General vinyl talk here.

Moderators: lazyben, static14, texasvinyl

By ghostfires
I might be moving states in the next few months due to a possible promotion, so already my brain has begun to worry about moving my vinyl collection. This won't be something where I can make multiple driving trips and bring them all myself. I probably won't be able to fit my entire vinyl collection into milk crates and safely transport them myself, soooo.....anyone here had any experience with moving a large vinyl collection from point A to point B with a great distance in-between? I am really afraid of allowing a moving team to transport them along with all our clothes, furniture, boxes, etc.

Any ideas on extremely safe ways of packing vinyl to be shipped in bulk like this? I have until probably January or February of next year before this happens, but I probably need to start prepping for moving something so important now!
By kochane
Staples sell the really useful plastic container range and the 35 litre XL is perfect for vinyl. Make sure you get the XL version though as it has the higher top to fit in 12s.

You may need a few though but never had any problem while moving house and can just put a bit of bubble wrap around the inside for extra security in case they fall over in the crate but as they are stackable it's unlikely.
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By hncreature
I did 13x13 squares...held about 70-80 Lps and got heavy...for moving but I moved them once and when someone else moved them they were supervised - A friend suggested the 12" Record Storage Box CORRUGATED CARDBOARD with the handles but at $10 a shot it could get expensive...try ebay for a bit cheaper...but then you'll need storage for your left over storage boxes -'s a vicious circle!
By brucechimp
Using a shipping a company should be fine. three and a half years ago I shipped my entire collection from the UK to Australia.Something in the region of 1500 lps and 1500 7"s. I packed them all myself though. parcelled the lps up into small packages, bookended in cardboard and wrapped securely in parcel paper (record mailers are also a good option). then just fitted them into gaps in the shipping boxes amongst all my other stuff. 7s got packed into photocopier boxes and packed amongst the other belongings. Everything was fine when it arrived. Although I did keep a stack of favourites and heavy hitters out and took them on the plane with with me!