Buy, sell and trade here. No price gouging , if you are linking to eBay it must have eBay in the title. Please state the price you are willing to sell for or the maximum you are willing to pay.

Moderators: lazyben, static14, texasvinyl

By Re-animated Cat
You know the Atomic Breath version will probably be limited to 2 copies per person, right? Just sayin'.
By SnowBro
I didn't think about that. I don't see anything about it listed on the Death Waltz site although they've limited purchases before haven't they? Bummer.
I will send you the money when you need it. For some reason when I I tried to email you it said invalid email address, so I thought I would get ahold of you this way. I can pre pay for both variants now, if you can do so I may just include a fresh 1982 I think Friday the 13th Part 1-3 vinyl still in shrink wrap,just sliced with a razor blade to make sure everything was still in tact from my over 30 year old horror childhood vinyl fascination.

I do live in the US of course or wouldn't be asking, but it have some very nice vinyl for you to choose from if you do not want the F13th vinyl, the 3D glasses still have not been bent!!

Please email me so we can get in touch with each other, I don't know why your email would not work with me, but if you wish, please contact me at

This would mean so much to me, and I am paying you as well as pre paying for both versions of Godzilla, so it's a win win for you. Please contact me!!

Thank you!
Bryan Harris
Sure the limited editions will be 2 per person or maybe even one guys. If so, I will try and pick a copy up for someone but bear in mind I am in the UK and postage costs are pretty high to the US. I'm a subber so not fussed about scoring the Atomic Breath version myself and not a huge fan of the score anyway. I'd need payment upfront via paypal. The same offer Nathan has put out there...vinyl cost + postage + $10 (for 12" mailer and trip to post office).

@vinyLOST, if Nathan can't get yours I can try?
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By NathanLurker
Sent you a reply this morning Bryan
By Arkova
I'm in the US and also would like a copy of the atomic breath variant in specific, I can pay upfront and help you find things here in the future if you like, so… who wants a new buddy? =)
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By deathwaltz
it will be two per person.

It really warms my cockles to see you guys going the extra mile to help people out ... this is exactly why I wanted to start the forum.
By Whip Wilson
Do we know how much these are going to cost?
By surfingelectrode
Hey guys, huge Godzilla fan in the US here who missed out on getting a copy of the deluxe version of this. If anyone has an extra copy that they'd be willing to trade or sell for, please shoot me a message! I'd definitely be willing to pay cost + shipping + a bit extra and maybe send you a couple of records to make up for the trouble?
By Vapourmire
Hi there,
I have a copy of the atomic breath version up for auction on ebay currently. I'll ship it to the US if the winner is based there. Having a job with the link currently but it's definately there.
By Gehirn
Here I thought this was the buddy thread, not the flipping limited editions in auctions thread.
By diskotron
By diskotron
Did you ever get your atomic breath ?
By antimax
People selling Godzilla on ebay for $150? Fuck them. Just had to say that.
By diskotron
anyone looking for the Atomic Breath edition ??
By surfingelectrode
[quote=25974]Hey guys, huge Godzilla fan in the US here who missed out on getting a copy of the deluxe version of this. If anyone has an extra copy that they’d be willing to trade or sell for, please shoot me a message! I’d definitely be willing to pay cost + shipping + a bit extra and maybe send you a couple of records to make up for the trouble?

Still trying to get ahold of a copy! Really would rather not have to pay eBay prices if someone could be cool and help a fan out.
By diskotron
I guess not ,, thats why people use ebay cause you try to trade or sell here ,, then no one reply's so , go to ebay
By dreddfan
or maybe it's just that nobody wants what you've got?
By aristacos
Is this offer still good? If so how much?
By Gehirn
Maybe list how much you're selling it for, and also post in the selling forum and you'll have more luck.