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By Spun out of control
Now the dust is settling over in Texas... I wonder if a similar event could be considered for the UK audience, to rope in the attendance of other labels?

Now I know that the US of A is a bigger catchment area, but there seems to be a pretty even split of UK and European types on this board too.

Inspired by the sterling 'people power' of @discosucks on other threads, can we get some '+1's - or even a 'hell yeah' - for Spencer organising a similar shindig on his home turf?

What say you guys - are you with me?? ;)
+1 below to show your support
By karswell
+1 & hell yeah!
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By tonyandrewgiles
+1 and a thug yeah!!!

Let's make this happen.
+1 especially if it's in Manchester ;)
By linus
+1 & many hell yeahs
By philball1974
we choosing locations already! +1 for nottingham/midlands
By nick1972
Hell yeah and another vote for Nottingham :0)
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By Peek-a-boo
+1 for Manchester!
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By texasvinyl
Seems best to piggyback on a film festival or another like-minded fest that you all may already have in the UK.

Is the UK comic scene big enough to make a UK event possible? I suspect the only reason MondoCon was possible here is because of the strength of the brand Mondo has developed--much maligned here, but it's pretty amazing what they've been able to accomplish in a few year's time.

Maybe I'm just a skeptic but standalone event in UK might not work. You need a brand strong/big enough to pull a big crowd of people. Soundtrack fans comprised a tiny portion of the attendees--most were comic/poster nuts.
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By Spun out of control

Ah, you're taking on a whole continent here fella! :)

Here's how it could work - think of the great labels we already have over this side of the pond:

Death Waltz, One Way Static, Silva Screen, Finders Keepers, AMS/Cinevox, Milan, Invada, Cineploit, Giallo Disco.... sure I've forgotten some.

All more or less mates of Mr Hickman's from what I can understand, and all producing some excellent wax.

In terms of comics a lot of the great talent is also English - Alan Moore, Dave Gibbons, Jock, etc, etc. That's a world I'm less familiar with, personally, but I do know we have the Forbidden Planet chain over here and already a couple of big London based weekend film and comic con events... not to mention some passionate film festival organisers, like the Channel 4 backed Fright Fest etc.

As for venues would be happy with London as most convenient but would even stretch to Margate... keep +1-ing!
By karswell
Brum's in the middle so only fair + near to Spencer's homeland ;)
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By texasvinyl
Film fest seems the logical way to go. If MondoCon had been a soundtrack-only event it wouldn't have happened. Everyone was there for the posters and to get stuff signed by the artists. Plus apparently one couple walking around asking all the artists to buy "the limiteds"!! (Gee, wonder why..)

All it would take is someone with enough desire and free time to make it work!
By philball1974
UK Comic scene big enough!! The Country that gave 2000AD to the world!!

Does the UK even have any comic book writers? I can't think.....hold on...yes i remember

Alan Moore
Garth Ennis
Mark Miller
Grant Morrisson
Niel Gaiman (NIEL GAIMON for fucks sake!)
Dave Gibbons
Frank Quietly
Alan Davis
Chris Claremont

We love comics in England cos its so frickin miserable and grey all the time. A DWcon is exactly what we need. Also they need to expand Grimfest cos thats good this year and I'm looking forward to seeing Susperia
By Darren LD1984
+1 and some Ghostbusters 2 levels of positivity going out with this one.

By Rob
London film & comic con was huge this summer, add in horror and music fans and I'd think it would definitely be possible. My friend and I would love for there to be a good horror con
By karswell
Maybe Frightfest is the one to piggyback on as the likes of Spencer and Graham Humphries usually go. Cigarette Burns is the man for this also :)
By Rob
@Karswell definitely. The Fog screening he organised was great. It's a shame I'm not in London so I could go to more
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By horseloverphat
[quote=32563]@Karswell definitely. The Fog screening he organised was great. It’s a shame I’m not in London so I could go to more[/quote]

I'd love to see something like that Fog event again...I never went, but it looked the nuts! More stuff like this would be great.
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By Peek-a-boo
Grimmfest definitely has room for expansion. Hint hint Spencer!
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By Spun out of control
Missed out Priv4te records on my earlier list of Euro labels who could theoretically attend - maybe they would bring along a special edition vibrator just for our provide a bit of a buzz?

Keep +1-ing below!
By Hardrain02
Would be great to have something like Modo Con over here, get to meet the labels and some fellow fans. I'd love it to be in South East as i'm lazy but i would definitely travel to wherever it was held.
By gilsteph
+1 but the middle of UK is probably Newcastle ;-)

Cheaper beer here too :-)