Moderators: lazyben, static14, texasvinyl

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By layneharvey
not sure if any of you live in or near charleston, sc, but tomorrow monster music (my favorite local record store) is putting on the Charleston Record Expo. more details here:


i'll be there bright and early at the crack of 9:30. :)
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By hncreature
Thought that said "Christian" at first...
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By layneharvey
@hncreature - oh blech. no, certainly not christian!
By ninjaqutie
@layne I am SOOOO jealous you live near Monster!!! I visited my aunt over the summer and that was on my "to do" list. She lived in Mt. Pleasant and we drove into West Ashley to hit up that place. I was thoroughly impressed. I now follow them on facebook and instagram and asked to be on their mailing list. :D I love how they have so many events and that they have release parties and vinyl Saturday. I sure wish I lived closer to them. Keep this on the low... (I'm going to pretend the rest of the board can't see this) but I'd be going to the Jake Bugg event too. LOL. I'd get his vinyl autographed.
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By layneharvey
@ninjaqutie - ha ha! i thought about the jake bugg thing. :)

yeah, monster used to be Manifest Discs and Tapes. my wife and i both worked there way back in the day. when Monster bought the store, they kept it just like it was before, which was a great thing. they have been my main store for almost 20 years. and they do have lots of great events. for vinyl saturday (the first saturday of every month), they do 10% off all new vinyl and 20% off all used vinyl. it's really great.
By ninjaqutie
Yeah, I wish my local stores did a vinyl Saturday. :( ::sniffle:: I sometimes get $10 off if I spend $100 depending on who is working the shop.
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By layneharvey
maybe you can recommend them doing something like that every once in a while. brings in the business, i can tell ya.