Moderators: lazyben, static14, texasvinyl

Hey UK Spinners....

So this is happening on Friday December 5th:

For anyone who's interested, here's a bit of recent copy I threw together about us:


LARVA is a loose group comprising myself and Nick Sales a.k.a. Screaming Lord Thrutch (Pram, Bow Gamelan Orchestra, Bliss Body) as well as Sam Owen (Pram, Two Dogs), James Smith (Betty & The Id, Ray Vorg) and Laurence Hunt (Pram, Modified Toy Orchestra)

Our focus is making sounds to accompany both obscure B-movies (and now, a world cinema classic!) which no doubt deserve better. Earlier this year we adapted & performed the original music to cult science fiction oddity IDAHO TRANSFER. For La Jetee's score/performance, I shall be flying solo.....

This new soundtrack for La Jetee focuses on the films themes around memory, trauma and circular time. It utilizes as the main sonic component The Glass Armonica - an instrument from the 18th century that fell out of favour as it developed a reputation for being "The Devil's Instrument", believed to drive both player and listener insane! For this score, I am making a brand new instrument variation on it, the Chromatic Armonica. Other components of the score are guitar drones, analog synths and live cat purring.

LARVA are currently putting the finishing touches to our first LP release, our re-score for the mind-maddening cult 1960 3-D horror film THE MASK. Fingers crossed for an early 2015 release on insanely complicated double 3D vinyl!

Thanks for listening...

Scott Johannsson
a.k.a. Kount Skronkula
Thanks @Spun - I definitely plan to, and if we ever put this damn Mask lp to bed you guys will be first to hear, no doubt ;)

Yeah, Birmingham - where life is cheap, but no fucker goes to anything. Un-Popular music/film shows are super difficult to promote.
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By static14

"LARVA are currently putting the finishing touches to our first LP release, our re-score for the mind-maddening cult 1960 3-D horror film THE MASK. Fingers crossed for an early 2015 release on insanely complicated double 3D vinyl!"

6D!? :)

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By Purplemule74
This really is fantastic Disco. What a wonderful project!
Indeed! Smell-o-vision too, and with a randomly inserted wormhole variant for teleporting you to the 5th Dimensional "Love Corridor".... ;)
By Whip Wilson
I remember tracking a cooy of this down as a kid when I read in an interview how much Gilliam loved the movie. I've owned it in one format or another ever since. It's a really beautiful thing. I hope this gets added to your Vimeo page in short order, old son. I'm excited for you from afar.
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By lazyben
When are you touring all this good stuff?
Nice idea.....but who would satisfy my ladies in my absence?
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By soundtracks of fear
I visit my folks in Worcester 2 or 3 times a year but always seem to miss your events by a week or two. Everything you put on seems interesting and you are obviously a fellow with very good taste! :) One day I'm sure to catch something. Good luck with this one @disco/Scott.
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By lazyben
One of those "free with sex fever lp" vibes?
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By lazyben
Or were you talking about your cats?
Thanks man, sure would be great to meet at some point - I bet there'll be some big-news event next year where we can org a Spin-group hookup! (WaltzCon??)
By scottyboy71
Wow...Pram. I saw them playing support at The Garage in Islington back in the early nineties. I really dug It, but can't for the life of me remember who they were supporting.
So this happened (for anyone who showed interest.....)

Went down really well, in a freezing cold art gallery in Digbeth, Birmingham (the arts quarter of the city...)

I've recorded the live show, but also plan to do a proper recording of this and make it our 2nd release after The Mask.

I even designed a teeshirt and got some printed!

But mostly, this show was about unveiling a new instrument that I designed and built with a friend - the Glass Chroma Harp:

Yep, it's basically playing tuned wine glasses, but with the addition of a colour-based scale of semi-tones and a bunch of built-in fx that allow the pure sine tones to be effected and varied (much like an analog synth...) Will be doing more work on it to make it a stand-alone demo instrument for other projects etc. Pretty!

Hope this all interests at least someone out there....kinda hoping to sell some of our LPs to you guys when they hit the streets! ;)
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By Purplemule74
I'm interested. Let us know when you've got them up for sale. The project is too fun and it would be great to support other forum members.

The shirt; do you have any info on the back?
Thanks @Purple!

The shirts were just a first batch for the show, done in a bit of a rush. I think something on the back might well be nice....will have a think!

You probably can't read it in this shot, but our little strap-line on the front below the logo reads: Visa d'exploitation Cinematographique No.91013 which gives me a chuckle at least..... ;)
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By tonyandrewgiles
I'm bummed I'm missed this through work but looks like you had a killer time hoss.

Think I'm gonna need an lp and t shirt asap!

As if I won't be spamming the hide offa you brother when these finally drop!
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By static14
I'll definitely be buying a copy of the album :)
By Whip Wilson
I don't know. Maybe. If only I felt more of an affinity for the players, performance, film, presentation, source material, vinyl records, and the whole "shirting" concept. But, as is, I'm kind of on the fence.