

And now I am very curious to see if you will be posting some more :-)
If not I enjoyed creating this while listening to the 4 sides of Lucio Fulci's Horror and Thriller record from Mondo.
Well, I have a long standing query that I'd like to leave here in case anyone who stumbles across this thread knows the answer even if that answer is that it cannot be done. How can a user embed Facebook posts, Twitter tweets, and Instagram...grams in a post here? Cheers, all.
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By Bezulsqy
I don't think anything besides YouTube can be embedded with the current settings.
I always make a print screen of the post and add as attachment of via a link to Imgur.

Is it possible to embed more sources as Mateo suggest? I would also love to see the ability to embed bandcamp streams.
Bezulsqy wrote:I don't think anything besides YouTube can be embedded with the current settings.
I always make a print screen of the post and add as attachment of via a link to Imgur.

Is it possible to embed more sources as Mateo suggest? I would also love to see the ability to embed bandcamp streams.
That's a good stopgap, Bez. Thanks for the thought. I'd love to be able to functionally add Soundcloud as well.
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By deafmetal
Steve Powder wrote:I am still getting the error - not possible to determine size no matter where I put it - where does the L go again? I used http and not https
Steve, add the lowercase "L" between the imgur image Id and the .jpg:

For example, this link on it's own it too large to post:

Add the "l" as shown:
Yes! I got it. The problem was that I did copy the straight link on imgur and not the BBCode (Forums) (clicking on the arrow on your imgur post and clicking to get share links). It doesn't show the correct version when linking the straight url.
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By deafmetal
Wtf happened to imgur and how do you fix embedding again? I can't figure it out.

If you attach a photo directly via upload, how do you place it in a specific location or use multiple image attachments in the same post between paragraphs?
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By inksb
deafmetal wrote: Wed May 24, 2023 3:36 pm Wtf happened to imgur and how do you fix embedding again? I can't figure it out.

If you attach a photo directly via upload, how do you place it in a specific location or use multiple image attachments in the same post between paragraphs?
Images will have to be resized, I do this with Photoshop Express on my phone usually to 800x800 pixels.

You select Upload Attachment tab on the reply screen

Screenshot 2023-05-24 114532.jpg
Screenshot 2023-05-24 114532.jpg (82.66 KiB) Viewed 12884 times

If you have multiple and want to place them in certain parts you click on Place inline next to the uploaded photo, where ever your cursor is in the body of the text it will insert that photo

Screenshot 2023-05-24 114612.jpg
Screenshot 2023-05-24 114612.jpg (45.73 KiB) Viewed 12884 times