Moderators: lazyben, static14, texasvinyl

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By lazyben
Yeah, good point Mateo, I think I'll only buy if there's a variant on Glass Chroma Harp colored vinyl in a glass sleeve with liner notes in French and then only if future me can watch current me playing it.
Here's a video record of the show last week, for those interested. Some sync issues with some parts, I'm going to tweak the edit and reupload when I get a chance.

Shame the guitar section at end suffers the most - the record levels on my friend's zoom recorder really struggled with the dynamics of the build up. Ahh well, like I say - I'm gonna aim to record the whole thing early next year I reckon. At least I have a record of the show.

Thanks for your interest people!
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By lazyben
That is pretty damn good disco my boy (even if I did feel like I was watching it through the letterbox)
By Whip Wilson
Well done, bucco! That made for an unexpectedly pleasant lunch. I'll be eager to hear your guitar work on the re-record as I'm sure a little of the oomph was lost in the translation there. On a personal note, I am a magpie. I couldn't take my eyes off of the bright and shiny colors.
Aww thanks man. Yep, the little recording device just couldn't handle the ending so it compressed it into mush. A shame, but I'll definitely be recording it properly in the NY. Thanks for the props bro :)
Nice one B-boy! Thanks for listening...
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By Hatter313
fantastic, looking forward to adding your releases to my collection man, love those wine glasses!