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Re: the super-bubbly & extra-wet underwater thread...

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2017 10:36 am
by milliondollars
number 53 (Action & Tension & Space) is ONE of those ESSENTIAL libraries in my opinion. side A is high class tension & crime themes. sounds like the OST to your favourite spy movie. in fact the themes are so good, that one of them found its way on the accompanying 10" from the new Music Library book. after the crime stuff you get a smooth transition to space or below the water surface. wherever your imagination takes you. these cues have the underwater tag according to the describtion on back cover and you can clearly hear it: Tension I-II, Space Waltz, Galaxy Love, Galaxy Strings, Death Rays I-IV ... se/1958917


Re: the super-bubbly & extra-wet underwater thread...

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2017 11:12 am
by Mateo Sanboval
milliondollars wrote:^it's gone...
Probably some big jerk got it.

Re: the super-bubbly & extra-wet underwater thread...

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 6:58 am
by milliondollars
another insane Selected Sound and one that would make it to my top 5 (if i ever would make one). again the great Kovac is responsible for most of the compositions. this one sounds like a unreleased score to a vintage David Lynch movie that was never made, haha! the title says Night Drive and Strange World and it describes the music very well! record is divided in four different parts (Night Drive, Action Man, Birds And Fishes, Catacombs Of Cadbury) and i can't tell which one is the best. the one that fits in here is Birds And Fishes obviously. some of the cues sound a abstract and subaquatic sometimes but The Sea Was Too Deep is where it's at.

highly recommended record... ... se/2728363


Re: the super-bubbly & extra-wet underwater thread...

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 7:15 am
by milliondollars
had to play this one again. this record is absolutely bonkers and i probably don't have to tell much about it. to me the most outstanding percussion library record ever. just nuts!

many people do not connect this record with underwater music but the Subacquea cue is undeniable. somebody was kind enough to make a lovely youtube clip. i really enjoy this one a lot... ... se/3013734


Re: the super-bubbly & extra-wet underwater thread...

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 6:18 am
by milliondollars
one of the undisputed genuine underwater records is Sonic Waters by Michel Redolfi who seems to have been obsessed with making music below the water surface. according to the discogs entries he is active till today.

Sonic Waters is a really extraordinary vinyl artifact and i love the humankind for being courageous enough to release records like that. this 2LP experiment comes in a thick cardboard box and has lots of information about the music and the recording techniques. the music itself is beautiful ambient, haunting and partly exotic. Redolfi must have been very proud and has added a nice postcard with him underwater. what a nice mermaid he was, haha! overall, a crazy package and it must have been hard to distribute these kind of records in 1984. i wonder how many of these were made.

Redolfi = crazy horse - no doubt... ... ase/306934





Re: the super-bubbly & extra-wet underwater thread...

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 5:51 am
by milliondollars
there are some great subaquatic tunes spread over the whole Flash Resonance series on Charles Talar Records. i can't recommend this series enough if you dig the marvellous melancholy vibes that [Tangerine] Dreams are made of.

Dreaming In The Sky is composed by Alan Feanch. it is one fine representative and gives you an idea what to expect from the rest of the series. if you don't hear the underwater vibes on tunes like Submarine Flower, Aquatic Time and Mysterious Sea you probably have too much sea-weed in your ear canal from your last diving trip to Atlantis... ... se/2816970


Re: the super-bubbly & extra-wet underwater thread...

Posted: Tue Apr 18, 2017 9:45 am
by Dollarhyde
I love the track mont saint-michel bay on that record. Will hopefully get a copy one day.
Totally agree this series is underrated,a future classic maybe? In the library world at least.

Re: the super-bubbly & extra-wet underwater thread...

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 6:18 am
by milliondollars
@Dollarhyde: this series is so nice. you get so much value for your money. the thing that attracts aboug Flash Resonance is that every single record is absolutely unpredictable. can't recommend these enough...

Re: the super-bubbly & extra-wet underwater thread...

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2017 6:26 am
by milliondollars
next one in the row is News Flash 2 by Ted Atking, a pseodonym by the french composer Pierre Dutour who left his mark on several french library labels. again, this record is totally unpredictable and has some stand out moments. there is one underwater cue by the name Water Music hidden between all the other ambient proto techno and synth madness tunes. somebody must have been imperssed by this tune and has published it on youtube.... ... se/6370503


Re: the super-bubbly & extra-wet underwater thread...

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 5:43 am
by milliondollars
another interesting title from the series, this time with compositions by Ted Atking and Alan Feanch. from libraries with the titles Kaleidoscope , merry-go-round or carousel you usually get a mixed bag full of different styles which is the same case with this record. some of the compositions are not for me but on the other hand there are a lot of stand out cues which i think are great. the mandatory underwater title is called Water Transparency... ... se/1613588


Re: the super-bubbly & extra-wet underwater thread...

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 10:16 am
by Mateo Sanboval
That's a damn fine song.

Re: the super-bubbly & extra-wet underwater thread...

