Talk about films scores here.

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By Hatter313
I'd love getting more score here as well besides those few Reds track and the Rubini pice, but a gather there's only about 28 minutes of score from Reds anyway and not all used. besides those songs are too important to the album as well.

Waxwork seems like the ace fit for this, especially with their cult films line up coming out soon. give us some neon green "Dollarhyde" and some romantic blue "Graham" variants.

and while we are on the subject, could somebody, anybody, get us The Keep.

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By tonyandrewgiles
It would be cool if someone re released it...
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By Dollarhyde
It's a very cobbled together soundtrack imo but there are some some killer tunes on it. I Always wondered/hoped there was a load of unreleased rubini material out there somewhere.

Would totally buy a quality reissue though.

Imo I don't think it would fit into waxworks catalogue, but I would love to see how they would tackle the artwork.
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By Hatter313
Dollarhyde, are you a fan? ;) couldn't tell haha
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By Dollarhyde

I'm an Avid Fan ;)

Bloody love that film!
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By Dollarhyde

Noonan is so good in that role.

Im slowly gonna start watching other noonan related movies. I've seen house of the devil, I think robocop 2 will be next.