Moderators: lazyben, static14, texasvinyl

So we're doing Exorcist II as our "adult" show...and we've added a screening for the little people:

Yep, that is correct - we're screening some funky 70s kids ghost a church! And encouraging dress-up action...somehow I don't really feel like the penny dropped with the church when we asked to hire it on October 31st hah hahahaha....
Just to show how seriously I take Hallowe'en -- spent the whole of today hand making these fun-filled colour-me-in Ghoul Bag Giveaways for our kids 16mm screening....(containing sweets, pumpkin erasers, horror tattoos, popping candy, glow-in-the-dark vampire teeth, and a strip of 16mm film!)

...sealed with a kiss!

"...eight more days to Hallowe'en, Hallowe'en, Hallowe'en....."
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By lazyben
I'm sending my daughter over. You can babysit for a few days as well right?
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By tonyandrewgiles
I'm tempted to come just for the goody bag!
No long as your happy leaving her with Birmingham's Uncle Fester!