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 5:23 am
by milliondollars
@Mateo: that's damn right...

Re: the super-bubbly & extra-wet underwater thread...

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 5:32 am
by milliondollars
here is another one which i count to my favourite Flash Resonance records, composed by the two frenchmen Christian Chevallier and Alan Feanch. like most of them, they contain a good dose of melancholy ambience.

both composers contributed one underwater song to this one:Azure Infinite and Ocean Bed ... se/1000356


Re: the super-bubbly & extra-wet underwater thread...

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 7:44 am
by milliondollars
the subaquatic hustle continues with Chevallier's Atmosphere, which is the bubbliest of them all and my favourite Flash Resonance for sure. according to song titles Neptune Grot, Depth Flower and Sea Cathedral are the underwater tunes on this record. i think the whole record has a nice underwater feel though...

like many great libraries, this one has been uploaded on youtube in full lenght. thanks to the uploader! ... se/1205588


Re: the super-bubbly & extra-wet underwater thread...

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 5:44 am
by milliondollars
another nice Flash Resonance is World Explorers. another one where the usual suspects Feanch and Atking are involved. another one that hides one little underwater cue by the name of Neptun Adventures. don't know if Neptune is the planet or the god. doesn't matter as it sounds bubbly anyway... ... se/1850275


Re: the super-bubbly & extra-wet underwater thread...

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 6:28 am
by Mateo Sanboval
With a cover like that, it has to be an aquatic reference...doesn't it?

Re: the super-bubbly & extra-wet underwater thread...

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 9:00 am
by milliondollars
another nice underwater cue is hiding on the Wild Flower volume by Cecil Wary & Alan Feanch. really good one from the Flash Resonance series. the one you look after is Nautilus Adventures. easy ambient stuff for your soul... ... ase/947642


Re: the super-bubbly & extra-wet underwater thread...

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 9:55 pm
by Mateo Sanboval
I listened to this tune several times last night. In the dark. With headphones. Obviously.

Re: the super-bubbly & extra-wet underwater thread...

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 6:21 am
by milliondollars
@Mateo: you liked it? i think it's great. will post the last three subaquatic related Flash Resonance records soon...

Re: the super-bubbly & extra-wet underwater thread...

Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 10:12 am
by Mateo Sanboval
milliondollars wrote:@Mateo: you liked it? i think it's great. will post the last three subaquatic related Flash Resonance records soon...
I did indeed. Very much so in fact. I often find myself checking out the YouTube clips you post and wishing the songs were longer, but 'tis the way wth the Library genre. And better to leave 'em wanting than the alternative.

Re: the super-bubbly & extra-wet underwater thread...

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 6:28 am
by milliondollars
the Space Dream record by Alan Feanch is another great title from the Flash Resonance series. like the title already tells space (and other celestial circumstances) is the place. again, many of these tunes sound subaquatic but Submariner Meditation is the undeniable one on this record. really like the dreamy atmosphere that it creates. the good thing is that one will satisfy even Mateo because it lasts for more than 4 minutes, haha! ... se/1659830


Re: the super-bubbly & extra-wet underwater thread...

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 5:50 am
by milliondollars
one of the best from the Flash Resonance series. this would make it to my top 3 if i would ever do one, haha!

Space Resonances combines the work from the french library masters Christian Chevallier and Alan Feanch and it is absolutely stunning. super mellow and melancholy ambient music that never gets boring. i played that one five times in a row last time. as many times the space and underwater topic get mixed together which you can clearly hear on Space Nautilus. even the song title fits perfectly. Bermudes Mystery is another one that qualifies but to me the whole record has that particular underwater vibe.

something that makes the record very special is that the cover is showing a close-up picture of the world trade center that got destroyed in 2001. this fact makes it a uncomfortable but very important witness of a past time period... ... se/3209065




Re: the super-bubbly & extra-wet underwater thread...

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 9:46 pm
by Mateo Sanboval
^^Hot fire.

Re: the super-bubbly & extra-wet underwater thread...

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2017 5:36 am
by milliondollars
i could not believe my eyes when i saw the Sonor announcement on reissuing this odd micropress record. it is a great record and for nerds like us it's pure gold but i can't imagine they can move a few hundred of these even if i wish they could. let's hope for the best...

there is some serious underwater business going on and it is recommended to anyone who likes all these obscure italian records like Biologia Marina and Ittiologia. the record is kind of rare and it was produced by the great Amedeo Tommasi in 1972 and supposed to be used for a documentary called......'Il Mare' (what else? haha!). most likely it was never used though...

anyway, this is a record that needs to be mentioned in this thread. ... se/8074667

Re: the super-bubbly & extra-wet underwater thread...

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2017 10:30 pm
by Dollarhyde
Thought this would be a suitable addition to this thread.
An underwater anime OST loosely based on 20'000 leagues under the sea. ... e/11034944

Some killer Jazz funk on here from Hiromasa Suzuki, will post clips if/when I rip it.

Also captain Nemo looks like such a bad ass.