Something happening fellow Black Circle folks should know about ?

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By Chuggers
We have an incredible symphony orchestra here in Indianapolis that over the course of the past couple of years has caught the fairly popular bug of live scoring feature films...last year the somewhat obvious, still amazing choices were numerous selections from the Star Wars and Harry Potter franchises, Jurassic Park and E.T. I just got the incredible news we're going to have the opportunity, on Halloween of all nights, to see a live score of PSYCHO! It's an incredible distance off but I'm incredibly excited about the chance and there's absolutely no other place my excitement might be understood....ah well, fingers crossed I'll be there, I've already requested the night off in preparation....

Sidenote, we were lucky enough to watch John Williams conduct pieces of his most popular scores here last year, and as I'm sure you can imagine, it was such a spectacular experience....
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By NathanLurker
Very cool ! We sometimes have similar shows here in Montreal, but with live improvised re-scores while movies are shown on the big screen. It's usually for silent films. I always miss out on those events and always regret. We had a Nosferato screening, and recently a Fritz Lang movie, Woman in the moon, screened while the score was improvised live. Psycho would be a great movie to re-score in that type of event. Is your event a Re-Score, or a live performance of the original score ? In any case, hope you have a great time, Chuggers
By Chuggers
I would love to see an improvised live re-score as well, those kind of events never seem to crop up around here (Metavari's home base is just a little bit north of me, I remember he played his incredible METROPOLIS re-score a couple of times last year) but this is a straight up, live performance of the original...!