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Ripping Rare Records / Lost Music

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2017 4:46 pm
by Constantinople12
I occasionally find records that I have or want that don't have any music available anywhere online. I feel bad that I would be one of the only few people lucky enough to listen to them so I tend to rip them and put them on a blog or youtube so that other people have the ability to listen to them as well. Some records I've ripped come to be some of my favorite albums ever. A lot of times I'll see a picture of a cool record but never be able to listen because its so hard to find! I think that's part of the fun though. The chase to find and preserve rare music.

There is a few records I've had my eye on for a while, unfortunately they are way too expensive even when one does pop up. At this point I don't even want to own a record that expensive, I just want to hear the music on it and be able to have scans of the cover. I'd probably have to rip it and immediately sell it just to pay for food! I'm trying to find someone to let me pay them to borrow their copy so I can at least hear the rest of the album :).

Woolly Bear - Would'ya

Sunrise - Journey Before The Dawn

Music Box - Fun Palace

I'm not against compensating the artist, I've been trying to get a new age cassette re-released. I got outbid for it by $150 for the only known copy but I'm pretty sure the guy who bought it had the same idea as me. I got in contact with the artist and he wanted to reissue it so hopefully he will be able to get some more money for his music. Having the recording out there though is a key part in drumming up enough support to re-release. Nobody wants to repress something only 10 people in the world have heard, there is simply no money in it.

What are your "dream albums" that you want to hear in full for the first time? What equipment do you use to rip records?