Moderators: lazyben, static14, texasvinyl

By nothingistrue
No luck getting through the site shop, anyone willing to ship either the color or black vinyl edition to Switzerland? Many thanks in advance!
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By Jeff
Oh hey, just saw this, check my post in the DWRC thread. I'll warn you, shipping will probably suck. I'm in the US. Got an extra color version.
By W666GNT
I am not an ebay shark or anything else detrimental that you may wish to call me, perhaps ‘idiot’ being the only exception. I wanted this release so badly that I lost all my senses and bid on listings on ebay. I now have two copies of the Fog both have cost me £85 [ I know you are shouting 'idiot' at this point] If anybody would like to buy for this price. I will pay the postage, then let me know. It is the colour splatter version that I am currently considering parting with
By nothingistrue
I ended up buying one overpriced via discogs, about the same price as you, thanks anyway.